Quiz on All Sections
Directions (1-5): These questions are based on the following information.
Sanjay asks Michael to select 6 colours from 10 different type –blue, red, green, black, white, orange, pink, purple, yellow, violet. Sanjay laid down certain conditions for Michael, as mentioned below.
(I) If Michel selects orange then he can’t select white.
(II) If Michel selects blue then he must select pink also, vice versa.
(III) If Michel selects white, then he must select green, and vice versa.
(IV) At most one of purple and black is selected.
1. If Michael selects the orange then he must select which colour?
(1) Pink
(2) Green
(3) Purple
(4) Black
(5) None of these
2. If Michael dose not select red and yellow then which colour he must not select?
(1) Pink
(2) Blue
(3) White
(4) None of these
(5) All of these
3. If Michael selects the black then which colour he can’t select?
(1) Purple
(2) Blue
(3) White
(4) Red
(5) None of these
4. If white and pink are not selected then which of the following colours must not be selected?
(1) Yellow
(2) Violet
(3) Red
(4) Blue
(5) None of these
5. If Michael selects pink then he must select which colour?
(1) Violet
(2) Black
(3) White
(4) None of these
(5) All of these
Directions (6-10): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.
There are certain number of students studying in a school. In a survey it is found that 45.6% of total number of students like tea. 12.8% of total number of students like cold drink. 84.4% of total number of students like milk. 7% of students do not like any drink. 3.6% students like tea and cold drink. 10.2% of total students like cold drink and milk. 38.6% of total students like tea and milk. 2.6% students like all three drinks. If number of students who do not like any drinks is 35.
6. What is the number of students who like only milk?
(1) 204 (2) 180 (3) 193 (4) 191 (5) None of these
7. What is the number of students who like tea and cold drink but don’t like milk?
(1) 5 (2) 8 (3) 13 (4) 12 (5) None of these
8. What is the number of students who like exactly two drinks out of the given three options?
(1) 221 (2) 223 (3) 227 (4) 229 (5) 231
9. What is the number of students who like at least one drink?
(1) 455 (2) 465 (3) 475 (4) 485 (5) 500
10. What is the number of students who like at least two drinks?
(1) 232 (2) 234 (3) 236 (4) 238 (5) 240
11. .com is used for which types of websites?
1) Education
2) Canada
3) Corporate domain in India
4) Commercial
5) None of these
12. The numerical digits, alphabet and symbols which are used in verification for the security purpose is known in technical language____.
1) verification code
2) candidate identification
3) password
4) captcha
5) None of these
13. Who is the father of Networking?
1) George Stibitz
2) JCR Licklider
3) Thomas Mesill
4) Lawrence G. Robert
5) Ray Noorda
14. ‘JPG stands for-
1) Joint picture gaps
2) Joint picture group
3) Joint picture expert group
4) Joint power group
5) None of these
15. Stylus is –
1) Output device
2) Memory card
3) Accerrories
4) Pointing device
5) None of these
Direction (16-20): – Each question below has two blanks, each blanks indicating that something has been omitted . choose the set of words for each blank which best fits the meaning of the sentences as a whole.
16. To achieve inclusive ———— India will need to implement both, health and education reforms with ______ vigour.
(1) financial, same
(2) standard , force
(3) context , timely
(4) growth, equal
(5) tag , similar
17. Agriculture sector can be a _____driver of taking banking service to the ________.
(1) import , other
(2) key , poor
(3) good , limited
(4) essential , masses
(5) properly , village
18. The self help group ______ the Micro Finance institution are the _______popular vehicles of taking Micro Finance to the rural hinterland.
(1) also , really
(2) always , very
(3) with , great
(4) and, most
(5) addition , so
19. In the _________run, those who suffer hardships merge stronger than the ones who take things _______.
(1) last , simple
(2) long , easily
(3) end , joking
(4) end , casually
(5) fore, seriously
20. ________domestic as well as international environment, calls for _______ revamping of polices.
(1) Dynamise , constant
(2) New, always
(3) changing , continuous
(4) Diversity , real
(5) conversion , some .
21. Seeking to boost manufacturing sector, Govt. has extended the benefits of the NMP throughout the country wherever industry can organise itself into clusters and adopt a selfregulatory model. What does NMP stand for?
1) National Marketing Policy
2) National Manufacturing Policy
3) National Maintenance Policy
4) National Manufacturing Practice
5) National Manufacturing Promotion
22. Which combined military training exercise “Yudh Abhyas 2014” has been conducted in the foothills of Himalayas of Chaubattia in Uttarakhand from September 17 to 30, under the aegis of Garud Division/ Surya Command?
1) Indo-US
3) Indo-Pak
4) Indo-UAE
5) Indo-Aus
23. As per the new rules formed by the Govt. aimed at checking political interference, officers of the three premier services IAS, IPS and IFS will now spend at least what time in each posting?
1) One year
2) Two years
3) Three years
4) Four years
5) Five years
24. In a step towards better management of its borrowings, the central govt. has prepared PDMA Bill. Consider the following with respect to PDMA:
(A) PDMA is acronym for Public Debt Management Agency.
(B) The proposed agency will be established as a statutory body.
(C) It is expected to take away the borrowing task from the RBI.
Which of the above statements is/ are correct?
1) Only (A)
2) Only (B)
3) Only (C)
4) Only (A) and (B)
5) Only (A) and (C)
25. According to the Sixth Economic Census 2013 released on 9 September 2014, the highest percentage of hired workers in India is present in which State?
1) AP
2) MP
3) Arunachal Pradesh
4) Odisha
5) Assam
Solutions (1-5):
If he selects
1. Orange (–) White
2. Blue (+) Pink or Pink + Blue
3. White (+) Green or Green + White
4. Either Purple or Black.
(–) means not selected
(+) means selected
1. 1;
Orange – White
– White – Green
Here, White and Green are not selected.
Also exactly one out of Purple or Black is not selected.
So to select 6 colours he will select:
Orange, Pink, Blue, Red, Yellow, Violet
2. 5;
The following colours are not selected.
(i) Red
(ii) Yellow
(iii) Exactly one of Purple and Black
(iv) Exactly one Orange and White
(v) Exactly one Orange and Green
So to select 6 colours he must not select orange.
3. 1;
Purple cannot be selected.
4. 4
5. 5; He must selects Blue.
Solutions (6 – 10)
6. 4 7. 1 8. 2 9. 2 10. 3 11.4 12.3 13.5 14.3 15.4
16.4 17.2 18.4 19.2 20.3 21.2