Questions about AFPI Maharajah Ranjit Academy
Questions about AFPI Maharajah Ranjit Academy
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Are girls eligible to join the institute?
No. The institute is for boys only. The reason for this is that we are preparing candidates for NDA. Girls are not eligible to join NDA. There is a separate institute set up by the Punjab Govt for training of girls. It is called Mai Bhago Armed Forces Preparatory Institute, Sector 66, Mohali.
I am a domicile of some other state. Can I join the institute?
No. Only a boy who is a domicile of Punjab can join our institute as it is a Punjab Government venture.
I want to join the Air force. Can I join the institute?
Yes. NDA prepares cadets for Army, Navy and Air force. We take candidates for all three services.
Besides NDA do you prepare the candidates for any other service academy also?
The UPSC exam is a common examination for NDA and Indian Naval Academy. Therefore you can join NDA or NAVAC. In addition we also encourage our cadets to join through the TES scheme after doing Plus 2.
Is there any relaxation in age eligibility?
No relaxation is possible as this has been fixed keeping NDA entry in mind. Please check the date of birth as mentioned in the newspaper advertisement. If you are overage by even one date you will not be eligible.
What is the fees structure?
All training at the institute is free of cost. We provide an excellent hostel, very good food, uniforms, sports facilities etc without any charges. All that you have to pay for is the cost of schooling. This will not exceed Rs 40,000/ for one year. The fees are paid in three instalments.
Is there any reservation for defence personnel’s children or for war decorated soldier’s son?
There is no reservation for any category. Admission is on merit only.
Is any board (CBSE / ICSE / State Board) preferred for the admission test?
There is no preference for any particular board. Students of any board may appear. Once they join the institute they will study non-medical subjects (Physics, Chemistry & Maths) in a CBSE school.
Is there any prescribed book to prepare for the admission test?
The test has been pitched at the Class Ten level. There is no separate book for this. For your guidance the sample papers are available on the net.
Will there be negative marking in the exam?
Yes. Wrong answers will get negative marks.
How many candidates will be called for the interview?
The first 150 candidates as per admission test performance will be called for the interview.
When will the interview be held?
We shall fix the dates of the interview keeping in mind the dates of your Class Ten exams. Generally the interviews are held in end Jan / Feb.
Will all 150 candidates be called for interview together?
No. Interviews will be conducted in smaller batches of about 30 candidates per batch.
Where will the interviews be held?
The interviews will be held in the institute in Sector 77 Mohali.
Will we be required to run or do physical exercise at the time of the interview?
No. There is no physical test at the time of the interview. We only conduct a medical examination at a hospital.
I am studying in Class 11. Am I eligible for joining the institute?
If your date of birth is within acceptable limits you are eligible. However, you will have to repeat Class 11. Thus you will lose one year. This is inadvisable however, the decision is yours.
If selected will I have to stay in the institute or can I stay in Mohali or Chandigarh with my parents or guardian?
You will have to stay in the institute. We do not have any system of ‘day scholars’.