Punjab Public Service Commission, Patiala Baradari Gardens Patiala
The Punjab Public Service Commission invites Online Applications from eligible candidates for recruitment to 34 posts Senior Assistants in the Department of Cooperation, Govt.of Punjab.
Application Fee
- For Other Categories: 500/- (Application Charges) + RS. 2500/- (Exam Fee)
- For SC/ST of all states & BC of Punjab: 500/- (Application Charges) + RS. 625/- (Exam Fee)
- PH of Punjab: 500/- (Application Charges) + RS. 1250/- (Exam Fee)
- Ex-Servicemen of Punjab: 500/- (Application Charges)
- Payment Mode (Offline): Bank Challan through any Branch of SBI only.
Important Dates
- Last Date for filling Online Application: 20-02-2019
- Last Date for depositing Online Application Fee: 27-02-2019
Age Limit (as on 01-01-2019)
- Minimum Age:18 Years
- Maximum Age: 37 Years
- Age relaxation is applicable as per rules.
Post Name – 34
- Bachelors Degree, one hundred and twenty hours course with hand on experience in the use of Personal Computer or Information Technology in office Productivity applications or Desktop Publishing applications OR DOEACC
- Punjabi of Matric or its equivalent standard.
Important Instructions for Candidates regarding Typing Test to be conducted for recruitment of posts of Senior Assistant in the Department of Cooperation advertised through Advertisement No 11/2018.
6.0 Competitive Examination for selection
(a) The procedure for Competitive Examination for selection of candidates for the post of Senior Assistant in the Department of Cooperation, Punjab, is in following sequence:-
Marks for Competitive Examination | 300 (120 Questions of 2.5 marks each. Total time allotted will be 2 hours and 30 minutes. |
The pattern for written exam comprising of 120 questions would be as follow:
No. of questions from Logical Reasoning and Mental Ability | 80 |
No. of questions from General Knowledge &Current Affairs | 40 |
(b) As per the instructions of Govt. of Punjab, Department of Personnel issued vide its letter No. 12/152/2015-5PP2/720133/1 dated 28/03/2016, the selections for these posts will be finalized on the basis of written examination as well as qualification in typewriting test in English and Punjabi.
(c) Type writing text at 30 words per minute is a qualifying test. No. additional weightage in merit will be given to candidate whose typing speed may be more than 30 words per minute. The final merit list will be based on written test marks only.
(d) No interview will be conducted for selection to these posts.
7.00 The salient features of the written competitive exam shall be as follows:- (a) There will be no negative marking in the written test, for questions wrongly answered or questions not answered. (b) After the answer key is put on the PPSC website (after written examination), candidates will be permitted to raise objections if any. Candidates will be given four days to deliberate before putting up objections. Any objection found ‘frivolous’ may draw negative marking, equal to the weightage of the question.
(c) The typing tests will be conducted after the written competitive examination, after shortlisting based on written test merit. (d) The Important Instructions regarding typewriting test are attached as AnnexureA.Suitable number of Candidates will be called in batches as per the order of merit in the written examination for type writing text. Candidates will be given only one chance to pass the typing text. Candidates appearing for the examination must read the instructions at Annexure-A in detail. The testing speed result is software based. There is no manual interface. No representation will be acceptable on this issue. Candidates are advised to read the rules carefully for penalties, so that they can prepare themselves accordingly for the test, to be able to get the minimum score of 30 words per minute in English as well as Punjabi type writing test.
8.0 (a) Syllabi of Logical Reasoning/Mental Ability : Logical Deductions
- Deriving conclusion from passages
- Theme Detection
- Cause and Effect Reasoning
- Logic
- Statement- Arguments
- Statement- Assumptions
- Statement- Courses of Action
- Statement- Conclusions
Verbal Reasoning 1. Analogy
- Series Completion
- Verification of truth of the Statement
- Situation Reaction Test
- Direction Sense Test
- Classification
- Data Sufficiency
- Alpha- Numeric Sequence Puzzle
- Puzzle Test 1
- Blood Relations
- Coding- Decoding
- Assertion and Reasoning
- Arithmetical Reasoning
- Operations of Mathematics
- Venn Diagrams
- Word Sequence
- Missing Characters
- Sequential Output training
- Directions
- Test on Alphabets
- Eligibility Test
Non-Verbal Reasoning
- Dot Situation
- Identical figure groupings
- Forming figures and analysis
- Construction of Squares and Triangles
- Series
- Analogy
- Analytical Reasoning
- Paper Folding
- Paper Cutting
- Cubes and Dice
- Water Images
- Mirror Images
- Figure Matrix
- Completion of Incomplete Pattern
- Spotting out the embedded figures
- Classification
- Rule Detection
(b) Syllabi of General Knowledge and Current Affairs:
(a) General Knowledge and Current affairs of National and International importance including:
(i) Economic issues.
(ii) Polity issues.
(iii) Environment issues
(iv) Science and Technology.
(v) Any other current issues.
(b) (i) History of India with special reference to Indian freedom struggle movement
(ii) History of Punjab- 14th century onwards.
9.1 Information about the examination centre(s) shall be mentioned on Admit Cards of all candidates. Details regarding the Admit cards shall be given shortly on the website of the Commission.
9.2 All candidates who apply for ibid posts will be treated “provisionally eligible” for appearing in the competitive exam. Acceptance of applications at this stage and allotment of Roll Numbers by PPSC does not indicate acceptance of candidature by the PPSC, since there is no scrutiny of documents before the written test.
