Reproduction and its type
- Which are exclusively viviparous [AFMC 1986]
(a) Bony fishes (b) Cartilagenous fishes
(c) Sharks (d) Whales
- The asexual process replaced by the sexual method is known as [CPMT 1982]
(a) Semigamy (b) Amphimixis
(c) Apospory (d) Apomixis
- In all the methods of asexual reproduction
(a) Offsprings produced are genetically identical to the parents
(b) Offsprings produced are genetically different from the parents
(c) Offsprings produced may or may not be identical to the parents
(d) None of the above
- A person which shows the secondary sexual characters of both male and female is called
[CBSE PMT 1996; BHU 1999]
(a) Intersex (b) Hermaphrodite
(c) Bisexual (d) Gynandromorph
- In sexual reproduction, offsprings resemble the parents
(a) Structurally but not functionally
(b) Functionally but not structurally
(c) Both structurally and functionally
(d) Neither structurally nor functionally
- The polyestrous mammal is [CPMT 1988]
(a) Man (b) Rabbit
(c) Cat (d) Horse
- Viviparity is found in [CPMT 1982, 89]
(a) Frog (b) Lizard
(c) Snake (d) Rabbit
- Common method of asexual reproduction is by
(a) Regeneration (b) Budding
(c) Archeocytes (d) Gemmulation
- Asexual reproduction takes place in
(a) Higher animals (b) Lower animals
(c) Plants (d) All the above
- As a result of binary fission number of individuals produced by one fission is
(a) Two (b) Three
(c) Four (d) Five
- An alternation of asexual and sexual generations where both the generations are diploid and the haploid stage is represented only by the gametes is called
(a) Alternation of generation (b) Metagenesis
(c) Paedogenesis (d) Parthenogenesis
- Differentiation in morphology of the two sexes of the same species is called
(a) Hermaphrodite (b) Heteromorphosis
(c) Sexual dimorphism (d) Unisexual
- Fertilization is internal in [MP PMT 2000]
(a) Toads (b) Frogs
(c) Dog fish (d) Cat fish
- The croaking sounds made by frogs is [CPMT 2000]
(a) Hunger call
(b) Just a musical note
(c) Signaling call of danger
(d) Sex call for female partner
- Which type of reproduction is found in Hydra [RPMT 2000]
(a) Polyembryony (b) Sexual and asexual
(c) Parthenogenesis (d) Encystment
- Gemmule formation in sponges is helpful in [AIIMS 2001]
(a) Parthenogenesis (b) Sexual reproduction
(c) Only dissemination (d) Asexual reproduction
- Which is mode of reproduction in Amoeba [RPMT 2001]
(a) Binary fission only
(b) Binary fission and multiple fission
(c) Binary fission and conjugation
(d) Multiple fission only
- Which of the following shows the sexual dimorphism
[RPMT 2001]
(a) Hydra and Ascaris (b) Hydra and Oryctolagus
(c) Ascaris and Pheretima (d) Ascaris and Oryctolagus
- Drones in a colony of honey bees originate by [BHU 2002]
(a) Thelytoky (b) Arrhenotoky
(c) Cyclic parthenogenesis (d) Diploid parthenogenesis
- Arrhenotoky is related to [Orissa JEE 2004]
(a) Parthenogenesis (b) Wax formation
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of these
- Binary fission is found in [BVP 2000]
(a) Amoeba (b) Paramecium
(c) Planaria (d) All of these
- Eutherian mammals are [BVP 2002]
(a) Oviparous (b) Viviparous
(c) Ovoviviparous (d) Both (a) and (c)
- In Earthworms, self fertilization does not occur due to
[BVP 2000]
(a) Hypogyny (b) Protogyny
(c) Protandry (d) Epigyny
- In some species parthenogenesis may alternate with sexual reproduction this process is called
(a) Complete parthenogenesis
(b) Incomplete or cyclic parthenogenesis
(c) Both the above
(d) None of the above
- Haploid parthenogenesis among insects is shown by order
(a) Hymenoptera (b) Homoptera
(c) Coleoptera (d) All the above
- Natural parthenogenesis occurs in [BHU 1995, 2004]
(a) Frog to form female
(b) Honeybee to produce drones
(c) Cockroach
(d) Vegetarian eggs
Male reproductive system
- Cryptorchidism is the condition in man when
[CBSE PMT 1990]
(a) There are two testis in each scrotum
(b) Testis do not descent into the scrotum
(c) Testis enlarge in the scrotum
(d) Testis degenerate in the scrotum
- Bulbourethral gland is also known as
(a) Prostate gland (b) Cowper’s gland
(c) Perineal gland (d) Meibomian gland
- Which of the following is an accessory reproductive gland in male mammals [CPMT 1988; MP PMT 1988; MH CET 2004]
(a) Prostate gland (b) Gastric gland
(c) Mushroom shaped gland (d) Inguinal gland
- Cowper’s glands are present in [CPMT 1989]
(a) Female mammals (b) Male mammals
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None
- Seminiferous tubules develop central lumen after
[DPMT 1987]
(a) Birth (b) Prepuberal time
(c) Puberty (d) Old age
- There are some special types of cells found in the seminiferous tubules known as sertoli cells. These are
[CBSE PMT 1992]
(a) Germinal cells (b) Reproductive cells
(c) Somatic cells (d) Protective cells
- There is a connective tissue cord extending between the testis and abdominal wall called [CPMT 1990]
(a) Testis cord (b) Gubernaculum
(c) Mesentric cord (d) Spermatic cord
- The elastic tissue connecting the cauda epididymis to the scrotal sac is [CPMT 1991]
(a) Gubernaculum (b) Tendinous cord
(c) Scrotal ligament (d) Caput epididymis
- The seminiferous tubules of the testis are lined by the germinal epithelium consisting of [CPMT 1991]
(a) Cells of Sertoli (b) Spermatocytes
(c) Spermatogonium (d) Spermatids
- By the contraction of spermatic cord the testis of man are not taken to the abdominal cavity. It is due to the following structure
(a) Narrowness of inguinal canal
(b) Attachment of testis by gubernaculum testis to the scrotal sac only
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) Fat bodies and gubernaculum present over the testis
- Which cells in the testis secrete testosterone
[MP PMT 1992; CBSE PMT 2001;
BVP 2001;BHU 2001, 04]
(a) Interstitial cells or cells of Leydig
(b) Cells of the germinal epithelium
(c) Sertoli cells
(d) Secondary spermatocytes
- If the vas deferens of a man is surgically disconnected
[MP PMT 1993]
(a) Sperms in the semen will be without nuclei
(b) Semen will be without sperms
(c) Spermatogenesis will not occur
(d) Sperms in the semen will be non-motile
- The capsule enclosing testis of mammal is called as
[CPMT 1990; MP PMT 1993]
(a) Tunica albuginea (b) Tunica membrana
(c) Tunica vaginalis (d) Tunica vesculosa
- The abdominal passage which connects the abdominal cavity with the scrotal sac in mammals is known as
[AFMC 1975; CPMT 1987]
(a) Spermatic canal (b) Neurenteric canal
(c) Inguinal canal (d) Haversion canal
- If Cowper’s glands are removed. They will affect
(a) Erection of penis (b) Sperms
(c) Sex recognition (d) Sexual behaviour
- Gubernaculum cordis is a contractile structure that
[CMC Vellore 1993]
(a) Pulls down the testis during breeding season into the scrotal sac
(b) Allows daily migration of the testis from the abdominal cavity into the scrotum
(c) Facilitates ejaculation of spermatozoa from the testis
(d) Keeps the testis in position
- In man the two vasa deferentia open into
(a) Urinary bladder (b) Rectum
(c) Urethra (d) Penis
- Testicular degeneration and other disorders of reproductive system in mammals are due to the deficiency of
[AFMC 1991]
(a) Vitamin (b) Vitamin
(c) Vitamin (d) Vitamin
- Cowper’s gland is present in [MP PMT 1994, 95]
(a) Cockroach (b) Rabbit
(c) Earthworm (d) Frog
- Testis and ovary lie
(a) Dorsal to kidney (b) Ventral to kidney
(c) Lateral to kidney (d) Diagonal to kidney
- The male sex hormone ‘testosterone‘ is secreted by special Leydig’s cells present in
(a) Kidneys
(b) Seminiferous tubules of testes
(c) Connective tissue surrounding the seminiferous tubules of testes
(d) Cells lining the epidermis of the testes
- Which of the following statement is incorrect about Leydig cells
(a) They are abundant in early foetal life
(b) Gradually diminish during childhood
(c) Increase at puberty
(d) Absent in old age
- The seminal fluid coagulates on ejaculation due to
(a) Sodium contents from prostatic secretion
(b) Sodium contents from Cowper’s glands
(c) Calcium and fibrinogen contents from prostatic secretion
(d) Secretions of epididymis
- Composition of semen is
(a) Secretion of the testes and epididymis
(b) Secretions of the seminal vesicles
(c) Secretions of prostate gland and bulbo-urethral glands
(d) All the above
- Each epididymis consists of a single tightly coiled tube whose length is about
(a) (b)
(c) (d) None of these
- Ejaculation of semen
