- “Sertoli cells” in human testis are found in
[CPMT 1980, 83, 94,99; DPMT 1986; AFMC 2002]
(a) Seminiferous tubules
(b) Leydig cells
(c) Outside the seminiferous tubules
(d) None of these
- In man the epididymis from anterior to the posterior is divided into
(a) Caput, corpus and cauda
(b) Corpus, vas deferens and caput
(c) Corpus, cauda and caudal region
(d) Caput, cauda and vas deferens
- Cowper’s glands secrete a substance to
(a) Neutralize acidity of urethra
(b) Nourish sperms
(c) Kill pathogens
(d) All the above
- Which part of the ovary in mammals acts as an endocrine gland after ovulation [CPMT 1976]
(a) Vitelline membrane (b) Graafian follicles
(c) Stroma (d) Germinal epithelium
- Rupturing of follicles and discharge of ova is known as
[CPMT 1980]
(a) Copulation (b) Conjugation
(c) Ovulation (d) Oviposition
- After ovulation in female rabbit, the structure, which is formed by the ruptured follicle, is [CBSE PMT 1999]
(a) Corpus luteum (b) Corpus albicans
(c) Corpus callosum (d) Corpus mammilare
- Mullerian duct is [MP PMT 2000]
(a) Oviduct (b) Sperm duct
(c) Ureter of man (d) Urethra
- Which type of hormone controls the menstrual cycle in human being [CBSE PMT 2002; BVP 2002]
(a) LH (b) FSH
(c) Progesterone (d) FSH, LH, Estrogen
- Which of the following is a corrrect sequence in human embryo development[HP PMT 2005]
(a) Cleavage, gastruclation, blastutation
(b) Blastulation, cleavage, gastrulation
(c) Cleavage, blastulation, gastrulation
(d) Gastrulation, blastulation, cleavage
- The first milk coming out from mother’s mammary glands just after child birth is called [HP PMT 2005]
(a) Testrosterone (b) Colostrum
(c) Estrogen (d) Progesterone
- The group of anamniota includes [BHU 2004]
(a) ACTH (b) Progesterone
(c) GH (d) Gastrin
- Fertilization involves [MP PMT 1993]
(a) Release of gametes from gonads
(b) Transfer of male gamete to the female gamete
(c) Attachment of male and female reproductive organs
(d) Fusion of nucleus of male and female gametes
- Basic requirement of external fertilization is
(a) Delivery of large quantities of spermatozoa
(b) Delivery of spermatozoa in the body of female
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of these
- After the sperm entry into the egg cytoplasm rotates through
(a) 180° (b) 90°
(c) 75° (d) 60°
- In mammals the egg when released from ovary is commonly encased in a layer of cells of ovarian origin, corona radiata. These cells are held together by a cementing substance known as
(a) Hyaluronidase (b) Hyaluronic acid
(c) Hydrochloric acid (d) All the above
- Just after fertilization the first change is [Bihar MDAT 1995]
(a) Formation of grey crescent
(b) Activation of egg
(c) Formation of receptacle cone
(d) Cortical reaction
(e) No change takes place
- Sperm entry into the ovum is assisted by
(a) Fertilizin (b) Antifertilizin
(c) Hyalunic acid (d) Hyaluronidase
- The size of human egg is [CBSE PMT 1992]
(a) 1.5 mm (b) 0.15 mm
(c) 0.05 mm (d) 0.3 mm
- The eggs of insects are [AIIMS 1985; RPMT 1995, 02]
(a) Mesolecithal and centrolecithal
(b) Macrolecithal and centrolecithal
(c) Mesolecithal and telolecithal
(d) Macrolecithal and telolecithal
- Leathery eggs are found in [CPMT 1988]
(a) Amphibians (b) Reptiles
(c) Birds (d) Prototherian mammals
- Factors which determine polarity of eggs are
(a) Direct electric current
(b) Presence of neighbouring eggs
(c) Position of sperm entry
(d) Unequal distribution of substances in egg
- The blastula in mammals is referred as
(a) Blastoderm (b) Blastodisc
(c) Blastocyst (d) Coeloblastula
- Type of cleavage in fertilized egg depends on [MP PMT 1999]
(a) Amount of yolk
(b) Number of cells
(c) Number of mitochondria in the sperm
(d) Number of testes
- The formation of the notochord takes place by
[CPMT 1976; RPMT 1995]
(a) Primary ectoderm (b) Primary mesoderm
(c) Primary endoderm (d) None of the above
- Termination of gastrulation is marked by [AIIMS 1998]
(a) Obliteration of archenteron
(b) Closure of neural tube
(c) Obliteration of blastocoel
(d) Closure of blastopore
1 | a | 2 | a | 3 | a | 4 | b | 5 | c |
6 | a | 7 | a | 8 | d | 9 | c | 10 | b |
11 | c | 12 | d | 13 | a | 14 | a | 15 | b |
16 | b | 17 | d | 18 | b | 19 | b | 20 | d |
21 | d | 22 | c | 23 | a | 24 | b | 25 | d |
- (a) Sertoli cells are located in seminiferous tubules which nourish spermatozoa.
- (a) Epididymis has three parts anterior caput, middle corpus and posterior cauda epididymis.
- (a) Secretion of cowper’s gland acts as a lubricant for glans penis. It also neutralizes any urine in urethra.
- (b) In the form of corpus luteum.
- (a) Corpus luteum is yellowish body formed from ruptured Graafian follicle after ovulation in mammals secreting progestrone.
- (a) Oviducts are independently developed mullerian ducts which develop alongside the kidney ducts.
- (d) FSH, secreted by anterior lobe of pituitary, stimulates the secretion of oestrogen. LH, also secreted by anterior lobe, stimulates corpus luteum to secrete progesterone. Both these hormones control the menstrual cycle in humans.
- (b) Colustrum is the first milk which secreted at the end of pregnaney.
- (d) In animals, fertilization involves the fusion of spermatozoan.
- (b) In mammals the covering around the egg is called corona radiata. It is formed of a single layer of follicular cells, cemented together by an adhesive substances the hyaluronic acid.
- (d) Hyaluronidase, a lytic enzyme found in sperm, dissolves hyaluronic acid which forms cement substances between the cells of egg membrane, so facilitates sperm entry into the ovum.
- (b) The yolk is distributed in the centre of the egg.
- (d) The animal pole contains active cytoplasm and vegetal pole contains yolk. This creates polarity i.e. animal and vegetal pole.
- (c) Nutritive fluid increases in blastocoel, morula enlarges and takes the form of a cyst and is now called blastocyst or blastodermic vesicle.
- (a) The rate and nature of cleavage are much affected by factors like light, temperature, medium, amount of yolk, cytoplasmic organization, mitosis etc.
- (d) By the end of gastrulation, blastocoel will be reduced. A yolk plug of endodermal origin closes the blastopore.