Why we study Civil services aptitude test We must first understand the meaning of the word ‘aptitude’ before understanding the objectives of the civil services aptitude test. The dictionary meaning of the word aptitude are capability, ability, innate or acquired …
BEST CAMPUS PLACEMENT COACHING CENTRES AND CLASSES IN MOHALI CHANDIGARH PANCHKULA PUNJAB HARYANA What is Campus Recruitment? The IT industry has seen stupendous growth during the last decade. It employed around five lakh employees in 1999 and today, it …
COMBINED GRADUATE LEVEL EXAMINATION, 2013 (TIER – I) TO BE HELD ON 21.04.2013 download your admit card – http://www.sscnwr.org/cgl_tier_1_2013.php (138)
English (Error Spotting) Directions (1-6): In each sentence below four word lettered (1), (2), (3) and (4) have been printed in bold type. One of which may be either inappropriate in the context of the sentence or wrongly spelt. The letter …
INTERVIEW QUESTIONS Since there are no fixed rules in an interview, you should be prepared to face any eventuality. However, there are some standard questions that panels pose to the students in order to assess a variety of personal traits, …
MAT|MET (MANAGEMENT APTITUDE TEST) Last Date For sale of Forms 14 November 2012 (Wednesday) Last Date for submission of filled in Registration Forms at AIMA, New Delhi 17 November 2012 (Saturday) Last Date For Online Registration 14 November 2012 …