(a) Involves rhythmic contractions of striated muscles
(b) Is aided by sympathetic nerve activity
(c) Coincides with feeling of organisms
(d) All the above
- The narrow middle part of the epididymis is called
(a) Caput epididymis (b) Cauda epididymis
(c) Corpus epididymis (d) All the above
- Sperms become non-motile in the vagina in
(a) Less than 60 minutes (b) More than 60 minutes
(c) 120 minutes (d) 25–30 hours
- The fold of skin covering the penis is called
(a) Corpora covernosa (b) Corpus spongiosum
(c) Prepuce (d) None of these
- Functions of seminal fluid is/are
(a) Maintains the viability of sperms
(b) Maintains motility of sperms
(c) Provides proper and ionic strength
(d) All the above
- In which animal the testes are abdominal during embryonic stages but migrate to scrotum just before birth where they remain throughout life
(a) Elephants (b) Men
(c) Rats (d) Whales
- Ducts leading from the testes of rabbit are called
(a) Genital ducts (b) Spermatic ducts
(c) Urinary ducts (d) Vasa efferentia
- The scrotal sac of a male mammal is homologous to
(a) Clitoris (b) Labia majora
(c) Vagina (d) Uterus
- Which of the following is similar in function to Cowper’s gland
(a) Bartholin’s gland (b) Perineal gland
(c) Prostate gland (d) Rectal gland
- Testes in rabbit are [MP PMT 1995]
(a) Inside the body
(b) On the sides of the kidneys
(c) In scrotal sacs
(d) On either side of dorsal aorta
- Supporting cells found in between the germinal epithelium of testes are called [MP PMT 1996, 2002]
(a) Interstitial cells of Leydig (b) Sertoli cells
(c) Granular cells (d) Phagocytes
- The testes of a great majority of mammals are typically enclosed in an extra abdominal sac, the scrotum. The temperature inside the scrotum is lower than that in the abdomen. What will happen if the temperature of the scrotum is artificially maintained to the level of abdominal temperature
(a) The germinal epithelium will produce a large quantity of androgen secretion
(b) The germinal epithelium of the testes will divide faster, thus producing more sperms
(c) The germinal epithelium of the testes will degenerate, resulting in sterility
(d) The germinal epithelium will carry out normal spermatogenesis
- From the seminiferous tubules the spermatozoa pass into
(a) Epididymis (b) Vas deferens
(c) Seminal vesicle (d) Rete testis
- Seminiferous tubules are found in
[MP PMT 1998; BVP 2004]
(a) Testis (b) Ovary
(c) Kidney (d) Lung
- Cells of leydig are found in [CPMT 1998]
(a) Kidney of rabbit (b) Kidney of frog
(c) Testis of frog (d) Testis of rabbit
- Bidder’s canal is found in [AFMC 1999]
(a) Testes of frog (b) Kidney of frog
(c) Ovary of mammal (d) Kidney of mammal
- Sertoli cells are found in [RPMT 1999; Haryana PMT 2005]
(a) Kidney of rabbit (b) Ovary of frog
(c) Testes of rabbit (d) Ovary of rabbit
- In rabbit, head of the epididymis present at the head of the testis is called [KCET 2000; CPMT 2000; BHU 2004]
(a) Vas deferens (b) Cauda epididymis
(c) Gubernaculum (d) Caput epididymis
- Which of the following is the endocrine tissue of testes
[Pb. PMT 2000]
(a) Epidermis (b) Inguinal canal
(c) Leydig cells (d) Spermatic cord
- Phallic organs in cockroach are related to [BHU 2001]
(a) Male excretory system
(b) Male reproductive system
(c) Female excretory system
(d) Female reproductive system
- In which of the following organism testes descends into scrotum in breeding season but in non-breeding season goes up [AFMC 2004]
(a) Frog (b) Kangaroo
(c) Shrew (d) Bat
- In most mammals, the testes are located in scrotal sac for
[MHCET 2003]
(a) Spermatogenesis
(b) Sex differentiation
(c) More space to visceral organs
(d) Indepndent functioning of kidney
- ICSH acts on[MHCET 2004]
(a) Spermatogonia (b) Nurse cells
(c) Leydig cells (d) Primary spermatocytes
- Cauda epididymis leads to [MHCET 2004]
(a) Vas efferens (b) Vas deferens
(c) Ejaculatory duct (d) Rete testis
- Heterogametic male condition does not occur in
[MHCET 2004]
(a) Birds (b) Humans
(c) Drosophila (d) Honey bee
- The function of prostate gland is [Wardha 2005]
(a) Storage of semen
(b) Provide motility to sperms
(c) Formation of semen
(d) Release of hormones
Female reproductive system
- The stroma of the ovary consists of nerves, blood vessels, muscle fibres and a type of protein called [CPMT 1992]
(a) Collagen (b) Albumin
(c) Globulin (d) Fibrin
- The nutritive medium for the ejaculated sperms is given by
[CPMT 1992]
(a) Seminal fluid (b) Vaginal fluid
(c) Uterine lining (d) Fallopian tube
- In female mammals Bartholin’s glands open into the
[AFMC 1986]
(a) Vestibule and release a lubricating fluid in the vagina
(b) Uterus and release a lubricating fluid during the birth of young ones
(c) Urinary bladder and assist in release of urine
(d) Fallopian tubes and release a secretion which makes sperms motile
- The seminal vesicle or uterus masculinus in rabbit is found at the junction of [CPMT 1980]
(a) Prostate and Cowper’s glands
(b) Prostate and vasa deferens
(c) Prostate and urethra
(d) Vasa deferens and testis
- In female rabbit, the expanded proximal part of the oviduct is known as [DPMT 1985]
(a) Uterus (b) Vagina
(c) Vestibule (d) Fimbricated funnel
- The mammalian follicle was first described by
[CBSE PMT 1990]
(a) Von Baer (b) de Graaf
(c) Robert Brown (d) Spallanzil
- If after ovulation no pregnancy results, the corpus luteum
[MP PMT 1989]
(a) Is maintained by the presence of progesterone
(b) Degenerates in a short time
(c) Becomes active and secretes lot of FSH and LH
(d) Produces lot of oxytocin and relaxin
- Graafian follicle are characteristically found in the
[DPMT 1982; CPMT 1974, 78, 81, 89;
BHU 1985; Haryana PMT 2005]
(a) Thyroid of mammal (b) Ovary of frog
(c) Testis of mammal (d) Ovary of mammal
- The layer of cells immediately surrounding the ovum but outside the zona pellucida is called [CPMT 1987]
(a) Corona radiata (b) Membrana granulosa
(c) Theca interna (d) Germinal epithelium
- The membrane investing the ovum just outside the membrana granulosa is [CPMT 1989]
(a) Zona pellucida (b) Theca interna
(c) Vitelline membrane (d) Discus proligerous
- After ovulation the graafian follicle becomes an endocrine organ called [CPMT 1989]
(a) Interstitial organ (b) Ovarian tube
(c) Globulin (d) Fibrin
- Corpus luteum is the source of secretion of
[AIIMS 1992; CBSE PMT 1995; RPMT 1999; MP PMT 2003; Orissa JEE 2004]
(a) Estrogen (b) Progesterone
(c) Estradiole (d) LH
- Bartholin’s glands in rabbit are found in [MP PMT 1992]
(a) Male and produce a viscous alkaline fluid which neutralizes acidity in the urethra
(b) Male and produce the clear liquid part of the spermatic fluid
(c) Female and produce the hormone estrogen which regulates secondary sexual characters
(d) Female and produce a clear fluid which lubricates the vestibule during copulation
- In mammals the ovary is primarily concerned with
(a) Production of hormone
(b) Production of ovum
(c) Development of secondary sexual characters
(d) All of the above
- Graafian follicles are produced by the ovary by the process of
(a) Oogenesis (b) Folliculargenesis
(c) Ovulation (d) Oogenolysis
- The structure which attaches the ovaries with the dorsal wall is known as
(a) Wolffian body (b) Mesovarium
(c) Mesorchium (d) Fimbricated body
- Ovulation in mammals is caused by
[AIIMS 1990; Wardha 2005]
(a) FSH and TSH (b) FSH and LH
(c) FSH and LTH (d) LTH and LH
- Which one of the following statement is correct
[MP PMT 1992]
(a) Albumen covering eggs of frog swells and forms protective jelly after coming in contact with water
(b) Fertilization in rabbit is helped by hyaluronidase which is present in eggs
(c) During fertilization in rabbit the entire sperm including tail enters egg
(d) In case of toad, fertilization takes place in moist soil
- In the ovum of rabbit, graafian follicle is [MP PMT 1992]
(a) Oogonial cells
(b) Corpus luteum
(c) Corpus albicans
(d) Theca externa, theca interna, oocyte and follicle cells
- Stroma is a term applied to [MP PMT 1993]
(a) Gall stone
(b) Ovarian follicles
(c) Connective tissue in which graffian follicles are embedded
(d) Connective tissue surrounding the seminiferous tubules
- What is the female counterpart of prostate gland in the male (man) [MP PMT 1993]
(a) Bartholin’s gland (b) Uterus
(c) Clitoris (d) None of these
- Corpus luteum in mammals is present in [MP PMT 1993]
(a) Heart and initiates atrial contraction
