Advt. No. SW/2024/
Applications in the prescribed Proforma are invited Online for the following posts to be filled in theDepartment of Welfare of SCs & BCs. The information regarding detail of posts, reservation chart, qualifications, and other terms and conditions etc. are given below:-
1) Name of the Post: Tehsil Welfare Officer (Group-B)
2)VDO Village Development officer
Reservation shall be as per the policy/ instructions of the Punjab Government. The Candidates belonging to reserve category shall clearly indicate, in the application form the category under which he/she wants to be considered. The category of reservation once opted for will not be allowed to be changed. The benefit of reservation shall only be available to the candidates who are bonafide residents of Punjab State. Copies of relevant rules regarding reservation for various categories is available on the website.
1) Date of opening –
2) Date of Closing –
3) Last date of deposit of fee –
4) Date of Examination – To be announced later.
1. Age Criteria:-
The candidate should have attained the minimum age of 18 years and should not have attained the age of 38 years on the first day of January, 2014. In other words, the candidate should have attained the age of 18 years but should not be older than 38 years as on the 1st January, 2014.
Upper age is relax-able for the SC/BC to the extent of 5 years and 10 years for Physically Handicapped.
2. Qualifications:
1. Graduate in any discipline from a recognized university.
2. Punjabi passed at the level of Matric or equivalent.
3. FEE:- Candidates belonging to SC and Disabled category are required to pay an amount of Rs 500/-(Rs. Five hundred only) and all other candidates are required to pay an amount of Rs. 1000/-(Rs. One thousand only) as test fee in cash through challan generated upon submission of on-line application. Applications not accompanied by prescribed fee shall stand rejected.
4. Procedure of selection
i) There will be an objective type test of two (2) hours duration consisting of 100 objective type questions with multiple choice answers.
ii) Criteria for written test will be as under:-
Sr. No. Subject Questions
1 Mental Ability, Reasoning and Arithmetical Skills 45
2 Computer Basics 15
3 General Knowledge 30
4 Punjabi Language 5
5 English Language 5
Total 100
iii) The medium of test will be English.
iv) For every wrong answer, 1/4th marks will be deducted.
v) Weight-age of written test shall be 100 marks (One mark for each question).
vi) Cut off for Qualifying the written test
a) General Category candidates – 35%
b) SC/BC Category candidates – 30%.
vii) The question paper with the answer key will be placed on the website on next day of exam for inviting objections to answers, if any.
viii) The objection to any answer can be filed by the candidates within 3 days from the day of exam on the website itself by logging in and clicking the option of objection.
ix) Selection will be made strictly as per merit prepared on the basis of written test only.
x) The Merit list, category wise as well as combined shall be put on the website.
xi) The candidates qualifying for selection on the basis of written test will be called for counseling by the Selection Committee and verification of original documents within 15 days of the declaration of result.
xii) List of selected candidates will be put on the department website.
(1) Application Form and other details are available at the Department website www.punjabscholarships.gov.in and can be filled w.e.f. 15-09-2014.
(2) Last date for receipt of online applications will be 07-10-2014. Applications received after the due date will not be entertained. The website for receipt of application will be closed on 07-10-2014. No manual application shall be entertained.
(3) Candidate can apply only under one reserved category at one time, as applicable.
(4) Number of posts advertised can vary.
(5) Reservation will be as per policy of the State Government and the details of posts under various categories mentioned are provisional. (6) Candidates belonging to SC Category and disabled category are required to deposit fee of Rs. 500/-. All others are required to deposit fee of Rs. 1000/- in cash through bank challan generated on submission of online application.
(7) Applications without fees or Incomplete applications will be rejected without intimation.
(8) Candidate is required to upload one scanned photograph and scanned signatures with the online application form. (In jpg format size max. of 100 KB each)
(9) Written test will be held tentatively in November, 2014. Exact schedule will be displayed on the website.
(10) Admit cards can be downloaded from the website. The link to print Admit Cards would be sent to all candidates through their registered email. Further the candidates are advised to keep checking the department website for updates and information from time to time.
(11) No TA/DA will be given for appearing in the test/ interview.
(12) The candidates selection on basis of merit list shall be required to produce all original documents at the time of counseling. Government/ Semi Government employees will be required to bring No Objection Certificate from their employer at the time of counseling.
