The Living World MCQ
- Geologically one of the following eras is known as “Golden age of Reptiles” or “Golden age of Dinosaurs”
[BHU 1988; CMC Vellore 1993; CPMT 1994, 2003; CBSE PMT 2002; Kerala CET 2003; Pb. PMT 2000]
(a) Mesozoic (b) Cenozoic
(c) Palaeozoic (d) None of the above
- The rate of evolution is zero
(a) If gene frequency changes
(b) If gene frequency does not change
(c) If the population is large
(d) If population remains stationary
- Species diversity generally increases as one proceeds from
[CBSE PMT 1994]
(a) Low altitude to high altitude, and from low latitudes to high latitudes
(b) High altitude to low altitude, and from low latitudes to high latitudes
(c) High altitude to low altitude, and from high latitudes to low latitudes
(d) Low altitude to high altitude, and from high latitudes to low latitudes
- Which of the following are homologous [CPMT 1987]
(a) Wings of butterfly, wings of flying fish and wings of bird
(b) Tail of scorption, tail of bird and tail of monkey
(c) Sting of honey bee, sting of scorpion and poison fangs of snakes
(d) Paddles of whale, front legs of horse and arms of man
- To be evolution of successful, a mutation must occur in
(a) Germplasm DNA (b) Somatoplasm DNA
(c) RNA (d) Cytoplasm
- Vestigial organs in human are about
(a) 8 (b) 80
(c) 100 (d) 108
- In case of evolution which of the following statement is not correct [Orissa PMT 2002]
(a) Fossilized animals provide important information to trace evolution
(b) Wing of birds and forelimbs of cows are homologous
(c) In higher animals early development stages are similar
(d) Variation among individuals are not important in natural selection
- The skull of Pithecanthropus was found in [CPMT 1981, 90]
(a) Africa (b) Java
(c) America (d) All
- Cultivation of fishes, oysters, shrimps and crabs come under
[CBSE PMT 1992; Haryana PMT 1995]
(a) Sericulture (b) Aquaculture
(c) Silviculture (d) Pisciculture
- What is ethnobotany [CPMT 1998]
(a) Relationship between primitive plants and people
(b) Study of traditional plantlore, plant use, etc.
(c) Cultivation of flower yielding plants
(d) Study of soil
- ‘Father of Modern Botany’ is [BCECE 1999]
(a) Pasteur (b) Bauhin
(c) Brunfels (d) Theophrastus
- Chitin is chemically a polymer of [Uttaranchal PMT 2001]
(a) N-acetyl gluconic aicd (b) N-acetyl glucosamine
(c) N-acetyl muramic acid (d) None of these
- Homeostasis is [CBSE PMT 1991]
(a) Disturbance in regulatory control
(b) Tendency to resist internal changes
(c) Plant and animal extracts used in homeopathy
(d) A tendency to change with change in environment
- Bacteriophage is similar to fungus [CMC Vellore 1993]
(a) In having DNA as genetic material
(b) In having RNA as genetic material
(c) In mode of reproduction
(d) In having cell wall
- Interferon is a [CBSE PMT 2000; BHU 2003]
(a) Low molecular weight protein which inhibits viral multiplication
(b) RNA used for DNA synthesis
(c) Protein used for the transportation of oxygen
(d) Protein inhibits DNA synthesis
- Thanatology is the science that deals with [AIIMS 2003]
(a) Detection of lie (b) Identification of living
(c) Death in all aspects (d) Solving paternity of child
- What is the purest form of matter that cannot be separated into different substances by chemical means
(a) Electrons (b) Molecules
(c) Elements (d) Compounds
- PF2 and M12 phages are
(a) Virulent type (b) Avirulent type
(c) Intermediate type (d) None of these
- Which one of the following enzymes is present in the bacteriophage [MP PMT 1996]
(a) Protease (b) Lysozyme
(c) Succinic dehydrogenase (d) Urease
- What type of energy is needed to make up the loss of energy in a cell
(a) Free energy (b) Heat energy
(c) Rotational energy (d) Vibrational energy
- Maximum efficiency of a system in which rate of input of energy equals the output is called
(a) Open system (b) Steady state
(c) Closed system (d) Isolated system
- An antiviral substance known to prevent the synthesis of new virus in the cell is known as
[AIIMS 1992; JIPMER 1993; CBSE PMT 2001; BHU 2003]
(a) Transferons (b) Antibody
(c) Interferon (d) Inferon
- AIDS virus contains or Human immuno deficiency (HIV) virus has protein coat and genetic material which is
[BHU 1988, 89; CBSE PMT 1998; AIIMS 2000]
(a) Single stranded RNA with protein
(b) Double stranded RNA
(c) Single stranded DNA with protein
(d) Double stranded DNA
- Which of the following has doubtful biological status
(a) Virus (b) Viroid
(c) Prion (d) All the above
- Which one of the following enzymes is present in the bacteriophage [MP PMT 1996]
(a) Protease (b) Lysozyme
(c) Succinic dehydrogenase (d) Urease
1 | a | 2 | d | 3 | c | 4 | d | 5 | a |
6 | c | 7 | d | 8 | b | 9 | b | 10 | b |
11 | b | 12 | b | 13 | b | 14 | a | 15 | a |
16 | c | 17 | c | 18 | c | 19 | b | 20 | a |
21 | b | 22 | c | 23 | a | 24 | d | 25 | b |
- (c) The environmental conditions in these region are favourable and hence species have become diversified.
- (a) The mutations which occur in germplasm DNA are heritable and natural selection becomes active over such mutations.
- (d) Since variations, which help the organisms in adaptations, are selected by nature and form the basis of evolution.
- (b) Its fossils (some teeth, skull cap and femur bone) were found in 1891 by a Dutch anatomist, Eugene Dubois on the bank of Solo river in Eastern Java.
- (b) Cultivation of fishes, oysters, shrimps and crabs come under aquaculture.
- (b) The swiss botanist casper Bauhin (1560-1634) introduced the modern botanical plant names. He described some 6000 plants known to him in 1623.
- (c) Gr. thanatos, death. Thanatology is the scientific study of death. Care or psychological therapy for the dying.
- (c) An element is the simplest form of matter which cannot be split into two or more simpler substances by ordinary chemical methods because an element is formed of only one type of atom.
- (a) Gibbs change in free energy is that portion of the total energy change in a system that is available for doing work i.e. free energy is the useful energy in a system.
- (b) A steady state is a state of maximum efficiency which the rate of input of matter and energy is equal to that of output.
- (c) Interferon : During infection of viruses on human cells, a protein having 270 amino acids is synthesized known as interferon. This protein helps in developing defence mechanism against the same virus or others also.
- (a) HIV virus is a retrovirus which contains single stranded RNA surrounded by protein coat (core shell) as genetic material. It causes AIDS.
- (d) Because in viruses, viroides and in prions neither they have cytoplasm nor any enzyme so their biological nature is ambiguous.
- (b) In bacteriophage, enzyme lysozyme helps at the time of dissolving host wall.