(b) Brain and connects the two cerebral hemispheres
(c) Ovaries and produces progesterone
(d) Skin and acts as a pain receptor
- The female rabbit is [CPMT 1980, 89]
(a) Spontaneous ovulator (b) Seasonal ovulator
(c) Natural ovulator (d) Induced ovulator
- The endometrium is the lining of [CPMT 1988]
(a) Bladder (b) Vagina
(c) Uterus (d) Oviduct
- In ladies, the oviducts are cutted or removed surgically to avoid the chances of fertilization. This is called [DPMT 1993]
(a) Vasectomy
(b) Ovariodectomy
(c) Sterilization
(d) Tubectomy (Salpingectomy)
- The structure formed after release of ova from graafian follicles and secretory in nature, is
[CPMT 1983; CBSE PMT 1999]
(a) Corpus callosum (b) Corpus luteum
(c) Corpus albicans (d) Corpus stratum
- Corpus luteum is formed in
[MP PMT 1994, 96, 98; RPMT 2002]
(a) Ovary (b) Testes
(c) Brain (d) Kidney
- Ovulation does not occur during pregnancy in the human female because
(a) The follicles are not influenced by the level of progesterone in the blood
(b) The corpus luteum and later the placenta produce large amounts of progesterone
(c) The corpus luteum generates as luteinising hormone is no longer produced
(d) The embryo produces hormones which retard the production of maternal follicle stimulating hormones
- When pregnancy does not occur, the life of corpus luteum is about
(a) 10 days
(b) 14 days
(c) 28 days
(d) Corpus luteum is not found
- Ripe ova are shed by ovaries into
(a) Oviducal funnel
(b) Coelom
(c) Oviduct
(d) Collecting tubules of kidney
- An atretic follicle is
(a) Also known as corpus albicans
(b) That follicle which fails to mature and degenerates
(c) That follicle which has released the ovum
(d) None of these
- Human uterus is
(a) Paired with well separated oviducts
(b) Single large chamber with posterior part of oviduct fused to it anteriorly
(c) Paired with partially fused oviducts
(d) A single large chamber with completely fused oviducts
- Cervix lies between [MP PMT 2000]
(a) Oviduct and uterus (b) Uterus and vagina
(c) Vagina and clitoris (d) Clitoris and labia
- Vaginal orifice, urethral orifice and clitoris are protected by
(a) Labia majora (b) Labia minora
(c) Vulva (d) Anus
- Vestibular glands secrete
(a) Hormones (b) Enzymes
(c) Mucus (d) Digestive juice
- The uteri and vagina lie in a fold of peritoneum called
(a) Mesorchium (b) Mesovarium
(c) Mesometrium (d) Peritoneal covering
- The first stage of graafian follicular growth involves
(a) Addition of layers of granulosa cells
(b) Moderate enlargement of the ovum
(c) Formation of theca interna
(d) Formation of theca externa
- Ovulation can be detected by
(a) Rise in basal body temperature
(b) Fern pattern of the cervical mucosa
(c) Urinary estradiol excretion
(d) Plasma cholestrol estimation
- The cavity present in the graafian follicle is [KCET 2001]
(a) Amniotic cavity (b) Archenteron
(c) Antrum (d) Ostium
- The ducts which carry milk from mammary glands to nipple are called
(a) Lactiferous sinuses (b) Lactiferous ducts
(c) Areola (d) All the above
- The changes that occurs in female at the onset of puberty are
(a) The enlargement of breasts
(b) Beginning of menstrual cycle
(c) Stoppage of growth of long bone and height
(d) All the above
- Transformation of a young follicle into graafian follicle is controlled by
(a) Progesterone
(b) Lactogenic hormone
(c) Follicular stimulating hormone
(d) Luteinising hormone
- Note the relationship between the first two words and suggest a suitable word for the fourth place
Mesovarium : Ovary :: Mesometrium : ………….
(a) Clitoris (b) Uterus
(c) Testis (d) Penis
- In woman cessation of menstruation occurs at the age of
[KCET 2000]
(a) 12–14 years (b) 45–58 years
(c) 60 years (d) Does not occur at all
- In rabbit, the uterus is
(a) Bicornute (b) Multicornute
(c) Unicornute (d) Acornute
- In human beings the median tube where the uterus opens independently is called
(a) Cervix (b) Clitoris
(c) Vagina (d) Cloaca
- Menstruation cycle occurs
(a) In all mammals (b) In eutherian animals
(c) In metatherian animals (d) In all primates
- Cessation of menstrual cycle in the human female is known as [AIIMS 2001]
(a) Ovulation (b) Puberty
(c) Menopause (d) Maturation
- Which one of the following is least present in the endometrium during the proliferative phase of the menstrual cycle
(a) Cork screw-shaped uterine glands
(b) Ciliated cells
(c) Mitosis of stomal cells
(d) Straight arteries
- The rupture of the graafian follicle and the release of ovum occurs under the influence of [Manipal 2005]
(a) LH (b) FSH
(c) MSH (d) GH
- The menstrual cycle in normal adult woman is of
[MP PMT 1997]
(a) 48 days (b) 38 days
(c) 18 days (d) 28 days
- Fimbriated funnel is [MP PMT 1998]
(a) Proximal part of oviduct (b) Uterus part
(c) Urinary bladder part (d) Ureter part
- Fallopian tube is the part of [MP PMT 1999]
(a) Uterus (b) Ureter
(c) Oviduct (d) Vas deferens
- Prepuberal period refers to a stage of [Pune CET 1998]
(a) Growth enlargement of organ systems and maturation of reproductive mechanisms
(b) Initiation of gonads
(c) Initiation of organs
(d) Maturation of gonads alone
- The substance secreted by the corpus luteum is
[RPMT 1999]
(a) Hormone (b) Enzyme
(c) Pheromone (d) Bile
- In the 28 day human ovarian cycle, the ovulation takes place typically on [BHU 2000]
(a) Day 1 of the cycle (b) Day 5 of the cycle
(c) Day 14 of the cycle (d) Day 28 of the cycle
- The cyclic period of sexual activity in non-human female mammals is called [AFMC 2001]
(a) Menstruation (b) Luteinization
(c) Oogenesis (d) Estrous
- In mammals the estrogens are secreted by the Graafian follicle from its [MP PMT 2001]
(a) External theca (b) Internal theca
(c) Zona Pellucida (d) Corona radiata
- In human females at the time of birth there are two million ova: how many of them normally reach maturity in the course of normal reproductive life [MP PMT 2001]
(a) 500 (b) 1,000
(c) 2,000 (d) 5,000
- Parturition duct in female is called [RPMT 2001]
(a) Uterus (b) Oviduct
(c) Vagina (d) Cervix
- In human female which of the following is incorrect
[Orissa PMT 2002]
(a) Menstrual cycle takes 28 days
(b) Menopause occur at 45-55 years
(c) The ovulated egg released during pregnancy die
(d) Menstruation takes 4 days
- If both ovaries are removed from a rat, then which hormone is decreased in blood [CBSE PMT 2002]
(a) Oxytocin (b) Estrogen
(c) Prolactin (d) Gonadotrophic
- Bartholin’ s glands are situated [CBSE PMT 2003]
(a) On either side of vas deferens in humans
(b) On the sides of the head of frog
(c) At the reduced tail end of birds
(d) On either side of vagina in humans
- Both corpus luteum and macula lutea are [AIIMS 2003]
(a) Found in human ovaries
(b) A source of hormones
(c) Characterized by a yellow colour
(d) Contributory in maintaining pregnancy
- In mammals the female secondary sexual characters are developed by the hormone [MP PMT 2002]
(a) Relaxin (b) Estrogens
(c) Progesterone (d) Gonadotropins
- Ovulation in the human female normally takes place during the menstrual cycle[CBSE PMT 2004]
(a) At the beginning of the proliferative phase
(b) At the end of the proliferative phase
(c) At the mid secretory phase
(d) Just before the end of the secretory phase
- Sequence of hormones during menstrual cycle is
[Orissa JEE 2004]
(a) Oestrogen, progesterone and FSH
(b) Progesterone, oestrogen and FSH
(c) FSH, oestrogen and progesterone
(d) FSH, progesterone and oestrogen
- Proliferation of endometrium of uterus in controlled by
[Kerala PMT 2004]
(a) Relaxin (b) Oxytocin
(c) Progesterone (d) Oestrogen
(e) Luteinizing
- In the diagram of section of Graafian follicle, different parts are indicated by alphabets; choose the answer in which these alphabets have been correctly matched with the parts they indicate…….. [Kerala PMT 2004]
(a) A = Theca externa
B= Theca interna
C= Ovum
D= Cumulus oophorus
E= Antrum
F= Membrana granulosa
(b) A= Membrana granulosa
B= Theca externa
C= Ovum
D= Cumulus oophorus
E= Antrum
F = Theca interno
(c) A= Membrana granulosa
B= Theca interna
C= Ovum
D= Cumulus oophorus
E= Anturm
F= Theca externa
(d) A= Theca externa
B= Theca interna
C= Ovum
D= Membrana granulosa
E= Anturum
F= Cumulus oophorus
- The estrous cycle occurs in
(a) Mouse
(b) Gorilla
(c) Chimpanzee
(d) Money
- Corpus luteum is developed from [MHCET 2003]
(a) Oocyte (b) Nephrostome
(c) Graffian follicle (d) None of these
