Site Number 126, Sector 69, Mohali (SAS Nagar)
Applications on prescribed format and annexure (attached herewith), are invited from Indian citizens who fulfill the following essential qualification and other eligibility conditions, as on 01.08.2018, to work as Project Consultant (1), Project Coordinator (2) and Project Assistant (3) in the Punjab State Legal Services Authority purely on contractual basis initially for a period of 6 months which may be extended further for such period as per the decision of the Competent Authority subject to his/her satisfactory performance. However, the contract can be terminated at any point of time without any prior notice.
- a) Project Consultant:- No. of Project Consultant to be engaged = 01 Job
Profile:- (i) Support and assist the Member Secretary in planning, coordination, execution and monitoring of the activities of SLSA.
(ii) Design projects for the implementation of specific NALSA Schemes.
(iii) Design methods for systematic monitoring & evaluation of the above mentioned projects.
(iv) Undertake field visits to track the progress made in the implementation of programmes of SLSA. Qualification and Experience:- Master’s Degree in Management/ Social Work/Sociology/ Public Administration/ Economics/ Political Science etc. or a Degree in Law and having at least 7 years experience with proven track record in project planning and implementation.
Honorarium:- Upto Rs.60,000/- per month (all inclusive)
Tenure:- Initially for a 6 months, extendable upto 2 years as per the decision of the Competent Authority.
(b) Project Coordinator:- No. of Project Coordinator to be engaged = 02 Job Profile:
(i) Planning and execution of the schemes/activities taken up by the DLSA (s) in the Legal Services camps including projection of financial requirements in consultation with the Secretary of respective DLSA.
(ii) To prepare plans relating to awareness and publicity programmes so as to promulgate the schemes of NALSA to large number of masses throughout the respective districts and submit the same to the concerned DLSA Secretaries.
(iii) To suggest the requirement of PLVs and Panel Lawyers required for implementation of the schemes of NALSA and ensuring that the services of all the PLVs and Panel Lawyers are utilize to the fullest extent possible.
(iv) To ensure that all periodic reports (monthly/quarterly/half yearly/ annually) are submitted within the time prescribed to the SLSA/NALSA.
(v) Undertake field visits to track the progress made in the implementation of all programmes. Qualification and Experience:- Master’s Degree in Management/ Social Work/ Sociology/ Public Administration/ Economics/ Political Science etc. or a Degree in Law and having at least 5 years experience in project planning and implementation.
Honorarium:- Upto Rs.45,000/- per month (all inclusive) Tenure:- Initially for a 6 months, extendable upto 2 years as per the decision of the Competent Authority.
(c) Project Assistant No. of Project Assistant to be engaged = 03 Job Profile:
(i) Provide secretarial assistance to the Project Consultant/ Coordinator in preparation of the documents, guidelines and follow up on all activities.
(ii) Drafting routine correspondences, making and responding to routine verbal/written enquiries, collating and organizing the data and information related to programmes.
(iii) Provide backup secretarial support for all the activities of SLSA including assisting in making travel, logistic arrangements, supervision of ancillary staff etc.
(iv) Aid the Project Coordinator in formulating plans and policies for planning, implementation, supervising and controlling the execution of the activities/schemes formulated by NALSA.
Qualification and Experience:- Degree in any subject with 3 years experience and knowledge of MS Office (Excel, Power Point, Word etc.). Preference will be given to those having Diploma in Computer. Honorarium:- Upto Rs.25,000/- per month (all inclusive)
Tenure:- Initially for a 6 months, extendable upto 2 years as per the decision of the Competent Authority. Age and Nationality: A candidate must not exceed the age of 37 years as on the last date of receipt of applications and must be a citizen of India No document except certificate issued by the Registrar of Births and Deaths or educational certificate shall be admissible as a proof of date of birth.
Selection Criteria: Selection shall be made on the basis of interview. Knowledge, experience and expertise in relevant field shall be assessed during the course of interview. The State Authority shall reserve the right to short list the applications on the basis of the criteria fixed by the competent authority.
Documentation: No document is to be attached with the application. The candidates must be in possession of original documents/testimonials regarding their eligibility before submission of their application. At the time of appearing for interview, the applicant shall produce the following original certificates.
(i) ID Proof (ii) Date of Birth Certificate
(iii) All Certificates of Educational Qualification /Experience.
(iv) Any other certificate relied upon.
Self attested copies of the aforesaid certificates shall be submitted at the time of scrutiny of documents. No extra time for production of any document will be given. Failure to produce original testimonial/documents on demand will entail rejection of candidature. No documents created or procured after last date of submission of Application Form will be accepted. The engagement of the candidates will be purely provisional and subject to satisfying all the prescribed eligibility conditions by way of furnishing documentary evidence in support thereof. If on verification at any time during, before or after the recruitment process or even after appointment it is found that a candidate is /has been ineligible, his/her can
General instructions:
(1) The applicants would be called for the Interaction on the basis of the information furnished by them in their application form. They are, therefore, advised to ensure that they fulfill all eligibility conditions before applying. If any candidate is found to have given false information or does not fulfill any of the eligibility conditions, the candidature of such applicant would be cancelled and no correspondence in this regard would be entertained.
(2) Any application received after the last date shall not be entertained under any circumstances. The Punjab State Legal Services Authority shall not be responsible for any delay including of postal/courier services. didature shall stand cancelled without any notice.
(3) Engagement as Project Consultant, Project Coordinator and Project Assistant is a full time job and purely contractual in nature. It will not confer any right on the selected candidates to claim regular appointment /continuance in service in the Punjab State Legal Services Authority.
(4) Announcements regarding Date, Time and Venue of the interaction shall be made on the official website of Punjab State Legal Services Authority www.pulsa.gov.in.The candidates are advised to keep on visiting the said website. Punjab State Legal Services Authority shall not be responsible for missing or no receipt of any information on account of his/her failure to checkup with the official website from time to time.
(5) Applicants in own interest shall read and follow the instructions given in this Employment Notice, Application Form and Annexure carefully. For violation of any instructions, the application shall stand rejected summarily. No further correspondence will be entertained in this regard.
(6) No TA/DA will be paid to the candidates appearing for interview.
(7) All the candidates are advised to regularly visit the website in their own interest. This office shall not be responsible for missing or non receipt of any information on account of his/her failure to check the official website from time to time.
(8) For the project work, the Project Coordinator and Project Consultant may be asked to perform duty the different District Legal Services Authorities in the State of Punjab and other relevant places from time to time.
Last Date: The eligible candidates shall submit their application on the prescribed form/specimen form attached herewith duly filled, to the office of the Punjab State Legal Services Authority, Site No. 126, Sector 69, Mohali(SAS Nagar) on working days up to 20.09.2018 till 5.00 PM. Applications can be submitted personally or sent by registered post to this office.