Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for the following posts on the prescribed form. The candidates can download the prescribed application forms for these posts from the link given on PAU website (www.pau.edu). The application forms are also obtainable from the office of Registrar (for Sr. No.1 to 15), Director of Extension Education (for Sr. No. 16 & 17), Director of Students Welfare (for Sr. No. 18), Estate Officer (for Sr. No.19) and Dean, College of Agricultural Engineering & Technology (for Sr. No.20) on any working day from 10.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. The requisite fee can be deposited through Electronic Mode or in shape of Bank Draft. Bank Draft should be in favour of Comptroller, PAU, Ludhiana, payable at Ludhiana (see Annexure – I). The candidate may submit the scanned copy of duly filled application form (without any annexure) alongwith proof of deposit of requisite fee in the bank account (transaction id) through Electronic Mode at email id: recruitment2@pau.edu or send the hard copy of the duly filled in application form to the respective office(s). It is mandatory for all the candidates to submit the hard copy of duly filled application form (alongwith detailed qualifications, experience, self attested testimonials, summary of qualifications and all other relevant documents) with proof of deposit of requisite fee through Electronic Mode (transaction id) or Demand Draft, in respective office(s) of the University as per details given below. The last date of receipt of application forms is 27.10.2020.
S.No. | Name of the post | Cost of Application form | Fee to be attached with the application form | Name of office where forms are available/to be submitted |
1. | Comptroller | 300.00 | 800.00 | % Registrar |
2. | Additional Director Communication | 300.00 | 800.00 | % Registrar |
3. | Additional Director of Extension Education | 300.00 | 800.00 | % Registrar |
4. | Nanotechnologist (Physics) | 300.00 | 500.00 | % Registrar |
5. | Oilseed Breeder | 300.00 | 500.00 | % Registrar |
6. | Agricultural Economist | 300.00 | 500.00 | % Registrar |
7. | Assistant Professor (Physics) | 300.00 | 500.00 | % Registrar |
8. | Assistant Professor(Computer Science& Engineering) | 300.00 | 500.00 | % Registrar |
9. | Scientist (Seed Production) (at outstation) | 300.00 | 500.00 | % Registrar |
10. | Vegetable Scientist (at outstation) | 300.00 | 500.00 | % Registrar |
11. | Assistant Professor ( Home Science) (at outstation) | 300.00 | 500.00 | % Registrar |
12. | Assistant Professor of Plant Protection (Entomology)(at outstation) | 300.00 | 500.00 | % Registrar |
13. | District Extension Scientist (Agronomy) (at outstation) | 300.00 | 500.00 | % Registrar |
14. | Accounts Officer | 300.00 | 500.00 | % Registrar |
15. | Admn-cum-Account Officer | 300.00 | 500.00 | % Registrar |
16. | Programme Assistant (Lab Technician) (at outstation) Posts-4.(Reserved for SC-3,VH-1) | 200.00 | 300.00 | % DEE |
17. | Farm Manager (at outstation)Post-1 (Reserved for VH Category) | 200.00 | 300.00 | % DEE |
18. | Computer Operator | 200.00 | 300.00 | % DSW |
19. | Patwari | 100.00 | 200.00 | % Estate Officer |
20. | Carpenter | 100.00 | 200.00 | % Dean,COAE&T |
Pay Scales of Posts:
Sr. No. 1. | Rs.37400-67000+GP Rs.10000+ Rs.2000/- special allowance p.m. and rent free accommodation. |
Sr. No. 2 & 3 | Rs.37400- 67000+AGP Rs.10,000/-+Rs.800/- special allowance p.m. |
Sr. No. 4 to 13 | Rs.15600-39100+AGP Rs.6000/-p.m. |
Sr .No. 14 | Rs.15600-39100+GPRs.7600/- with initial start of Rs.31320/- p.m. |
Sr. No. 15 | Rs. 15600-39100 + GP Rs.5400/- with initial start of Rs.21000/- p.m. |
Sr. No. 16 & 17 | Rs.9300-34800 + Rs.4200/- Grade Pay p.m. |
Sr. No.18 | Rs.10300-34800 + Rs.3200/- Grade Pay p.m. |
Sr. No.19 & 20 | Rs.5910-20200 + Rs.1900/- Grade Pay p.m. |
Note: The candidates who have already applied for the posts at Sr. No. 2, 9, 13 & 14 need not apply again. However, they can provide additional information, if any, with respect to their application submitted earlier.
- Applications, which are incomplete/ not on the prescribed form/ received after the last date/ received without prescribed application fee/Demand Draft not in favour of Comptroller, PAU, Ludhiana shall not be considered and in such cases no application fee will be refunded. The University shall not be responsible for any postal delay or loss in transit.
- Post at Sr. No.1, 2 and 3 are tenurial posts for a term of four years.
- In service candidates should apply through proper channel.
- Appointment for posts at Sr. No. 11,12 ,16 & 17 shall be co-terminus with the scheme in which these are provided.