- Choose the correct combination of labelling the hormonal control of female reprodcutive system [Kerala CET 2005]
(a) (a)–GnRH (b)–TSH (c)–LTH (d)–uterus
(b) (a)–GnRH (b)–LH/FSH (c)–estrogen or progestrone (d)–uterus
(c) (a)–GnRH (b)–STH (c)–LH (d)–uterus
(d) (a)–GnRH (b)–ACTH (c)–LH (d)–uterus
(e) (a)–GnRH (b)–LTH (c)–estrogen (d)–uterus
- Which one of the following events is correctly matched with the time period in a normal menstrul cycle[AIIMS 2005]
(a) Release of egg : 5th day
(b) Endometrium regenerates : 5- 10 days
(c) Endometrium secretes nutrients for implantation : 11–18 days
(d) Rise in progesterone level : 1 – 15 days
- Ovulation takes place in/on [Haryana PMT 2005]
(a) Ovary (b) About the 14th day
(c) Both of (a) and (b) (d) None of these
- In human females ova are produced in [HP PMT 2005]
(a) Ovarian follicles (b) Oviduct
(c) Uterus (d) Vagina
- Aldosterone is secreted by [Manipal 2005]
(a) Zona glomerulosa (b) Zona fasciculata
(c) Zona reticularis (d) Zona pellucida
- FSH and LH is [Haryana PMT 2005]
(a) Vasopressin (b) Vitamin
(c) Gonadotropin (d) Enzyme
- Menstrual cycle occurs in[Wardha 2005]
(a) Female primates (b) Human females
(c) Mammalian females (d) Rabbit
- Testis produce [DPMT 1992]
(a) Sperms (b) Eggs
(c) Seeds (d) Spores
- The process of releasing the ripe female gamete from the ovary is called [CPMT 1988]
(a) Parturition (b) Ovulation
(c) Fertilization (d) Implantation
- Ovulation in mammals refers to
(a) Release of ovum from ovary
(b) Formation of primary oocyte in ovary
(c) Degeneration of unfertilized ovum
(d) Fertilization of mature ovum
- Germ cells in mammalian gonads are produced by
[CPMT 1992, 93; MP PMT 1997, 2000]
(a) Only mitosis (b) Only meiosis
(c) Mitosis and meiosis both (d) Without cell division
- The breakage of the membrane surrounding the acrosome in a mammalian sperm is [MP PMT 1994]
(a) Activation (b) Cavitation
(c) Agglutination (d) Capacitation
- The acrosome plays important role in [MP PMT 1999, 2000]
(a) Motility of sperm
(b) Penetration of ovum by sperm
(c) The fusion of pronuclei of the gametes
(d) None of these
- Which of the following statements is incorrect. Human spermatozoa normally
(a) At a concentration of 1 million/ml of ejaculate will fertilize the ovum
(b) Are released in large numbers after a few days abstinence
(c) Contain enzyme in their head which helps in penetration of ovum
(d) Move with the help of their tails
- Survival time of sperms introduced into the vagina may be
(a) 1–2 days (b) 3–4 days
(c) 5–10 days (d) 1 week
- The human sperms were first seen and discovered by
(a) Ernst Haeckel
(b) Hamm and Leeuwenhoek
(c) Louis Pasteur
(d) Robert Hooke
- Polar bodies are formed during
(a) Spermatogenesis (b) Oogenesis
(c) Gametogenesis (d) Spermateleosis
- In frog chromosome no. is reduced to half [BHU 2003]
(a) When 2nd polar body is separated
(b) When 2nd polar body is divided
(c) When 3rd polar body is separated
(d) When 1st polar body is separated
- Nebenkern is a part of [KCET 2004]
(a) Foetus (b) Graafian follicle
(c) Human ovum (d) Human sperm
- In mammalian sperm, spirally arranged mitochondria are present in [MHCET 2001]
(a) Head portion (b) Middle piece
(c) End piece of the tail (d) Principal piece of tail
- Acrosome of sperm is formed from
[MP PMT 2004; CPMT 2005]
(a) Nucleus of spermatid
(b) Mitochondria of spermatid
(c) Golgi complex of spermatid
(d) Centrosome of spermatid
- Sperm’s acrosome has [Manipal 2005]
(a) Hyaluronic acid and proacrosine
(b) Hyaluronic acid and fertilizin
(c) Hyaluronidase and proacrosin
(d) Fertilizin and proacrosin
- A cross section at the midpoint of the middle piece of a human sperm will show[AIIMS 2005]
(a) Centriole, mitochondria and 9+2 arrangement of microtubules
(b) Centriole and mitochondria
(c) Mitochondria and 9+2 arrangement of microtubules
(d) 9+2 arrangement of microtubules only
- Which of the following is ‘immortal’ [BHU 2005]
(a) Somatic cell (b) Glomerular cells
(c) Germ cells (d) Cells of pituitary
- Sperms formed from 4 primary spermatocytes are
[CPMT 2005]
(a) 4 (b) 1
(c) 16 (d) 32
- During embryonic development the establishment of polarity along anterior/posterior, dorsal/ventral or medial/lateral axis is called [CPMT 2005]
(a) Anamorphosis (b) Organizer phenomena
(c) Pattern formation (d) Axis formation
- What do you mean by the term spermateleosis
[MH CET 2004; Manipal 2005]
(a) Conversion of spermatids to sperm
(b) Conversion of spermogohium to spermatid
(c) Conversion of spermatid to spermogonium
(d) Conversion of primary spermatocyte to secondary spermatocyte
- Spermatogonia formed after which cell division
[Haryana PMT 2005]
(a) Meiosis I (b) Meiosis II
(c) Mitosis (d) Amitosis
- Match the following with correct combination
[Kerala CET 2005]
(a) Hyaluronidase | (i) Acrosomal reaction |
(b) Corpus luteum | (ii) Morphogenetic movements |
(c) Gastrulation | (iii) Progesterone |
(d) Capacitation | (iv) Mammary gland |
(e) Colostrum | (v) Sperm activation |
(a) (a)-(v), (b)-(ii), (c)-(iv), (d)-(i), (e)-(iii)
(b) (a)-(i), (b)-(iii), (c)-(ii), (d)-(v), (e)-(iv)
(c) (a)-(i), (b)-(ii), (c)-(iii), (d)-(iv), (e)-(v)
(d) (a)-(iv), (b)-(ii), (c)-(v), (d)-(iii), (e)-(i)
- Hormone responsible for metamorphosis in tadpole is
[Manipal 2005]
(a) Adrenaline (b) Thyroxine
(c) Aldasterone (d) Vasopressin
Phases of embryonic development
- The branch of embryology which concerns with the study of abnormal embryonic development is termed as
[CBSE PMT 1992]
(a) Gerantology (b) Teratology
(c) Embryology (d) None of the above
- The immatured stage eggs are called as [CBSE PMT 1993]
(a) Microlecithal (b) Oogenesis
(c) Oocyte (d) Zygote
- The undifferentiated primordial germ cells are larger in size and their chromatin rich nuclei are distinct in
(a) Multiplication phase (b) Growth phase
(c) Maturation phase (d) All the above
- In mammals growing oocytes are surrounded by special nutritive cells called
(a) Follicle cells (b) Nurse cells
(c) (a) and (b) both (d) None of the above
- Process of spermatogenesis is under the regulatory influence of
(a) Oxytocin
(b) Vassopressin
(c) Follicle stimulating hormone
(d) Luteotrophic hormone
- Among the following who is regarded to be the founder of modern embryology
(a) Aristotle (b) Newport
(c) Von Baer (d) Spallanzani
- Normally the gametes are disease free in human beings or even in other animals because
(a) Germs cannot attack the gametes
(b) Gametes are immune to diseases
(c) The germplasm is segregated very early and is not subjected to diseases from which the somatic cells may suffer
(d) None of the above
- Which of the following phase in development of a sperm has no counterpart in development of an ovum
(a) Polar body formation (b) Phase of multiplication
(c) Spermiogenesis (d) Phase of growth
- Release of spermatozoa from urethra by male animals is called
(a) Spermatogenesis (b) Spermiogenesis
(c) Ejaculation (d) Insemination
- Oogenesis comprises [MP PMT 1998]
(a) Multiplication phase (b) Growth phase
(c) Maturation phase (d) All the above
- The process by which ova are formed is knwon as
[MP PMT 1999]
(a) Oogenesis (b) Ovulation
(c) Oviposition (d) Oviparity
- How many ova and sperms would be produced from 100 secondary oocytes and 100 secondary spermatocytes during gametogenesis in human [CPMT 1999; JIPMER 2001]
(a) 100 ova, 100 sperms (b) 100 ova, 200 sperms
(c) 50 ova, 100 sperms (d) 200 ova, 200 sperms
- Embryonic body form stage is characterised by
[Pune CET 1998]
(a) Basic body plan emerging
(b) Miniature adult features
(c) Stage of development resembling other species
(d) Tissues not fully formed
- The period of preparation with reference to developmental phenomena in vertebrates means [Pune CET 1998]
(a) Formation of gastrula
(b) Formation of germ layers
(c) Tissue differentiation
(d) Parents preparation and elaboration of gametes
- The rule of embryonic development was given by
[MH-CET 2000; CPMT 2003]
(a) Von baer (b) Haeckel
(c) Wallace (d) Morgan
- The process of maturation of reproductive cells of testes in male so as to form the male gamete or sperm is known as
[AFMC 2003; Haryana PMT 2005]
(a) Spermatogenesis (b) Gametogenesis
(c) Oogenesis (d) None of these
- In man sperms move after ejaculation at a rate of nearly
[CBSE PMT 1991]
(a) 2 to 4 mm/minute (b) 2 to 4 feet/minute
(c) 2 to 4 inches/minute (d) 2 to 4 cm/minute
- What helps in the penetration of egg by the sperm
[MP PMT 1992]
