- Generally the number of vaccinations are …….. to get complete immunity
(a) 2 to 3 (b) 2 only
(c) 3 only (d) 4 only
- The cells which produce the antibodies by stimulating the B–cells are known as
(a) Killer B–cells (b) Helper B–cells
(c) Helper T–cells (d) Antibodies
- In some children similar disease does not appear due to the presence of
(a) T–cells immune system
(b) B–cells immune system
(c) Memory cells
(d) Phagocyte–antigen reactions
- The dead bacteria and pus formation in the wounded region is known as
(a) Inflammatory response (b) Immune response
(c) Immune reaction (d) Phagocytic response
- The substances controlling the allergic reaction are called
(a) Histamine substances
(b) Anti–inflammatory substances
(c) Inflammatory substances
(d) Anti–histamine substances
- The quantity which is required to cause a disease in an organism is known as
(a) Infectation dose (b) Infective dose
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) Threshold dose
- Vaccination against small pox means the introduction into our body, of [CPMT 1981; MP PMT 1996]
(a) Leucocytes obtained from animal
(b) Antibodies produced in other animals
(c) Antibodies
(d) Actual weakened germs or attenuated small pox virus
- Suspension of killed or attenuated pathogenic micro-organisms on inoculation if stimulate the formation of antibodies, it is known as [MP PMT 1994]
(a) Vaccine (b) Antibiotic
(c) Sera (d) Antitoxins
- Which of the following is a correct statement
(a) B–cells directly engulf the pathogenic bacteria
(b) B–cells produce antibodies soon after they are formed
(c) B–cells produce a large clone of plasma cells soon after it is formed
- The B–cells produce the plasma cells only after they are triggered by a specific antigen
- What is introduced in polio vaccination [MP PMT 1995]
(a) Antibodies (b) Antigen
(c) Antibiotics (d) Bacteriostatic agent
- Inflammatory response in allergy is caused by the release of one of the following by mast cells
[MP PMT 1997; AIIMS 1999]
(a) Histamines (b) Antibodies
(c) Antigen (d) None of them
- Passive immunity is defined as immunity [AIIMS 1998]
(a) Inherited from the parents
(b) Achieved through vaccination
(c) Acquired through first exposure to the disease
(d) Achieved through the sera of other animals enriched in antibodies
- Which of the following organs is not involved in the elicitation of immune response [CPMT 2004]
(a) Brain (b) Lymph nodes
(c) Spleen (d) Thymus
- Which one of the following statements pertaining to pollutants is correct [AIIMS 2005]
(a) DDT is non biodegradable pollutant
(b) Excess fluoride in drinking water causes ostenporosis
(c) Excess cadmium in drinking water causes black foot disease
(d) Methylmercury in water may cause “Itai Itai” disease
- The treatment of snake-bite by antivenine is an example of
[AIIMS 2004]
(a) Artificially acquired active immunity
(b) Artificially acquired passive immunity
(c) Naturally acquired passive
(d) Specific natural immunity
1 | a | 2 | c | 3 | c | 4 | d | 5 | d |
6 | b | 7 | d | 8 | a | 9 | b | 10 | b |
11 | a | 12 | d | 13 | a | 14 | d | 15 | b |