SBI PO 2014: Computer Quiz
SBI PO 2014: Computer Quiz (2 june 2014)
Q1. What’s a web browser?
(1) A kind of spider
(2) A computer that stores WWW files
(3) A person who likes to look at websites
(4) A software program that allows you to access sites on the World Wide Web
Q2. is an example of what?
(1) A URL
(2) An access code
(3) A directory
(4) A server
Q3. To recover files from a backup, you perform a __________.
(1) restore
(2) scan
(3) unerase
(4) copy
(5) None of these
Q4. The shortcut key to switch between different application is:
(1) Alt+F1
(2) Alt+Tab
(3) Shift +Tab
(4) Ctrl + Tab
(5) None of these
Q5. Which of following terms is associated with high – speed connection?
(1) TCP/IP
(2) Dial-up access
(3) Ethernet
(4) Broadband
(5) None of these
Q6. We can save our favourite website in a browser as :
(1) Favourite
(2) save
(3) Bookmark
(4) Both 1& 3
(5) None of these
Q7. Which of the following is non-impact printer?
(1) Drum printer
(2) Line printer
(3) Chain printer
(4) Laser printer
(5) None of these
Q8. In the binary language, each letter of the alphabet, each number and each special character is made up of a unique combination of:
(1) eight bits
(2) 1 or 2 binary number
(3) eight characters
(4) eight bytes
(5) None of these
Q9. The color of an object is an example of a(n) __________.
(1) attribute
(2) detail
(3) listing
(4) specification
(5) None of these
Q10. If configured correctly, the __________ will prevent interaction with your computer after a specified time period.
(1) firewall
(2) filter
(3) screen saver
(4) popup blocker
(5) virus
Q11. Multimedia can contain:
(1) graphics, animation, video, music and voice
(2) only numeric-type data
(3) only numeric, text and picture data
(4) database that in turn contain other database, creating massive data collection
(5) None of these
Q12. The computer size was very large in:
(1) First Generation
(2) Second Generation
(3) Third Generation
(4) Fourth Generation
(5) Fifth Generation
Q13. What do you call a computer on a network that requests files from another computer?
(1) A client
(2) A host
(3) A router
(4) A web server
Q14. Which operation is not performed by computer:
(1) Inputting
(2) Processing
(3) Controlling
(4) Understanding
(5) None of these
Q15. Soft copy refers to:
(1) Music sounds
(2) Screen output
(3) Printed output
(4) Digitizing
(5) None of these
Q16. The small, touch-sensitive screen at the base of the keyboard on a laptop is known as the:
(1) stylus.
(2) touchpad.
(3) game control.
(4) trackball.
Q17. What is not always necessary for accessing the Web?
(1) A Web browser
(2) A connection to an Internet Access Provider
(3) A computer
(4) A modem
Q18. The most common keyboard uses the ____________ layout.
(1) Dvorak
(2) numeric
(4) alpha
Q19. Computers calculate numbers in what mode?
(1) Decimal
(2) Octal
(3) Binary
(4) None of the above
Q20. Hardware devices that are not part of the main computer system and are often added later to the system. They are called
(1) Peripheral
(2) Clip art
(3) Highlight
(4) Execute
1. 4 11. 1
2. 1 12. 1
3. 1 13. 1
4. 2 14. 4
5. 4 15. 2
6. 4 16. 2
7. 4 17. 4
8. 1 18. 3
9. 1 19. 3
10. 3 20. 1