(a) Fertilizin (b) Antifertilizin
(c) Sperm lysin (d) Fertilization membrane
- Fertilizins are the substances emitted from [BHU 1985]
(a) Mature egg (b) Sperms
(c) Immature egg (d) Polar body
- One of the minute cell which separates from the animal egg during maturation is known as [CPMT 1986, 90]
(a) Primary spermatogonia (b) Secondary oogonia
(c) Primary oogonia (d) Polar bodies
- Fertilization occurs in human, rabbit and other placental mammals in
[CPMT 1978, 79, 81, 89, 94; DPMT 1985; AIIMS 1993; MP PMT 1993, 95;
Kerala CET 2002; RPMT 2002]
(a) Ovary (b) Uterus
(c) Fallopian tubes (d) Vagina
- After a sperm has penetrated an ovum in the process of fertilization, entry of further sperms is prevented by
[NCERT 1984]
(a) Development of the vitelline membrane
(b) Development of the pigment coat
(c) Condensation of yolk
(d) Formation of fertilization membrane
- The sperm produces substances of enzymatic nature called sperm lysin. In mammals, it is called
[DPMT 1986; MP PMT 2001 KCET 2001]
(a) Hyaluronidase (b) Hyaluranic acid
(c) Androgamone (d) Cryanogamone
- Development of an egg without fertilization is called
[CPMT 1972]
(a) Gametogenesis (b) Metagenesis
(c) Oogenesis (d) Parthenogenesis
- What is true in the process of fertilization
[MP PMT 1990; KCET 1994]
(a) Only one sperm reaches the egg and enters it
(b) The entry of sperm activates the egg for completing meiosis
(c) Two haploid nuclei fuse and immediately divide to produce two nuclei which are again haploid
(d) Only the acrosome of the sperm enters the egg
- On fertilization of egg nucleus with sperm nucleus
[CPMT 1993]
(a) First maturation is completed
(b) Second maturation is completed
(c) Embryo is formed
(d) First polar body is formed
- The phenomenon of fertilization was first perceived by
[CPMT 1987]
(a) Weismann (b) Leeuwenhoek
(c) Robert Hooke (d) Hertwig
- In reproduction of a test tube baby [CBSE PMT 1989]
(a) Fertilization is done outside body
(b) Foetus is grown in a test tube
(c) Fertilization is done inside the body
(d) None of these
- The final event in the process of fertilization is
[MP PMT 1994]
(a) Fusion of gametes
(b) Egg activation
(c) Amphimixis
(d) Organizational change in egg cytoplasm
- During the development, the point of entry of sperm in the eggs at fertilization
(a) Establishes the antereo-posterior axis
(b) Forms the centre of rotation of egg
(c) Forms the grey crescent
(d) Forms the dorsal lip of blastopore
- A sperm without acrosome, cannot
(a) Get food supply
(b) Move
(c) Penetrate into the seminal vesicle
(d) Penetrate into the ovum
- Amphimixis means
(a) Fusion of male and female gametes
(b) Fusion of male and female pronuclei
(c) Movement of the sperm towards ovum
(d) Movement of the ovum towards sperm
- During fertilization, which centriole of the sperm gives rise to a spindle system inside the egg
(a) Proximal centriole (b) Distal centriole
(c) Ring centriole (d) None of the above
- The fertilization membrane during fertilization is synthesized by [RPMT 2000]
(a) Mitochondria
(b) Golgi bodies
(c) Acid mucopolysaccharides of cortical granules
(d) All the above
- The function of egg cell is/are
(a) It supplies a haploid set of chromosomes to the future embryo
(b) It provides most of the cytoplasm to the embryo
(c) It supplies food reserves to the embryo
(d) All the above
- The size of the egg chiefly depends upon the
(a) Size of the animal
(b) Amount of yolk reserves in it
(c) Amount of food taken by the mother
(d) All the above
- When more than one sperm establish contact and penetrate into the egg, then it is called
(a) Monospermy (b) Polyspermy
(c) (a) and (b) both (d) None of these
- The disadvantage of parthenogenesis is
(a) Establishment of polyploid generation
(b) Elimination of variety in population
(c) Means of reproduction
(d) Does not encourage the appearance of new and advantageous combinations of genes
- Repressor theory of activation of fertilization was given by
(a) Heilbrunn (b) Runnstrom
(c) Monray and Tyler (d) Batallion
- The hormones of the sperm are called
(a) Gynogamones–I (b) Androgamones
(c) Gynogamones–II (d) None of these
- Function of fertilizin is/are
(a) Makes the sperm sticky
(b) Clumping of sperms
(c) Makes sperm to adhere the surface of egg
(d) All the above
- Which type of stimulus is used to achieve parthenogenic development
(a) Chemical (b) Change in
(c) Pricking with microneedle (d) All the above
- The primordial germ cells make their appearance from wall of
(a) Amnion (b) Chorion
(c) Allantois (d) Gonad
- Gyanogamones are secretions from
(a) Ovum or unfertilized egg (b) Spermatids
(c) Cells of Graafian follicle (d) Ovary
- Antifertilizins are contained in
(a) Spermatozoa (b) Ovary
(c) Testis (d) Germinal epithelium
- In sperm bank the sperms are stored in test tubes for the purpose of artificial insemination
(a) Due to addition of certain chemicals
(b) Under extraordinary cold condition
(c) Under normal laboratory condition
(d) After washing with distilled water
- The chemical fertilizer is present in [Manipal 2005]
(a) Ovum (b) Sperm
(c) Immature ovum (d) Fertilized ovum
- Which one of the following events immediately follows the entry of a spermatozoan into an oocyte
(a) An increase in the permeability of the oocyte membrane
(b) An increase in activity of proteolytic enzymes
(c) A decrease in the metabolic rate of the oocyte
(d) Thickening of the vitelline membrane
- The animals which lay fertilized or unfertilized eggs and whole development takes place outside the body of mother are called
(a) Oviparous (b) Viviparous
(c) Ovo-viviparous (d) Herbivorous
- In eggs which have very thick and resistant membrane g., fishes and insects sperm penetrate through a special canal called
(a) Vitelline membrane (b) Jelly coat
(c) Polar body (d) Micropyle
- Who demonstrated the acrosome reaction in Saccoglossus
(a) F.R. Lillie (1919)
(b) Colwin and Colwin (1967)
(c) (a) and (b) both
(d) None of the above
- A layer of cortical granules is found beneath the
(a) Vitelline membrane (b) Fertilization cone
(c) Plasma membrane (d) Hyaline layer
- Female rabbit is
(a) Monoestrus (b) Diestrus
(c) Polyestrus (d) None of the above
- Function of gynogamone–I is
(a) Conserves sperm activity
(b) Dissolves vitelline membrane
(c) Neutralizes androgamone–I thereby increasing sperm activity
(d) Makes sperm head sticky to facilitate attachment of sperm to egg surface
- To reduce the weight of spermatozoan and enhance its motility nucleus undergoes which of the following change
(a) Shrinks by losing water from nuclear sap
(b) Chromosomes are closely packed
(c) RNA is removed
(d) All the above
- Normally the number of chromosomes in the nuclei of gametes that fuse at fertilization are [MP PMT 1995]
(a) Innumerable (b) Dissimilar
(c) Similar (d) None of the above
- In sexually reproducing animals the union of male and female gamete forms a cell which is called [MP PMT 1995]
(a) Ovarian cell (b) Oocyte
(c) Zygote (d) Graafian follicle
- Movement of sperm is done by [MP PMT 1996, 99]
(a) Tail (b) Head
(c) Acrosome (d) Middle piece
- When sex is determined at the time of fertilization, it is known as
(a) Progamic (b) Syngamic
(c) Epigamic (d) All the above
- Fertilizin is a chemical substance produced from
[CBSE PMT 1997]
(a) Mature eggs (b) Acrosome
(c) Polar bodies (d) Middle piece of sperm
- Fertilization is depicted by the condition [DPMT 2003]
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
- The sperm penetrates the ovum mainly [AIEEE 2004]
(a) Mechanically (b) Chemically
(c) Electrostatically (d) Thermally
- Syngamy is the process in which
(a) Male gamete fuses with female gamete
(b) Pollen tube enters into the ovule through micropyle
(c) Pollen tube enter into the ovule through chalaza
(d) Vegetative cell and tube cell fuse
- Which mammals have more yolk than cytoplasm in their eggs [MP PMT 1992]
(a) Placental mammals (b) Aquatic mammals
(c) Marsupials (d) Egg laying mammals
- In determinate cleavage, the spindle is [MP PMT 1992]
(a) Vertical (b) Horizontal
(c) Sub-equatorial (d) Oblique
- The fertilized egg divides by the process of [DPMT 1982]
(a) Regeneration (b) Oogenesis
(c) Cleavage (d) Invagination
- If the first cleavage furrow divides the zygote completely into two, the cleavage type is [MP PMT 1992]
(a) Radial (b) Equatorial
(c) Meroblastic (d) Holoblastic
- The only human system that is derived from all the three germ layers is [DPMT 1992]
