SBI PO Exam Pattern & syllabus
SBI PO Exam Pattern
The SBI PO selection process consists of 3 stages. The written examinations are conducted online, followed by an interview round. The structure of exams is as follows:
Phase-1: SBI PO Preliminary Examination
This is an online examination where the candidates must solve the question paper in one 1 hour for 100 marks. The test consists of 3 sections. Candidates must know that the sectional cut-off in the Preliminary Exam has been removed and the overall score of all the sections will be considered for selection to the next round.. The cut-off or minimum passing marks for each section is decided by the Bank each year depending on the difficult of the test. The section-wise division of the marks is given below:
Name of Tests(Objective)
No. of Questions
Maximum Marks
English Language
20 Minutes
Numerical Ability
20 Minutes
Reasoning Ability
20 Minutes
1 Hour
SBI PO Syllabus
While SBI issues only the broad subjects, they can be further subdivided into individual topics, based on the questions that have appeared in the exams over the past few years.
SBI PO Pre Exam Syllabus
English Language
Numerical Ability
Reasoning Ability
Reading Comprehension
Number Series
Puzzle and Arrangements
Cloze Test
Simplification/ Approximation
Quadratic Equations
Spotting Errors
Data Interpretation
Coding – Decoding
Sentence Improvement
Blood Relations
Fill in the Blanks
Direction senseg
Order and Ranking
SBI PO Eligibility Criteria
The candidate must fulfill the following two criteria to be eligible for the SBI PO Exam:
• Age Limit: The candidate must be 21 Years to 30 Years
• Educational Qualification: The candidate must be a graduate in any discipline from a recognized University or any equivalent qualification recognized as such by the Central Government. Those who are in the Final year/Semester of their Graduation may also apply provisionally subject to the condition.
SBI PO Selection Procedure: Important Points
The candidates should keep in mind the following points related to the SBI PO selection process:
• Biometric Verification: To ensure an error-free and secure selection procedure for SBI PO, the bank may digitally capture the thumb impression of the candidate. This is done to verify the genuineness of the candidates. Any inconsistency in the biometric verification will lead to rejection of the candidature and punitive legal actions. Candidates are thus advised not to apply any kind of external matter like ink, mehandi, chemical etc. on their hands.
• Number of Attempts: The maximum number of chances are fixed for each category. Candidates who have used up all the chances are not eligible to apply. Appearing in Preliminary Exam is not counted as an attempt but appearing in Mains Exam is counted.
Number of Chances
General (PWD)
No restriction
SBI PO Admit Card & Call Letter
Candidates must download the SBI PO 2018 admit card from the official website of the bank as the hard copy of the SBI PO Admit Card will not be sent to the candidate via post. To login on the official website, the candidates will require the following:
• Registration No/Roll No
• Date of Birth/ Password
The admit card or call letter for SBI PO will be issued in 3 phases:
• Online Preliminary Examination
• Online Mains Examination
• Group Exercise and Interview
SBI PO Results
All results pertaining to SBI PO will be made available on the official website of State bank of India, the governing body for the SBI PO exam.