The preliminary competitive examination can carries with it 2 papers of objective kind (multiple alternative questions) and carry a most of 450 marks within the subject as under:
Paper I General Studies .. 150 marks
General Studies syllabus will include the following subjects:
- Punjab’s Economy and People ; its Social, Economic and Cultural Institution ; its Languate, its History, its Geography and Current Events.
- Current Affairs: of National and International Importance.
- History of India: including Indian National Movement.
- Geography: India & world: Physical, social and Economic Geography.
- Indian Polity and Governance: Constitution, Political system, Panchayati Raj, Public Policy and Fundamental Rights issues etc.
- Economic and Social Development: Sustainable development, poverty inclusion, demographics and social sector initiatives.
Questions on the Indian National Movement will relate to the nature and character of the nineteenth century resurgence, growth of nationalism and attainment of Independence. In Geography, emphasis will be on Geography of India. Questions on the Geography of India will relate to physical, social and economic Geography of the country, including the main features of Indian agricultural and natural resources. Questions on Indian Polity and Economy will test knowledge of the country’s political system and Constitution of India. Panchayati Raj, Social System and economic developments in India.
Questions on General Science will cover General appreciation and understanding of science including matters of everyday observation and experience, as may be expected of a well educated person who has not made a special study of any particular scientific discipline. In current events, knowledge of significant national and international events will be tested. In History of India, emphasis will be on broad general understanding of the subject in its social, economic and political aspects.
On general mental ability, the candidates will be tested on reasoning and analytical abilities.
Paper II One subject to be selected from the list of optional subjects given below. … 300 marks
Total : 450 marks
List of optional subjects for Preliminary Examination:
Optional Subjects along with Code Nos.
1. Agriculture (01)
2. Botany (02)
3. Chemistry (03)
4. Commerce(04)
5. Economics (05)
6. Geography (06)
7. Geology (07)
8. Indian History(08)
9. Law (09)
10. Mathematics (10)
11. Philosophy (11)
12. Physics (12 )
13. Political Science (13)
14. Psychology (14)
15. Public Administration (15)
16. Sociology (16)
17. Statistics (17)
18. Zoology (18 )
19. Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science (19 )
20. Civil Engineering (20 )
21. Electrical Engineering (21)
22. Mechanical Engineering (22)
23. Medical Science (23)
Note (i)Timing of each paper for Preliminary Examination will be to two hours.
(ii) Both the question papers will be of the objective type (MCQs).
(iii) The course content of the syllabi or the optional subjects will be of the degree level
(iv). The question papers will be set both in Punjabi and English
(v) Each paper will be of two hours duration. Blind candidates will, however, be allowed an extra time of twenty minutes at each paper.
(2) Candidates equal to twelve to thirteen times of the total vacancies determined by the Government under sub-rule (1) of Rule 13-A shall qualify for the main competitive examination.
(3) A candidate shall specify in his application the optional subjects which he desires to take in the preliminary competitive examination.
(4) Unless otherwise directed, a candidate shall answer the paper in English medium or Punjabi medium.
(5) The marks obtained in the preliminary examination by the candidates who are declared qualified for admission to the main Competitive Examination will not be counted for determining their final order of merit by the Commission.
Our programmes on Preliminary exclusive Batches covers Both Paper 1 & Paper 2
- A candidate gets classroom coaching, printed notes and an inbuilt test series.
- Revision Batches are free of cost-Any number of times.
- Course duration is about four to five months.
Pre-cum-Mains Batches
Herein Main emphasis is given on following subjects as:
a) General Studies (Preliminary and Mains both).
b) Optional Ist (Contents given in syllabi).
c) Optional 2nd (Contents given in syllabi).
a) General Studies (Pre-cum-Mains) include the following slots.
1) Current Affairs of National and International Importance.
2) History of India including Indian National Movement.
3) Geography: India & world– Physical, social and Economic Geography.
4) Indian Polity and Governance: Constitution, Political system, Panchayati Raj, Public Policy and Fundamental Rights issues etc.
5) Economic and Social Development: Sustainable development, poverty inclusion, demographics and social sector initiatives.
6) General Science including physics, chemistry and biology.
7) Environmental Ecology
8) Biodiversity
9) Climate Change
10) Science and Technology
11) Culture of India
12) Gandhi, Nehru & Tagore
13) Statistics
14) Eminent-Personalities of Modern India
15) Social and Economic Problems of Weaker sections of India
- Herein this programme orientation is both objective and subjective, quantitative and qualitative, intensive and extensive.
- Current affairs and question practice is done from both the objective and subjective point of view.
- Our programmes on PRELIMS-cum-Mains Batches covers most of these slots mentioned.
- A candidate gets classroom coaching, printed notes and an inbuilt test series from both PRELIMS & Mains point of view.
- Revision Batches are free of cost-Any number of times.
- Course duration is about five-six months.
- Features of Coaching
- Features of the various interactive programmes at PCS FLAME INSTITUTE for PCS are as:
written notes & in engineered take a look at Series.
•Revision batches any range of times once once finishing the syllabi.
•Interview CLASSES once qualifying Mains- FREE from value (In PRELIMS-cum-Mains batches only)
•Exclusive coverage of current affairs of the state & the globe.
•Regular Magazine & Newspaper reading
•List of reference books to be read by the candidate is given by the experts.
•’Time Management’ or ‘Scheduled ‘ is done by the experts here individually for each candidate.
•Library facility for self study guided by experts is available.
•PG facility, separate for boys & girls, is available.
•Writing practice aimed at carving the creative writing conducive for Punjab Civil Service Examinations.