PCS Notification 2015
GENERAL INFORMATION Punjab State Civil Services Combined Competitive Examination [PSCSCCE]-2015
Last date for Online Registration:The Online Applications can be filled up to 05th October, 2015 till 11:59 PM after which the link will be disabled.
Last date for depositing the Application fees by system generated Fee Challan Form is 12th October, 2015.
- Introduction– 1.1 The Punjab Public Service Commission (PPSC) has been established under Article 315 of the Constitution of India, with the basic purpose of recruiting officials in various departments of the Government as per the requisitions sent by the Government in this regard from time to time.
1.2 The Punjab State Civil Services Combined Competitive Examination-2015 (PSCSCCE-2015) is being conducted by the PPSC for recruitment of officers in the Punjab Civil Service (Executive Branch), Deputy Superintendent of Police, Excise & Taxation Officers, Tehsildar, Food Supply and Consumer Affairs Officer, Block Development & Panchayat Officers, Assistant Registrar Co-Operative Societies, Labour-Cum-Conciliation Officer, Employment Generation and Training Officer and Deputy Superintendent of Jails (Grade-II)/ District Probation Officer (Jails). On successful culmination of PSCSCCE-2015, the names of the successful candidates equal to the number of vacancies in each category for each service, will be recommended to the Government for appointment to these services. All these services are governed by the Service Rules of the respective service and the Government may consider the names recommended by the PPSC for appointment against these posts as per respective Service Rules.
1.3 The Punjab State Civil Services Combined Competitive Preliminary Examination-2015 shall be conducted on 6 th December, 2015. Note: PPSC reserves the right to alter the date of examination if situation warrants the same.
- Vacancies
2.1 The number of vacancies to be filled on the basis of PSCSCCE-2015 is given in the table below
Sr. No | Name of Posts | No. of Posts |
1 | Punjab Civil Service (Executive Branch) | 16 |
2 | Deputy Superintendent of Police | 18 |
3 | Excise & Taxation Officer | 23 |
4 | Tehsildar | 09 |
5 | Food Supply and Consumer Affairs Officer | 04 |
6 | Block Development & Panchayat Officer | 10 |
7 | Assistant Registrar Co-Operative Societies | 11 |
8 | Labour –cum- Conciliation Officer | 01 |
9 | Employment Generation and Training Officer | 01 |
10 | Deputy Superintendent Jails / District Probation Officer (Grade-II)) | 08 |
Note: 1 The number of posts may be increased or decreased by the govt. at any time before the selection process is completed without giving any prior notice to the candidates.
2.2The category wise detail of posts to be filled on the basis of the result of Combined Competitive Examination, 2015 is as under:
Scheme of PSCSCCE-2015
3.1 The selection process for filling posts in various departments based on the PSCSCCE-2015 will commence with inviting applications from the candidates, who fulfill the qualifying criteria. The candidates who apply in response to the advertisement for these posts will be registered by filling Online Application Form, a link of which is available on the website of the Commission http://ppsc.gov.in.
3.2 No candidate who applies for this Examination through any other means but through Online Application Form shall be eligible to take this Examination. Candidates who register and fill in Online Application Form, would be issued Admit Cards prior to the conduct of Preliminary Competitive Examination as described in the instructions for filling up Online Application Form. The applicants are advised to submit only single application; however, if due to any unavoidable situation, if he/she submits another/multiple applications, then he/she must ensure that application is complete in all respects like applicants’ details, photograph, signature, application fee etc. The applicants who are submitting multiple applications should note that only the applications (Registration ID) in which the Application Fee has been deposited shall be entertained by the Commission and Application fee paid against one Registration ID shall not be adjusted against any other Registration ID.
3.3 The Candidates applying for the examination should ensure that they fulfil all eligibility conditions for admission to examination. Their admission to all the stages of the examination will be purely provisional subject to satisfying the prescribed eligibility conditions. Mere issue of admission certificate to the candidate will not imply that his/her candidature has been finally cleared by the Commission. Commission takes up verification of eligibility conditions with reference to original documents only after the candidate has qualified for Interview. Candidates are not required to submit along with their applications any certificate in support of their claims regarding Age, Educational Qualifications, Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes/Other Backward Classes and Physically disabled etc. which will be verified at the time of the Main examination only. The candidates applying for the examination should ensure that they fulfil all the eligibility conditions for admission to the Examination. Their admission at all the stages of examination for which they are admitted by the Commission viz. Preliminary Examination, Main (Written) Examination and Interview Test will be purely provisional, subject to their satisfying the prescribed eligibility conditions. If on verification at any time before or after the Preliminary Examination, Main (written) Examination and Interview Test, it is found that they do not fulfil any of the eligibility conditions; their candidature for the examination will be cancelled by the Commission.
3.4 If any document/certificate/statement of the candidate is found false or forged, his/her candidature may be rejected and further action will be taken as per law. 3.5 Essential steps involved in the selection process are: i) Preliminary Competitive Examination; and ii) Main Competitive Examination (written and Interview).
- A) Procedure and scheme for the Preliminary Examination: The preliminary competitive examination will consist of two papers of 200 marks each and shall comprise of objective type (multiple choice) questions. The detail is as follows:-
Subject | No of Questions | Marks for each Question | Total Marks | |
Paper I | General Studies | 100 | 2 | 200 |
Paper – II | Civil Services Aptitude Test (CSAT) | 80 | 2.5 | 200 |
Note: 1) Both the papers will be of objective type multiple choice questions.
2) Duration of each paper for preliminary examination will be two hours. However, visually impaired candidates will be given additional 40 minutes.
3) There will be no negative marking.
4) The question paper shall be bilingual and shall be printed in English (Roman script) and Punjabi (Gurumukhi script) except for questions where candidates’ proficiency in language is to be tested.
5) Details of syllabi are indicated in Appendix-I. (Attached)
6) The standard of questions would be to test the knowledge as is expected of a person who has attained education at least up to graduation level.
7) Preliminary Examination is only a screening test for selecting candidates who would be eligible to take the Main Examination and the marks obtained in this Examination shall not be counted towards the merit of the candidates arrived at after the Main Examination. 8) Candidates equal to 12 to 13 times of the vacancies advertised in each category would qualify from amongst those appearing in the Preliminary Examination for the Main Examination, provided that, such number of candidates are available and, are otherwise eligible for admission to the Main Examination.
- B) Procedure and scheme for the Main Examination:
Sr. No | Paper Maximum Marks | Maximum Marks |
1 | Punjabi (in Gurumukhi Script) Compulsory (of 10+2 Standard) | 100 |
2 | English Compulsory (of 10+2 standard) | 100 |
3 | Essay | 150 |
4 | General Studies Paper-I (History, Geography and Society) | 250 |
5 | General Studies Paper-II (Indian Constitution & Polity, Governance and International Relations) | 250 |
6 | General Studies Paper-III (Economy, Statistics and Security issues) | 250 |
7 | General Studies Paper-IV (Science & Technology, Environment, Problem Solving and Decision Making) | 250 |
Interview | 150 | |
Grand total | 1500 |
More details visit- CLICK HERE
ONLINE APPLY- http://www.ppsc.gov.in/APPSCISR/registration/registration.aspx?advno=201550&postid=181