Punjab Public Service Commission Extra Assistant Conservator of Forests recruitment
The Punjab Public Service Commission invites Online Application Forms from eligible candidates for recruitment to the 22 posts of Extra Assistant Conservator of Forests in the Forest and Wild life Protection department, Punjab. Note : This Advertisement is being published as per the reqms1t10n received from the Department of Forest and Wild life Protection, Government of Punjab vide letter No. 2/4/2015-Forest.
Last date for filling Online Application Form: 18/10/2018
Last date for depositing Online Application Fee: 25/10/2018
Category Code | Name of Post/Category | No. of Posts |
71 | General | 12 |
72/73 | Ex-Serviceman/LDESM, Punjab | 01 |
75 | Sports Persons | 01 |
77 | Scheduled Castes Others Punjab | 02 |
81 | Balmiki/Mazbhi Sikhs Punjab | 02 |
82/83 | Balmiki/Mazbhi Sikhs, Ex-Serviceman/LDESM, 01 Punjab. | 01 |
84 | Balmiki/Mazbhi Sikhs Sports Persons,Punjab | 01 |
85 | Backward Classes, Punjab | 01 |
Backward Classes, Ex-Serviceman/LDESM Punjab. | 01 | |
Total | 22 |
*The number of vacancies and reservation of posts is liable to alteration without any notice.
- PAY SCALE: Rs. 15600-39100 + 5400/- Grade Pay As per existing Government orders regarding the pay of the appointed candidates, as per Notification No. 7 /204/2012- 4FP1/66, Dated 15/01/2015 Govt. of Punjab Department of Finance (Finance Personnel-I Branch) Chandigarh and Notification No. 1/62016- 4P.P.1/834680/1 dated 07/09/2016 Govt. of Punjab Department of Personnel (Personnel Policies-1 Branch), Chandigarh fixed emolument equal to Minimum of the Pay Band without any Grade Pay or any allowance will be paid during the probation period of three years. Besides above, Annual increment or any other allowance except travelling allowance will not be paid during the probation period of three years. However, this issue is under litigation rn Hon’ble High Court. So there may be some change in rule in due course, but so far the Rule stands.
- ESSENTIAL QUALIFICATIONS :- 3.1 Bachelor’s degree in second division in Natural Sciences, Mathematics, Statistics, Geology, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Agriculture or Economics of a recognized university or holds equivalent degree of a foreign university. OR Masters degree in Natural Sciences, Mathematics, Statistics, Geology, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Agriculture or Economics of a recognized university or holds equivalent degree of a foreign university. Provided that in the case of Graduates or Masters with pure Mathematics or Statistics or Economics, they must have passed in one of the following subjects in their Higher Secondary, Matriculation or any equivalent examination: Biology, Physics, and Chemistry
3.2 Punjabi of Mattie or its equivalent Standard is essential .
3.3 Physical Standard: The following minimum standard of physical fitness are required:
Height 1.6256 meter
Chest 0.7874 meter
Chest expansion 0.0508 meter
The candidates shall have to qualify a physical test consisting of a walk over of 25 Km to be covered in 4 hours.
4.0 AGE (i) Height 1.6256 meter Chest 0.7874 meter Chest expansion 0.0508 meter The candidates shall have to qualify a physical test consisting of a walk over of 25 Km to be covered in 4 hours. Candidates should not be below 18 years and above 37 years of age as on 01-01-2018. (Few exceptions)
- COMPETITIVE WRITTEN EXAMINATION The Commission shall hold Competitive Examinations for recruitment to these posts, details of which can be seen in the General information for the candidates available on the website http://ppsc.gov.in Important Note 1: The candidates MUST possess the requisite qualification before or by 18/10/2018 i.e. The last date of submission of Online Application Forms. IMPORTANT NOTE 2 : The candidates can ONLY apply by filling Online Application Form, a link of which is available on the website of Punjab Public Service Commission http://ppsc.gov.in
Note 1: The candidates are NOT REQUIRED to send the Hard Copy of the Online Application Form to the Office of Punjab Public Service Commission. However, the candidates must take out the hard copy in soft form or print out at the time of applying otherwise he/she will not be able to take out the copy at the later stage. He/she must retain the hard/soft copy of online application form along with all eligibility documents ready to be sent at a short notice to PPSC if required by PPSC before short listing for interview. Note 2: However, candidates applying under the Sports Category, will send a hard copy of ‘On line Application Form’ along with Sports Gradation Certificate and other certificates related to sports to establish his eligibility under sports category. Note 3: Candidates applying under Physical Handicapped Category should also refer to “General Information” with reference to documents to be sent. Dated: 27/09/2018 Sd/- Secretary Examinations Punjab Public Service Commission
online apply- click here
notification – click here