(a) Digestive system (b) Excretory system
(c) Respiratory system (d) Nervous system
- The epidermis of the skin is derived from the germinal layer
[CPMT 1992]
(a) Mesoderm (b) Endoderm
(c) Ectoderm (d) Neuro–endoderm
- If an unfertilized egg is pricked with a micro needle, it will
[NCERT 1973]
(a) Die immediately
(b) Start dividing
(c) Will remain undivided
(d) Transform into a tadpole at a faster rate
- Type of cleavage found in mammals is [CPMT 1988]
(a) Holoblastic (b) Meroblastic
(c) Superficial (d) None of the above
- A freshly unfertilized egg of hen contains [CPMT 1979]
(a) One cell (b) 100 cells
(c) 1,000 cells (d) 10,000 cells
- The blastopore develops into future
[CPMT 1976; DPMT 1985; JIPMER 2002]
(a) Mouth (b) Ear
(c) Anus (d) Neuropore
- How many cleavages are completed in 16 celled stage of egg. [CPMT 1975]
(a) 3 (b) 4
(c) 8 (d) 12
- Formation of segmentation cavity shows
[MP PMT 1993; DPMT 1993]
(a) Rearrangement of cells (b) Blastula stage
(c) Epiboly (d) Emboly
- Unfertilized egg of human contains or When released from ovary, human egg contains
[CBSE PMT 1991, 92; MP PMT 1993, 99]
(a) One Y chromosome (b) X and Y chromosome
(c) XX chromosome (d) One X chromosome
- Egg of rabbit and man are
[BHU 1982, 85; CPMT 1973; CBSE PMT 1993;
RPMT 1999; Pb. PMT 1999]
(a) Microlecithal (b) Megalecithal
(c) Telolecithal (d) Isolecithal
- Massive amount of yolk present in the vegetal region of the egg, makes an egg [AMU 1989]
(a) Oligolecithal (b) Mesolecithal
(c) Telolecithal (d) Centrolecithal
- Cleidoic eggs are found in
[MP PMT 1988, 02; CMC Vellore 1993; BVP 2001]
(a) Birds (b) Mammals
(c) Annelids (d) Molluscs
- In some eggs, future organs can be demarcated even before cleavage begins. This type of development is called
[MP PMT 1988]
(a) Mosaic development (b) Regulatory development
(c) Gynogenesis (d) None of the above
- Periblastula is found in [CBSE PMT 1988]
(a) Man (b) Insects
(c) Sycon (d) Reptiles
- The cleavage is such method of divisions of fertilized egg in which the egg [MP PMT 1993]
(a) Does not divide but only increase in size
(b) Divides repeatedly but without growth
(c) Divides repeatedly and grows
(d) None of these
- What is true about cleavage in the fertilised egg in humans
[CBSE PMT 1994; AFMC 1999]
(a) It is meroblastic
(b) It starts while the egg is in fallopian tube
(c) It is identical to the normal mitosis
(d) It starts when the egg reaches in uterus
- Meridional cleavage results in blastomeres numbering
(a) 8 (b) 4
(c) 10 (d) 16
- Mammalian eggs have [CPMT 1973]
(a) No yolk at all
(b) Small amount of yolk
(c) Large amount of yolk
(d) Large amount of yolk concentrated at one pole
- Epiboly is the process of [CBSE PMT 1992]
(a) Mass migration of cells from the animal hemisphere so that upper micromeres begin to migrate over the edge of the dorsal lip and roll inside and are tucked beneath the outer layer
(b) Over growth when the micromeres divide rapidly and begin to spread downwards over the megameres except at the yolk plug
(c) Rotation of gastrula within the vitelline membrane so that the animal pole becomes anterior
(d) Formation of a small slit like invagination occuring on the gray crescent
- Coelom derived from blastocoel is known as
[CBSE PMT 1994; CPMT 2002]
(a) Pseudocoelom (b) Enterocoelom
(c) Haemocoel (d) Schizocoel
- Human eggs are
[CBSE PMT 1991; MP PMT 1997, 99, 2000,02]
(a) Microlecithal (b) Alecithal
(c) Macrolecithal (d) Mesolecithal
- Eggs of reptiles and birds are
[NCERT 1982; KCET 1994; BHU 1995; CPMT 2000]
(a) Alecithal (b) Isolecithal
(c) Telolecithal (d) Homolecithal
- Cleavage divisions differ from normal mitotic divisions in that [MP PMT 1994]
(a) There is no nuclear division during cleavage
(b) There is no division of the cytoplasm during cleavage
(c) There is no period of growth in between the divisions
(d) The division of the cytoplasm follows nuclear divisions
- The eggs of elephant are [DPMT 1984]
(a) Macrolecithal and centrolecithal
(b) Microlecithal and telolecithal
(c) Mesolecithal and homolecithal
(d) Microlecithal and isolecithal
- A blastula which is solid, is known as
(a) Stereoblastula (b) Coeloblastula
(c) Superficial blastula (d) Discoblastula
- Which one of the following statements with regard to embryonic development in humans is correct [AIIMS 2003]
(a) Cleavage division bring about considerable increase in the mass of protoplasm
(b) In the second cleavage division, one of the two blastomeres usually divides a little sooner than the second
(c) With more cleavage divisions, the resultant blastomeres become larger and larger
(d) Cleavage division results in a hollow ball of cells called morula
- Tertiary egg membranes are lacking in mammals with the exception of the
(a) Euetherians (b) Metatherians
(c) Prototherians (d) None of the above
- The eggs in which fate of every part of the egg becomes fixed are called
(a) Cleidoic eggs (b) Non-cleidoic eggs
(c) Mosaic eggs (d) Regulative eggs
- In macro and telolecithal eggs site of amphimixis lies in the
(a) Centre of active cytoplasm at the animal pole
(b) Near the centre of the egg
(c) Centre of active cytoplasm at the vegetal pole
(d) All the above
- In spiral cleavage turn of spiral may be
(a) Clockwise (b) Anticlockwise
(c) (a) and (b) both (d) None of these
- Unit cell of blastula is
(a) Micromere (b) Megamere
(c) Blastomere (d) None of the above
- Yolk of egg in the vertebrates is formed in
(a) Ovum (b) Lungs
(c) Liver (d) Kidney
- In the egg of bird, shell and shell membranes are
(a) Permeable to and
(b) Permeable to water only
(c) Permeable to air only
(d) Non-permeable
- In teleosts, reptiles and birds the cleavage pattern is
(a) Equal holoblastic (b) Unequal holoblastic
(c) Incomplete meroblastic (d) Complete meroblastic
- The ratio of the nucleus to cytoplasm at the beginning of cleavage is
(a) Very low
(b) Very high
(c) Normal
(d) A bit higher than the normal
- An avian blastula is called
(a) Blastocyst (b) Trophoblast
(c) Blastoderm (d) Foetal blastula
- Blastodisc or germinal disc refers to the protoplasm of egg, this is restricted to small area in
(a) Amphibian egg (b) Avian egg
(c) Ascidian egg (d) Mammalian egg
- When the cleavage furrow extends from animal pole to vegetal pole and does not bisects the egg equally into two blastomeres the plane of cleavage is
(a) Meridional (b) Equatorial
(c) Latitudinal (d) Vertical
- As a result of cleavages, if blastomeres are symmetrically placed around the polar axis the type of cleavage is known as
(a) Spiral (b) Discoidal
(c) Biradial (d) Radial
- Calcium deficiency results in the formation of an egg with
(a) Lesser amount of yolk
(b) Lesser amount of albumen
(c) Soft shell
(d) Non porous shell
- A phenomenon of embryonic induction was first described in amphibia by
(a) Aristotle (b) Spemann
(c) Von Baer (d) Spallanzani
- The rate of cleavage is inversely proportional to the duration of
(a) Anaphase (b) Metaphase
(c) Interphase (d) Telophase
- Cleavage was first observed by
(a) Swammerdam (b) Spallanzani
(c) F.R. Lillie (d) Leeuwenhoek
- Tertiary egg membrane is
(a) Vitelline membrane (b) Zona radiata
(c) Albumen (d) Corona radiata
- Zona pellucida of mammalian egg serves which of the following purpose
(a) Maintains normal cleavage of the egg
(b) Prevents egg fusion
(c) Prevents polyspermy
(d) All the above
- Cleavage is found in [RPMT 1995]
(a) Zygote (b) Eggs
(c) Undivided cell (d) After gastrula stage
- Egg undergoes cleavage and forms [RPMT 1995]
(a) Morula (b) Blastula
(c) Gastrula (d) All the above
- Egg which contains very little amount of yolk are called as
[RPMT 1995]
(a) Alecithal (b) Microlecithal
(c) Mesolecithal (d) Polylecithal
- Telolecithal eggs have [Bihar MDAT 1995; MH CET 2004]
(a) Equal distribution of yolk
(b) Average amount of yolk
(c) Yolk present at a distance from nucleus
(d) No yolk
(e) All the above
- Blastula lacks
(a) Blastomeres (b) Blastoderm
(c) Blastocoel (d) Blastopore
- Cleavage in bird’s egg is
(a) Equal and holoblastic (b) Unequal and holoblastic
(c) Discoidal meroblastic (d) Superficial meroblastic
- The term blastocyst is applied to the blastula of which one of the following [MP PMT 1995]
(a) Kangaroo
(b) Platypus
(c) Monkey
(d) Both kangaroo and monkey
- The outer layer of the blastocyst which forms the ectoderm is called [MP PMT 1995]
(a) Cnidoblast (b) Germinal vesicle
(c) Trophoblast (d) Amnion
