Directions-Aarti, Priya, Riya, Garima, sudha, Shilpa and Bharti are sitting in a row facing towards south. Riyais sitting to the immediate right of Aarti. Sudha and Bharti retain the neighbouring spots of the middle spot. Priya and Aarti are at the ends, Shilpa sits to the immediate left of Priya.
1. How many girls are sitting between Aarti and Sudha ?
1) Zero 2) One 3) Two 4) Can’t be determined 5) None of these
Directions (Q. 2 –5): In each of the questions given bellow, which one of the five answer figure on the right should come after problem figures on the left, if sequence were continued :
7. Coal India Ltd. (CIL) closed last fiscal with a production of 462.5 million tonnes which was 19.5 million tonnes off the target set for 2013–14. Which of the following can be a strong argument in favour of CIL ?
1) CIL, growth rate stood at 2.3 percent, at least two of its seven coal– production subsidiaries showed a drop in production.
2) CIL, chairman said that the company would go all out to touch the half a billion mark in production this years.
3) Enquiries revealed that five million tonnes of production was lost due to cyclone phailin, another 6million tonnes were lost due to law and orders problems or sudden bandh called by Maoists in Jharkhand where central Mah anadi Coal field is based.
4) The Eastern region companies which is still in the fold of BIFR have bettered the performance of their parent company.
5) None of these
8. The RBI approved the two applicants, IDFC and Kolkata based Bandhan financial services private limited to set up banks. These licenses would be issued under the guidelines on licensing of new banks in the private sector. Which of the following may be consequences of the given information ?
1) It will pave the way for more entities to lone forward and expands the banking network.
2) The new banks will reach to embanked areas and provided financial services
3) The bank will offer full fledged banking services to the poor people.
4) The IDFC and the Bandhan financial services private limited will give a tough fight to its competitors in rural and urban areas.
5) All of these
9. Read the following information carefully and answer the given question : Axis Bank on the occasion of its 20th anniversary announced the launch of ‘Asha Home loan’ a 30 years home loan product for first time home buyers in the lower income segment, seeking affordable EMIs. Which of the following may be a consequences of the given information ?
1) The home loans are for customers with family incomes of `8,000 – 10,000 a month and above.
2) Customers can pool their family income instead of depending on their individual income only.
3) The product offers loans up to `15 lakh in small towns and up to `25 lakh in larger town.
4) The ‘Asha Home Loan’ scheme is one of the best schemes offered by private sector bank and the people having low income group can easily avail the scheme. The bank will offer up to 90 percent of the market value of the property.
5) None of these
10. SBI had extended the date of the special interest rates on home loan for women borrowers till further notice ? Which of the following can be an assumption according to the given information ? (An assumption is something that is supposed or taken for granted.)
1) The bank has received overwhelming response across the country and therefore it has decided to extend the special rates beyond March, 31, 2014.
2) The interest rates on home loans for women up to `75 lakh is 10 % and above `75 Lakh is 10.25 per cent.
3) Very few banks provide this kind of scheme for women.
4) The interest rates were reduced to gain an add on advantage over its competitors.
5) None of these
Directions (Q. 11 –): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions : Eight friends A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are sitting in a round circle facing inside and outside of centre. Four of them facing inside and four outside. All having favourite colours viz. pink, blue, red, green, yellow, white, violet and orange. A is sitting second left of C who is facing the centre. F is facing outside the centre and sitting third left of person whose favourite colour is red. Person having favourite colour green and violet are the neighbour of C. G is facing the centre and his favourite colour is pink. The person having favourite colour yellow facing outside the centre. The person who is facing H sitting outside the centre. B favourite colour is green and facing outside the centre and he is sitting third to left of D. A favourite colour is red.
11.Whose favourite colour is orange ?
1) A 2) B 3) D 4) C 5) E
12.Who are person facing outside the centre ?
1) F, B, C, H 2) B, E, D, F 3) A, C, B, G 4) G, F, B, H 5) F, B, H, E
13.Which of the following combination is true according to the given information ?
1) G – pink 2) B – orange 3) D – yellow 4) H – red 5) F – green
14.Who is the person sitting opposite to D ?
1) B 2) C 3) H 4) A 5) E
15.What are the favourite colour of G and D ?
1) Blue and white 2) Green and pink 3) White and pink 4) Violet and red 5) None of these
Answers :-
1.4; Since the positon of Sudha is not certain, a solution cannot be reached.
2. 4 3.5 4.1 5.1 6.3 7.3 8.5 9.4 10.1 11.4 12.5 13.1 14.2 15.3
Tag:reasoning test