Survey equipment – The following survey equipment will be supplied to each Patwari, the cost thereof being met from the Patwari contingencies:- .
1 Chain with 10 iron pins.
1 Cross staff.
12 or 15 Bamboo flag staves
1 Board 75×60 centimetres.
Note:- In hill circles planetable and sighting and will be supplied in place of board
Metric rod – The Patwaris metric rod should not be of wood, but of bar iron (about eight milli-metre square). Two should be supplied to each Patwari. The field Kanungo is responsible for their agreement with his own rods. These should be kept safe in hollow bamboos.
Addas – At every village where a patwari resides,there should be marked out on a level piece of uncultivated land a standard length(adda) exactly corresponding with the patwaris 20 metres chain. the extreme ends should be marked by two pegs driven deep (60 centi-metre, if possible) into the ground. the measurement of the adda should be reckoned from the outside edge of the other; that is to say, when the handle of one end of the chain is placed over one peg, the other end should touch the inside of the other peg. If the adda itself needs correction, it can be shortened by cutting from the outside of the pegs, or lengthened by cutting from the inside.
Importance is attached to the correct maintance of these addas, and revenue officers in their visits to patwaris offices should see that the orders for their maintenance are duly observed and that the length of the adda is strictly accurate. Field Kanungos should be held responsible for any inaccuracies in the addas and for any neglect of the orders relating to them. Full instructions for prepartion of these addas will be found in the Mensuration Manual.
Patwari’s chain:- The patwaris chain should be made of soft iron and constructed exactly as directed in the Mensuration Manual. Variations of pattrens are forbidden. Chains should be made up locally not at other distant workshops; In testing the length of a chain, see that it is well shaken out and stretched only to the tension at which it is used. Test either on the adda or by rods as may be convient. In the latter case use two rods, placing them on the ground alternately and see that they touch truly.
Patwaris cross staves – The Patwaris cross-staff- A pattern will be supplied to each district by the Director of Land Records. It should be made up locally, strictly in accordance with this pattern. Ela orations and additions to the pattern are forbidden.
Measuring flags for patwaris – Bamboo flag-staves- A patwari cannot survey on the square system with less than 12 or 15 flags. Of these 4 or 5 should be 450 Centimetres high, and the rest three hundred centimetres. Each should have a pointed iron ferrule at foot, and completed in this way.
Plane-tables sometimes re quired – Plane-tables are necessary only for hill surveying. When necessary for this purpose,a pattern should be obtained from Director of Land Records and they should be made up locally according to the pattern so supplied. Patwaris of plain villages requie only a board, in size 75×60 centimetres strengthned on the underside with battens. Care should be taken to employ brass, not iron, in repairing the sockets etc., of plane-tables.
(i) The Director of Land Records shall appointe any firm dealing in the manufacture of plotting scales as an approved contractor, for one year, for the supply of plotting scales,with the previous approval of the Financial Commissioner. Before making a selection,the Director of Land Records will invite tender, quoting the minimum price of the plotting scales acceptable, from reputed firms. The firm approved shall be callled upon to enter into an agreement with the Director of Land Records for the supply of plotting scales at fixed prices. A proposal for fresh sanction should be submitted to Financial Commissioner by the 15th may, every years.
(ii) The Director will send to each Deputy Commissioner and Settlement Officer a pattern of each scale to be kept in his office and used for comparison with scales supplied by the contractor. Any scales which are not made according to the pattern should be rejected and returned to the contractor. The Director should be informed of such rejections.
(iii) The points as to which a careful examination of scales should be made are the following:-
(1) Thje Sub divisions must be accurate.
(2) The sub divisions must be deep and black and not broader than in the pattern.
(3) The metal must not be glittering.
(4) The measuring edge must be thin and absolutely true.
(5) The scalse must be backed with white paper.
(6) The weight must be not less than 125 grams.
Return of mathematical instruments – Settlement Officer should submit at the end of every official year a list in form P IX given in Appendix G, of the mathematical instruments in stock on the 31st March. When new mathematical instruments are required the indent for them(the form of which will be found in the rules published in part II of the Gazette of India for April 9th 1887) should be sent through the Director of Land Records’ Office. When survey instruments are transferred from one settlement to another, or to the Director of Land Records’ Office, the date on which, and the officer by whom, they were originally received from the instruments Office, should be noted.
COST – 2500 RS