UPSC Enforcement Officer/ Accounts Officer Online Form 2020
UPSC Advt No 51/2020 – Apply Online for 421 Enforcement Officer/ Accounts Officer Vacancy
Name of the Post: UPSC Enforcement Officer/ Accounts Officer Online Form 2020
Total Vacancy: 421
Brief Information: Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has given an employment notification for the recruitment of Enforcement Officer/ Accounts Officer, Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation, Ministry of Labour. Those Candidates who are Interested to the following vacancy and completed all Eligibility Criteria can read the notification & apply online.
Union Public Service Commission (UPSC)
Advt No. 51/2020
Enforcement Officer/ Accounts Officer Vacancies 2020
Application Fee
- For General: 25/-
- For SC/ST/ PH/ Women candidates of any Community: Nil
- Payment Mode:Online/ Offline
Important Dates
- Last Date to Apply Online:31-01-2020
- Last Date for Printing of Completely Submitted Online Application:01-02-2020
- Date for Exam/ Interview: 04-10-2020
Age Limit
- Age Limit: 30 Years
- Age relaxation is applicable as per rules
- Candidates should possess Bachelor’s degree in any subject.PROBATION : Two years. f) A pen & paper based Recruitment Test (RT) to short-list the candidates for Interview for recruitment to the posts of Enforcement Officers/Accounts Officers
(Item Nos. 1 above) shall be conducted by the Commission on 04.10.2020.
Scheme and syllabus for the Recruitment Test (RT) for the posts of Enforcement Officers/Accounts Officers (Item Nos. 1 above) is as under:-
- Scheme of the RT:
(i) The test will be of two hours duration
(ii) All questions will carry equal marks.
(iii) The test will be objective type questions with multiple choices of answer.
(iv) The medium of the test will be both Hindi and English.
(v) There will be penalty for wrong answers.
Every wrong answer will carry a deduction of one-third of the marks assigned to that question. If no answer is marked for a question, there will be no penalty for that question.
- Syllabus of the RT: The syllabus of the Test broadly comprises the following topics :-
- i) General English- To evaluate candidate’s understanding of English language & workman – like use of words.
- ii) Indian Freedom Struggle.
- ii) Current Events and Developmental Issues.
- iv) Indian Polity & Economy.
- v) General Accounting Principles.
- vi) Industrial Relations & Labour Laws.
vii) General Science & knowledge of Computer applications.
iii) General Mental Ability & Quantitative Aptitude.
- ix) Social Security in India.
Weightage: Recruitment Test (RT) and Interview carry weightage in the ratio of 75:25 for the candidates shortlisted based on Recruitment Test (RT) and qualify in the interview.