- For posts at Sr.No. 4 to 13 only short-listed candidates will be called for interview.
- For posts at Sr.No.1 to 15, the minimum age of entry is 18 years and retirement age is 60 years.
- For posts at Sr. No. 16 to 20 age not less than 18 years and not more than 37 years as on 1.1.2020. Reservation and relaxation in age will be applicable as per Punjab Government policy.
- The upper age limit will be relaxed upto 45 years in the case of persons already in employment of the Punjab Government/other state government or the Government of India.
- As per decision of Board of Management vide notification No.Admn.VI.AU.2018/14353 dated 30.10.2018 the relaxation in age will be upto 45 years for the employees who have been engaged in University on contract basis for applying to the non-teaching posts (as per notification No.GSR.33/Const./ART 309/94 dated 4.5.1994 by the Punjab Govt.). The relaxation in age will be equivalent to period for which the employee has served PAU/Govt. organizations/Boards/ Corporations on contract basis.
- The candidate must fulfill the requisite qualifications of the respective post(s) by the last date of receipt of applications i.e. 27.10.2020.
- For Post at Sr.No. 4 to 20: 4% of the posts are reserved for physically handicapped persons belonging to Punjab state with 40% or more disability and the breakup of this reservation is as under:-i) Blindness and low vision : 1%ii) Deaf and Hard of Hearing Impairment : 1%iii) Locomotor disability (including Cerebral palsy, : 1%Leprosy cured, Dwarfism, Acid attack victims and
Muscular dystrophy)
iv) Intellectual disability (including Autism and : 1%
Specific learning disability), and Mental illness;
Multiple disabilities specified in Serial No. 1 to 4 above,
including deaf-blindness. Attested copies of the Certificates regarding proof of handicapped and extent thereof, issued by Civil Surgeon of the district or place of which applicant is a permanent resident should be attached. It would also be certified in the medical certificate that the applicant is otherwise fit for the post he/she is applying for. However, if eligible persons are not found available in response to this advertisement, the posts will be filled out of other category/ categories and the points meant for persons with disabilities shall be carried forward for being filled from future vacancies.
- For the post(s) at Sr. No. 16 to 20 where written/practical/skill test is prescribed, all applicants for these post(s) will be provisionally permitted to appear in the same. The candidate will himself/herself be responsible for meeting the minimum eligibility qualifications and other conditions. Applications of only those candidates will be processed for appointment who qualify the written/practical/skill test as well as meet the minimum eligibility qualifications and other conditions of the respective post(s).
- While making any correspondence with reference to the above recruitment, the candidate must mention his/her contact number and e-mail Address.
- All the candidates should attach self-attested photo copies of their qualifications(Detail Marks Cards), experience, reservation claiming documents and other relevant documents failing which no mark(s) (wherever applicable) will be awarded to them and they can also be declared ineligible for the post in absence of these documents.
- Pay scales and other service conditions for the above posts wherever applicable will be governed as per Punjab Government’s notification No.7/204/2012-4FP1/60 dated 15.1.2015 and any other instructions issued by Punjab Government from time to time in this regard.
- The corrigendum/addendum, if any, will be issued on our website (www.pau.edu) only.
- All the updates and notices regarding non-teaching posts will be uploaded only on the University website www.pau.edu. Thus the candidates are advised to visit the website on regular basis. No separate information be sent through post or other means. Any information uploaded on the above mentioned website will be deemed to have reached the candidates and responsibility for not visiting the site and responding thereto in time, will be entirely of the candidates.
- 18. Though every care has been taken, yet any mistake crept inadvertently is subject to correction.
Punjab Agricultural University
(Annexure – I)
Detail of requisite fee to be deposited through Electronic Mode or by Demand Draft as under
S.No. | Sr. Nos. of the posts | (A) Cost of application form |
(B) Fee to be deposited with form |
(C) Total fee |
1. | Sr. No.1 to 3 | 300.00 | 800.00 | 1100.00 |
2. | Sr. No.4 to 15 | 300.00 | 500.00 | 800.00 |
3. | Sr.16 to 18 | 200.00 | 300.00 | 500.00 |
4. | Sr.19 and 20 | 100.00 | 200.00 | 300.00 |
1. | Name of the Bank | : | Bank of Baroda |
2. | Branch | : | PAU, Ludhiana |
3. | Account name | : | Comptroller PAU (Recruitment) |
4. | Account No. | : | 29380100017259 |
5. | IFSC code | : | BARB0PAULUD |
By Demand draft in favour of Comptroller, PAU, payable at Ludhiana
Note: 1. Those candidates who will download the application forms from the University website ( www.pau.edu ) should submit the total fee mentioned at column (C) in the above table.
2. Those candidates who will purchase the application form by cash from the respective offices of the University, should submit the requisite fee mentioned at column (B) in the above table either through Electronic Mode or through Bank Draft.