#@! Patwari Accounts and Agriculture Notes for Punjab @#%
1. Which of the following is not a Fixed Asset?
(a) Building
(b) Bank balance
(c) Plant
(d) Goodwill
[Hints: (b)
2. Gross Profit is the difference between
(a) Net Sales and Cost of goods sold
(b) PAT and Dividends
(c) Net Sales and Cost of production
(d) Net Sales and Direct costs of productions
[Hints: (a)
3. Recording of Capital contributed by the owner as liability ensures the adherence of principle of
(a) Double Entry
(b) Going Concern
(c) Separate Entry
(d) Materiality
[Hints: (c)
4. The basic concepts related to Balance Sheet are
(a) Cost Concept
(b) Business Entity Concept
(c) Accounting Period Concept
(d) Both (a) and (b) above
5. The basic concepts related to P & L Account are
(a) Realization Concept
(b) Matching Concept
(c) Cost Concept
(d) Both (a) and (b) above
answer- (d)
As per the Double entry concept
(a) Assets+ Liabilities = Capital
(b) Capital = Assets – Liabilities
(c) Capital – Liabilities = Assets
(d) Capital + Assets = Liabilities
[Hints: (b)
Only the significant events which affect the business must be recorded as per the principle of
(a) Separate Entity
(b) Accrual
(c) Materiality
(d) Going Concern
[Hints: (c)
8. P & L Account is prepared for a period of one year by following
(a) Consistency Concept
(b) Conservatism Concept
(c) Accounting Period Concept
(d) Cost Concept
[Hints: (c)
9. If the Going Concern concept is no longer valid, which of the following is true?
(a)All prepaid assets would be completely written-off immediately
(b)Total contributed Capital and Retained Earnings would remain unchanged
(c) Intangible Assets would continue to be carried at net Amortized historical cost
(d)Land held as an Investment would be valued at its realizable value
[Hints: (d)
10. Under which of the following concepts are shareholders treated as creditors for the amount they paid on the shares they subscribed to?
(a) Cost Concept
(b) Duality Concept
(c) Business Entity Concept
(d) Since the shareholders own the business, they are not treated as creditors
[Hints: (c)
11. The underlying accounting principle(s) necessitating amortization of intangible asset(s) is/are
(a)Cost Concept
(b)Realization Concept
(c)Matching Concept
(d)Both (a) and (c) above
[Hints: (c)
12. Which of the following practices is not in consonance with the convention of conservatism?
(a) Creating Provision for Bad debts
(b) Creating Provision for Discount on Creditors
(c) Creating Provision for Discount on Debtors
(d) Creating Provision for tax
[Hints: (b)
1Q. Which of the following is not an agricultural product?
1) Alum 2) Cotton 3) Jute 4) Rice
2Q. Crop rotation helps to
1) lessen use of pesticides 2) produce a greater choice of plant products
3) yield more crops 4) eliminate parasites which have selective hosts
3Q. Potassium chloride contains K –
1) 18% 2) 48% 3) 44% 4) 60%
4 Q. Plant micronutrient is –
1) Carbon 2) Boron 3) Magnesium 4) Sulphur
5Q. Which gas is released from paddy fields?
1) CO2 2) H2S 3) CH4 4) NH3
6Q. Which two crops of the following are responsible for almost 75% of pulse production in India?
1) Gram and pigeon pea 2) Gram and moong bean
3) Moong bean and lentil 4) Pigeon pea and moong bean
7Q. Fire curing is followed in –
1) Bidi tobacco 2) Hookah tobacco
3) Cheroot tobacco 4) Chewing type tobacco
8Q. Groundnut pegs when developed in the soil from –
1) Tubers 2) Fruits 3) Stems 4) Roots
9Q. In Jute growing areas the usual alternate crop is –
1) Cotton 2) Wheat 3) Sugarcane 4) Rice
10Q. Neelum is a variety of –
1) Grape 2) Papaya 3) Mango 4) Apple
11Q. The Commission of Agricultural Costs and Prices fixes the –
1) Support price 2) Wholesale price 3) Retail price 4) None of these
12Q. Vector of phyllody disease is –
1) Thrips 2) Mite 3) White fly 4) Jassid
13 Q. Gynodioecious varieties of papaya produce –
1) Only male plants 2) Female and hermaphrodite
3) Male and hermaphrodite plants 4) Only female plants
14Q. Isolation distance for foundation seed of rice is –
1) 30 metre 2) 3 metre 3) 35 metre 4) 50 metre
15Q. Botanically pineapple is a –
1) Pome 2) Baluster 3) Berry 4) Sorosis
16 Q. The basic unit of development under the Integrated Rural Development Programme is a –
1) District 2) Family
3) Village 4) Community Development Block
17Q. Ratna is a variety of–
1) Wheat 2) Barley 3) Maize 4) Rice
18Q. Seed rate of American cotton is–
1) 20 kg/ha 2) 30 kg/ha 3) 35 kg/ha 4) 12 kg/ha
19Q. Greening of potato results in–
1) Increase in nutritional quality 2) Increase in disease resistance
3) Decrease in disease resistance 4) Decrease in nutritional quality
20Q. Sugarbeet Nematode is –
1) Heterodera avanae 2) Heterodera cajani
3) Heterodera jae 4) Heterodera schacti
21Q. In medium term storage, material can be stored up to –
1) 100 years 2) 3 to 5 years
3) 10 to 15 years 4) None of these
22 Q. Which is the saturated fatty acid of the following –
1) Stearic acid 2) Arachidonic acid
3) Oleic acid 4) Linoleic acid
23Q. Iron is an important component of –
1) Siroheme 2) Ferredoxin
3) Cytochromes 4) All of these
24Q. The chemical, which is used for controlling the mites, is known as –
1) Fungicides 2) Mematicides
3) Acaricides 4) Insecticides
ANSWER- 1.1 2.4 3.4 4.2 5.3 6. 1 7.4 8. 2 9.4 10.3 11.1 12.1 13.4 14.2 15.4 16.3 17.4 18.1 19.4 20.4 21.2 22.1 23.4 24.2