6. How to Apply
1. You are required to apply online through Department of Welfare of SC and BC, Punjab website www.punjabscholarships.gov.in No other means / mode of application (through post, email, fax, deposit of CV etc.) will be accepted.
2. Firstly ensure that you have a valid personal email ID. In case, a candidate does not have a valid personal email ID, he/she should create his/her new email ID before applying Online. You should keep checking the inbox or even the spam box of this email id from regularly during the recruitment process as the Department of Welfare of SC and BC, Punjab may send intimation for written test etc. through this.
3. Please scan your Photograph and Signatures individually and save them individually in JPEG format. The size of any of these individual images should not exceed 100 kb each, otherwise you will not be able to submit your online application.
4. Please keep following details ready with you before clicking on the registration button for starting your online application.
a. Personal demographic details including Date of Birth and Nationality
b. Mobile Number
c. Personal Email ID
d. Reservation Category Details
e. Equivalent qualification certificate.
f. Soft Copies of scanned Photograph and Signatures.
6. Go to the website www.punjabscholarships.gov.in and click on the link ‘Recruitment of Tehsil Welfare Officer (Group B) – 2014’. Further click the sub link ‘Online Application’. Clicking on this sub-link will open the Online Application Form.
7. Carefully fill in these details one by one. The name of the candidate or his/her father/mother/husband etc. should be spelt correctly in the application as it appears in the matriculate certificate/mark sheets.
8. Upload the scanned copies of photograph, signatures.
9. Re-Check that all details are filled correctly. 10.Go through each and every point under the Declaration para. If you fulfil all those conditions and criteria, then and only then check the I Agree box. Any wrong information may put you in legal troubles.
11.Now you are ready to submit the Application form by clicking on the button Submit Form.
12.Once you click the button Submit Form, you will get your login id and password. Please note these down and keep them safe with you as you will be requiring these while logging into the recruitment portal. In fact you will be required to download the Admit Card from this portal later on by logging through same login id and password.
13.Please take TWO printouts of the Online Application Form. Affix the same passport size photograph (which was uploaded with the online form) on it and keep it safe with you. DO NOT SEND IT TO US. This application printout with photograph affixed on it will have to be submitted during counseling along with the original copies of following:
a. Relevant Degree Certificate and Detailed Marks Sheet.
b. Reserve Category Certificate issued by the Competent Authority ( If Applicable)
c. Original counterfoil of the Fee Payment Challan (Department Copy)
d. Proof of Date of Birth Certificate of Matriculation/Higher Secondary
e. Proof of having passed Matric level Punjabi Language.
f. Certificate as proof of age relaxation if claimed
g. Proof of being Govt. Employee if applicable
If you are an Ex-Serviceman, additional certificates/documents mentioning the following: –
a. Date of Enrolment
b. Date of Release/Discharge
c. Reason of Release/ Discharge
14.Click on the link ‘PRINT APPLICATION FORM’ and take a print out of the Application form.
15.Click on the link ‘BANK CHALLAN’ and take a print out of the challan form.
16.Based on the category in which you intend to apply, the following Fees will have to be paid:
a. SC/PH : Rs. 500/-
b. All other categories (including General) : Rs. 1000/-
17.It is important to note that the requisite fee can only be deposited in any of State Bank of Patiala branches as department has only nominated State Bank of Patiala for Collection of Fee. Fee paid in any other bank or in any other format (Cheque, Postal Order, Demand Draft etc.) will not be accepted.
18.After depositing the fee, you will get three leaflets, out of three leaflets. Bank copy will be kept by the bank where you will deposit the fee.
19.To download your Admit Card, you will visit the department website www.punjabscholarships.gov.in and click the same link Recruitment of Tehsil Welfare Officer (Group B) – 2014 which will take you to the same recruitment portal where you had filled your online application form. You can click on Login button, put in your login id and password to download and print your Admit Card. Intimation about when to download the Admit Card will be sent to you through email & be uploaded on the website.
20.Question Paper along with the Answer Key will be posted on the department website, within one day after the examination, for calling objections, if any, from the candidates. You can submit your objections by logging in with your login id and password and clicking on ‘Objections’ tab within three days after the test. The final key after considering all the objections and making necessary corrections, if any, will be uploaded on the website within two weeks of the day of examination. This key will be used for preparation of final result.
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