9.3 The scrutiny of application forms shall be done after the conduct of the examination During the process of scrutiny, the application forms and other relevant documents, certificates, etc of the candidates shall be examined to determine their eligibility as on the last date of submission of online application forms. Candidates not meeting the eligibility criteria will be rejected after the scrutiny process or any time thereafter if found ineligible.
9.4 The candidates applying for the Competitive Examination should ensure that they fulfill all the eligibility conditions for admission to the examination. Their admission at all the stages of examination for which they are admitted by the Commission viz. Competitive Examination will be purely provisional, subject to their satisfying the prescribed eligibility conditions. If on checking at any time before or after the Competitive Examination, it found that they do not fulfill any of the eligibility conditions; their candidature for the examination will be cancelled by the Commission. If any of their claims is found to be incorrect, they may render themselves liable to disciplinary action by the Commission or the civil court. Any attempt on the part of a candidate to obtain support for his candidature by any unfair means will render him/ her liable for disqualification and disciplinary action.
General Instructions:-
- The date of typing test will be intimated later on.
- Punjabi and English type tests will be conducted on the computer using typing software. The type test will be evaluated by the software and result will be displayed instantly, including all the typing errors.
- The Candidates will have to type Punjabi passage in Unicode Compliant Raavi Font using INSCRIPT keyboard. The Punjabi passage will be composed from characters taken from Gurmukhi alphabet, Gurmukhi and English numbers and punctuation marks. The Candidates are supposed to type the text exactly as provided in the question paras.
- The duration of the Punjabi and English type test will be 10 minutes for each test.
- Time interval of 5 min. will be provided between both language tests.
- To clear the test, the candidate must have a minimum Gross typing Speed of 30 words per minute in both Punjabi and English. Maximum 8% mistakes would be permissible to pass the test, meaning thereby that at least 92% accuracy is required in addition to the typing speed.
- Proper care has to be taken for spaces while typing punctuation marks. Wrong spacing of punctuation marks will be treated as space error. For Punjabi, the lagamatras and half characters have to be typed at proper positions and if any such character is omitted or additional characters are added in the words, then the complete word will be treated as wrong.
- Some of the keys of the keyboard, which are not relevant to the typing test software, would remain non functional during the typing test.
- A mock test will be made available on the Commission’s Website approximately 10 days before the typing test.
- The login details i.e. username and password will be provided to the candidates before the start of the exam to access the typing test application.
- Candidate is suggested to follow all the instructions carefully appearing on the computer screen at the time of Typing Test.
12.Candidate should report at the examination centre well before the time prescribed in the Admit Card. If the candidate misses slot allotted to him, no extra chance will be given to the candidate to appear in the test.
Typing speed related instructions: –
- Definition of a “word” has been standardized to five characters, including spaces and punctuation.
- The passage given for typing Punjabi and English will be displayed on the screen in chunks of 3 lines of text, and the candidate has to type the matter exactly. Extra words (not found in the text) and characters typed by the candidate will be considered as mistakes. Omission of any punctuation mark will also be treated as a mistake.
- Each chunk of text will contain approximately 32-34 words and there will be total 10 such chunks. Candidate has to type all the 10 text chunks to be eligible for clearing the test. Candidates who finish typing all the 10 text chunks can use the remaining time to remove mistakes in the typed text to improve the typing accuracy.
- After typing 80% of text in current chunk, candidate can use the Enter key or down arrow key to move to next chunk of text. There is penalty for skipping the words, so candidate should take care that all the words given in the chunk are typed. For editing the text, Up arrow key can be used to move to previous line while PgUp and PgDn keys can be used to move to previous or next chunks of text.
- Spaces, numbers, letters, punctuation and enter key are all counted as characters for calculating gross speed, but extra spaces, extra enter keys and any function keys such as Shift, Alt or Backspace will not be counted.
- For Punjabi words, vowels(T[,T{, n?, nketc.), consonants (e, y,r,xetc.), matras (O k, faddak, bindi, tippi, half characters and bindi characters (;ayaraiacaba) are all treated as single characters. Thus total number of characters in Punjabi word are four while the word has three characters.
- For Punjabi words in Unicode, vowels should be typed as single character and not as combination of vowel carrier+matra. Thus for example, should not be typed as combination of two characters (n followed by k) but as a single character only. The table below gives the correct keys combination for typing the vowels on Inscript keyboard.
- Calculation of Errors i) Full mistakes:
- Omission of any word
- Substitution of any wrong word
- Addition of any wrong/Extra word not found in the passage
(ii)Half mistakes:
- Spacing errors: Where no space or extra space is provided between two words
- Typing speed and accuracy percentage are calculated as follows:
- Gross characters = total number ofcharacters typed
- Error characters = number of mistakes x word length (i.e. 5)
- Net characters = Gross characters – Error characters
- Gross speed (in words per minute) = Gross characters / (word length x test duration(in minutes))
- Accuracy Percentage = (100 x Net characters) /Gross characters. Note — Gross speed is always in integer, the decimal partis truncated. So for example, if the Gross characters typed in 10 minutes are 298, then the Gross Speed = 29 and not 29.8 10.
For incorrect words, the extra characters typed, which are more than the length of the reference word, are ignored for determining the gross speed. So e.g. if the word university is wrongly typed as univty then the characters typed will be taken as 6 (number of characters in univty) for gross speed. But if the user types universities then for measuring the gross speed, the characters typed will be taken as 10 (number of characters in university) and not 12 (number of characters in universities).