- The cleavage having incomplete division of egg is known as
[MP PMT 1996, 99]
(a) Holoblastic (b) Meroblastic
(c) Meridional (d) Spiral
- Cockroach egg is called as [RPMT 2000; BVP 2004]
(a) Microlecithal (b) Macrolecithal
(c) Isolecithal (d) Centrolecithal
- Which of the following statement is wrong as regards to man
(a) All eggs are alike (b) Eggs are of two types
(c) Sperms are of two types (d) None of the above
- Meroblastic cleavage is [MP PMT 1997; MH CET 2002]
(a) Partial cleavage (b) Spiral cleavage
(c) Equal cleavage (d) Complete cleavage
- The third phase in the development of a mammal is
[MP PMT 1997]
(a) Cleavage (b) Gastrulation
(c) Gametogenesis (d) Fertilization
- The fifth cleavage of the fertilized egg of frog results in the formation of [MP PMT 1997, 98; 2000]
(a) 16 cells (b) 48 cells
(c) 64 cells (d) 32 cells
- The egg of frog is
[MP PMT 1998; CPMT 1999; RPMT 2000;
BVP 2001; Pb. PMT 2004]
(a) Isolecithal (b) Mesolecithal
(c) Telolecithal (d) Centrolecithal
- The egg found in monotremata is [MH CET 2003]
(a) Microlecithal (b) Mesolecithal
(c) Macrolecithal (d) None of these
- Cleavage of frog is [MP PMT 1998]
(a) Holoblastic (b) Meroblastic
(c) Superficial (d) None of them
- Pattern of cleavage in frog’s egg is [CPMT 2005]
(a) Holoblastic (b) Holoblastic and unequal
(c) Holoblastic and equal (d) All of the above
- Pregnancy begins with implantation of [Wardha 2005]
(a) Embryo (b) Fertilised ovum
(c) Blastopore (d) Blastocyst
- Eggs having yolk in their centre of cytoplasm in peripheral layer are called [AIIMS 1998]
(a) Isolecithal (b) Microlecithal
(c) Centrolecithal (d) Telolecithal
- Which is the correct sequence in the development of man
[CPMT 1974, 77, 81]
(a) Fertilization, zygote, cleavage, morula, blastula, gastrula
(b) Zygote, morula, blastula, differentiation
(c) Fertilization, cleavage, gastrula, morula, blas_tula
(d) Cleavage, zygote, blastula, morula, gastrula
- Cleavage is followed by which stage [RPMT 1999]
(a) Invagination (b) Evagination
(c) Gastrula (d) Blastula
- Vegetal hemisphere of egg consists of [MP PMT 2000]
(a) Yolk (b) Pigment
(c) Grey crescent (d) Germinal vesicle
- In indeterminate cleavage the fate of blastomeres is fixed at which of the following stage [RPMT 2000]
(a) Blastula (b) Gastrulation
(c) 32-celled stage (d) 64-celled stage
- Microlecithal eggs are found in [RPMT 2001; MP PMT 2003]
(a) Reptilia + Aves
(b) Amphibia + Aves + Reptilia
(c) Reptilia + Aves + Chiroptera
(d) Eutheria
- Cledoic egg is an adaptation to [RPMT 2001]
(a) Aquatic life (b) Marine life
(c) Terrestrial life (d) Aerial life
- In mammals egg are microlecithal and isolecithal because these are [RPMT 2001]
(a) Oviparous (b) Viviparous
(c) Ovoviviparous (d) None of these
- In frog equal holoblastic cleavage does not found due to
[RPMT 2001]
(a) A dark pigment in animal pole
(b) Heavy yolk in vegetal pole
(c) Yolk concentrated in center of egg
(d) Nucleus is assymetrical in position
- In which of the following animal cleavage divisions are restricted to a small part of cytoplasm & nucleus in animal pole of egg [RPMT 2002]
(a) Cockroach (b) Frog
(c) Chick (d) Rabbit
- Select the correct statement [Orissa PMT 2002]
(a) Cleavage follows gastrulation
(b) Yolk content of egg has no role in cleavage
(c) Cleavage is repeated mitotic division of zygote
(d) Gastrulation & blastulation are followed by each other
Implantation and Gastrulation
- Pseudopregnancy is a physiological condition comparable to normal pregnancy except that there is no [AMU 1989]
(a) Developing ovum (b) Developing foetus
(c) Corpus luteum (d) Endometrial changes
- Which of the embryo has parasite mode of nutrition.
[CPMT 1980; BHU 1980]
(a) Bird’s embryo (b) Amphibian embryo
(c) Reptilian embryo (d) Mammalian embryo
- Implantation of egg is followed by
(a) Fertilization (b) Copulation
(c) Parturition (d) Gestation
- If the nuclei from an 8–celled stage of an embryo are transplanted into enucleated eggs, which of the following events is likely to occur [MP PMT 1990]
(a) Formation of viable embryo in the recipient eggs
(b) Donor nuclei die in the new environment
(c) Cleavage occurs but is arrested after some time
(d) Recipient egg dies
- Implantation is the process of [MP PMT 2002]
(a) Fertilization of egg
(b) Movement of egg
(c) Degeneration of egg
(d) Attachment of blastocyst to the uterine wall
- In human female the fertilized eggs gets implanted in uterus
(a) After two months of fertilization
(b) After one month of fertilization
(c) After 3 weeks of fertilization
(d) After about 7 days of fertilization
- Which one of the following list contains only the mesodermal structures [MP PMT 1992]
(a) Muscles, blood, notochord, liver
(b) Bones, blood, heart, liver
(c) Muscles, blood, heart, liver
(d) Bones, blood, heart, notochord
- The endodermel derivatives include [AIIMS 1987]
(a) Thyroid (b) Pineal gland
(c) Spleen (d) Pituitary
- During gastrulation ……. is formed
[CPMT 1978; DPMT 1992]
(a) Heart (b) Gill
(c) Archenteron (d) Vitelline membrane
- Mesoderm gives rise to all the structures except
[NCERT 1984]
(a) Nervous system (b) Muscular system
(c) Circulatory system (d) Gonads
- The nerve cells, brain and spinal cord or central nervous system develops from embryonic
[CPMT 1974, 75, 80, 84; AFMC 1985; RPMT 2000]
(a) Ectoderm (b) Endoderm
(c) Mesoderm (d) Both (a) and (b)
- The yolk plug is a structure in gastrula which is formed by the protrusion of
(a) Endodermal cells (b) Endo–mesodermal cells
(c) Ectodermal cells (d) Mesodermal cells
- After gastrulation the roof of archenteron is formed by
[CPMT 1987]
(a) Neural plate (b) Mesoderm
(c) Ectoderm (d) Chorda–mesoderm
- Formation of notochord or the central axial chord in vertebrates is known as [CPMT 1972]
(a) Neurulation (b) Blastulation
(c) Morulation (d) Notogenesis
- The rolling of endodermal and mesodermal cells from the surface of embryo into its interior is called
[MP PMT 1987; CBSE PMT 1993]
(a) Ingression (b) Invagination
(c) Involution (d) Inversion
- Vascular system and excretory organs are developed from
[CPMT 1990; KCET 1994]
(a) Mesoderm (b) Ectoderm
(c) Endoderm (d) None of the above
- Gastrulation is the process which involves the differentiation of the following layers in a vertebrate embryo [NCERT 1981]
(a) Ectoderm and mesoderm
(b) Ectoderm and endoderm
(c) Endoderm and mesoderm
(d) Ectoderm, endoderm and mesoderm
- Which of the following is correct
[CPMT 1984; MP PMT 1988, 98]
(a) Mesoderm produces brain
(b) Ectoderm produces liver
(c) Mesoderm produces skeleton
(d) Endoderm produces heart
- Blastopore is found in
[NCERT 1976; CPMT 1971, 74, 76, 79, 80, 81;
DPMT 1993; MP PMT 1996]
(a) Gastrula (b) Blastula
(c) Morula (d) Neurula
- The skeleton and muscles originate in the development from or During embryonic development endoskeleton and muscles develop from which germinal layer
[CPMT 1979; MP PMT 1996]
(a) Ectoderm (b) Endoderm
(c) Mesoderm (d) Yolk plug
- Which one of the following is derived from ectoderm
[DPMT 1993]
(a) Enamel of teeth (b) Dentine
(c) Skull (d) Axial skeleton
- The cavity of gastrula is called
[AFMC 1985; MH-CET 2003]
(a) Blastocoel (b) Coelom
(c) Archenteron (d) Haemocoel
- Gonads are derived from embryonic [CBSE PMT 1990]
(a) Mesoderm
(b) Endoderm
(c) Ectoderm
(d) Mesoderm and endoderm
- Archenteron is lined with [CPMT 1993]
(a) Ectoderm
(b) Mesoderm
(c) Endoderm
(d) Mesoderm and endoderm
- During the development of an embryo, migration and rearrangement of cells lead to a pattern formation known as
[MP PMT 1994]
(a) Epiboly (b) Emboly
(c) Involution (d) Gastrulation
- The mammalian primitive streak gives rise to
[MP PMT 1994]
(a) Ectoderm (b) Mesoderm
(c) Endoderm (d) Germ layers
- Pasteels (1945) described gastrulation takes place in aves by
(a) Infiltration (b) Delamination
(c) Concrescence (d) Polyinvagination
- During gastrulation the dorsal lip of blastopore (1 external sign of gastrulation) appears
(a) Anteriorly in the pigmented area of egg
(b) Posteriorly in the yolky cytoplasmic area
(c) In the centre of the egg
(d) Behind the grey crescent area
- Brain originates from which germ layer [RPMT 1995]
(a) Ectoderm (b) Mesoderm
(c) Endoderm (d) Ectomesoderm
- In the first phase of gastrulation of amphibians there occurs the separation of
(a) Ectoderm (b) Mesoderm
(c) Endoderm (d) Mesoectoderm
- In which order, three germ layers appear in the development
(a) Ectoderm–mesoderm–endoderm
(b) Ectoderm–endoderm–mesoderm
(c) Mesoderm–endoderm–ectoderm
(d) None of the above
- In which stage is blastocoele formed [MP PMT 1999]
(a) Morula (b) Blastula
(c) Gastrula (d) None of these
- The structure which differentiate gastrula from blastula
[RPMT 1999]
(a) 3 germ layers (b) Micromeres
(c) Blastocoel (d) None of these
- Coelom is found between the cavity of [BHU 2000]
(a) Ectoderm and endoderm (b) Mesoderm and ectoderm
(c) Body wall and ectoderm (d) Mesoderm and body wall
- In which stage of development the embryonic cells form the germinal layers by the movement [RPMT 2001]
(a) Morula (b) Blastula
(c) Gastrula (d) Neurula
Neurulation and Organogenesis
- The human embryo is about one inch in length after
[CPMT 1987]
(a) 2 weeks (b) 4 weeks
(c) 6 weeks (d) 8 weeks
- The concept that organiser is essential for embryonic development was given by or For the ‘Theory of organiser’, Nobel prize was given to [CBSE PMT 1990; AFMC 1993]
(a) J. Axelrod (b) C. Landsteiner
(c) H. Spemann (d) I.P. Pavlov
- Which of the following develops from ectoderm
[DPMT 1986, 97]
(a) Spinal cord and brain
(b) Liver and heart
(c) Notochord and vertebral column
(d) Eye and skin
- Nervous system in vertebrates develops from
[CPMT 1989, 95]
(a) Endoderm
(b) Ectoderm
(c) Mesoderm
(d) Endoderm and mesoderm both
- The central nervous system develops as a result of
[BHU 1977]
(a) Metamorphosis (b) Gastrulation
(c) Neurulation (d) Invagination
- In vertebrates the central nervous system devlops under the influence of [CPMT 1978]
(a) Pituitary hormones
(b) Phospholipids
(c) Glycolipids
(d) Phospholipids and glycolipids
- The development of eye in vertebrate embryology is studied under [CMC Vellore 1978]
(a) Notogenesis (b) Neurogenesis
(c) Mesogenesis (d) Organogenesis
- Development of structure and shape of an organism is
[CBSE PMT 1993]
(a) Morphology (b) Multiplication
(c) Morphogenesis (d) Budding
- At the end of first meiotic division, the male germ cells differentiate into [MP PMT 1994]
(a) Spermatogonium (b) Primary spermatocyte
(c) Secondary spermatocyte (d) Spermatid
- From which embryonic structure develops the vertebral column [CPMT 1972, 78]
(a) Neural canal (b) Archenteron
(c) Notochord (d) Blastocoel
- Internal ear develops from [CPMT 1973]
(a) Ectoderm (b) Endoderm
(c) Mesoderm (d) None of the above
- In the embryonic development of chordate the animal pole forms one of the following of the adult [CPMT 1983]
(a) Dorsal side (b) Ventral side
(c) Head (d) Tail
- Which of the following is correct statement
[CBSE PMT 1990]
(a) In blastulation major presumptive and organ forming areas are segregated into definite points of the blastoderm
(b) Blastulation establishes the three germinal layers
(c) Blastulation of frog is known as discoblastula
(d) Fluid filled space in blastula is known as archenteron
- Match the items ABCD of table ‘A’ with that of items in table ‘B’ then the correct pairing sequence of ABCD will be
‘A’ ‘B’
- Cleavage 1. Formation of 3 germ layers
- Gastrulation 2. Formation of embryo spinal cord
- Neurulation 3. Results in formation of skeleton and muscles from mesoderm
- Organogenesis 4. Pattern depends on the amount and distribution of yolk
(a) 4, 1, 2, 3 (b) 2, 3, 1, 4
(c) 4, 2, 3, 1 (d) 3, 1, 2, 4
- Spleen develops from [CPMT 1995]
(a) Ectoderm (b) Mesoderm
(c) Endoderm (d) None of the above
- When mouth develops from blastopore, the organism is called [AFMC 1995]
(a) Deutrostomia (b) Protostomia
(c) Blastostomia (d) None of these
- Neural canal develops from [Bihar MDAT 1995]
(a) Ectoderm (b) Mesoderm
(c) Endoderm (d) All the above
(e) None of the above
- Skeletal muscle develops from [Manipal 1995; CPMT 2004]
(a) Ectoderm (b) Mesoderm
(c) Endoderm (d) All of the above
- In vertebrates the nails are formed from
(a) Ectoderm (b) Mesoderm
(c) Endoderm (d) Ecto-mesoderm
- True coelom is a space between the body wall and alimentary canal. It is lined by [CBSE PMT 1996]
(a) Mesoderm on one side and ectoderm on the other side
(b) Endoderm on one side and ectoderm on the other side
(c) Mesoderm on both the sides
(d) Ectoderm on both the sides
- Which cavity arises by the invagination of endoderm and mesoderm [MP PMT 1996]
(a) Coelenteron (b) Archenteron
(c) Pseudocoel (d) Coelom
- In Pheretima mouth develops from which of the following
[RPMT 2000]
(a) Mesoderm (b) Ectoderm
(c) Blastopore (d) Endoderm
- The yolk plug of gastrula represents in the later stage its
[MP PMT 1998]
(a) Anterior end (b) Posterior end
(c) Dorsal side (d) Ventral side
- From which layer of the embryo do the liver and pancreas develop [MP PMT 1998]
(a) Ectoderm (b) Mesoderm
(c) Endoderm (d) Both (a) and (c)
- Eye is developed from [CPMT 1998; MH-CET 2002]
(a) Ectoderm (b) Mesoderm
(c) Endoderm (d) Ecto–endoderm
- In the development of the human body, the ectoderm is responsible for the formation of [Pb. PMT 1999]
(a) Sweat glands (b) Nervous system
(c) Lens of the eye (d) All of these
- Proctodaeum in rabbit is [RPMT 2001]
(a) A part of large intestine lined by ectoderm
(b) A part of large intestine lined by endoderm
(c) A part of large intestine lined by mesoderm
(d) Embryonic intestine
- The origin of kidney and ureter in Rana tigrina is
[CPMT 2004]
(a) All mesodermal
(b) All endodermal
(c) Ectodermal and mesodermal
(d) Mesodermal and endodermal
- Pituitary gland is derived from [MHCET 2004]
(a) Ectoderm (b) Endoderm
(c) Mesoderm (d) None of these
- Which one of the following parts serves the function of primary organizer in frog [CPMT 2005]
(a) Dorsal tip of gastrula
(b) Grey crescent area of frog
(c) Chorda-mesoderm of gastrula
(d) Any of the above
Extra embryonic membrane
- The embryo of man is protected by
[AFMC 1986; DPMT 1993]
(a) Amniotic cavity (b) Peritoneal cavity
(c) Pleural cavity (d) Allantois
- Amniotic fluid protects the foetus from [BHU 1982, 85]
(a) Degeneration (b) Jerks
(c) Encystment (d) None
- All extra embryonic membranes
(a) Take part in the formation of embryo
(b) Does not take part in the embryo formation
(c) Form the placenta
(d) Perform the function of excretion of embryo
- The allantois has the similar layers as present in the yolk sac. These are
(a) Outer mesoderm and inner endoderm
(b) Outer endoderm and inner mesoderm
(c) Outer endoderm and inner ectoderm
(d) Outer endoderm and inner endoderm
- In early haemopoietic tissue of embryo, there is
(a) Chorion (b) Amnion
(c) Allantois (d) Yolk sac
- The respiratory function of embryo is performed by
(a) Chorion (b) Amnion
(c) Allantois (d) Yolk sac
- Urinary bladder of the embryo is or Which is the urinary bladder of child placed in the womb [MP PMT 1995]
(a) Yolk sac
(b) Allantois
(c) Amnion
(d) Chorion and allantois both
- The shock absorber fluid of the developing embryo is known as [DPMT 1993]
(a) Chorionic fluid (b) Amniotic fluid
(c) Allantoic fluid (d) Coelomic fluid
- Allantois develops from the embryonic
(a) Fore gut (b) Mid gut
(c) Hind gut (d) Tail region
- In man the foetal membrane which forms the intimate connection with the uterine tissue is [MP PMT 2002, 03]
(a) Amnion only
(b) Chorion only
(c) Allantois only
(d) Allanto–chorionic structure
- The main function of tropho ectoderm in mammalian embryo is [Kerela CET 2003]
(a) Protection of the developing cells
(b) Drawing food for the developing cells
(c) Formation of yolksac
(d) Formation of body of developing embryo
- Foetal membranes provide [MP PMT 1993]
(a) Protection to embryo
(b) Nutrition to embryo
(c) Protection and nutrition to embryo
(d) None of these
- Amnion helps in [MP PMT 1994, 96; BHU 1985]
(a) Respiration (b) Excretion
(c) Nutrition (d) Protection from shocks
- The amniotic fluid is taken out with the help of surgical needle and separation of the embryo cells present in this fluid is done by
(a) Amniotic fluid study (b) Amniocentesis
(c) Centrifugation (d) None of these
- Amniotic fluid is found in
(a) Uterus (b) Scrotal sac
(c) Kidney (d) Liver
- In mammals the chorion and the allantois together form
[MP PMT 1994]
(a) Placenta (b) Endometrium
(c) Uterus (d) Yolk sac
- A hatching egg of chick is covered by plaster of paris. It is harmful for [AFMC 1983]
(a) Mother (b) Respiration
(c) Excretion (d) None of these
- The plasma membrane of oocyte and that of follicle cells show close connections at some points in the form of
(a) Microvilli (b) Desmosomes
(c) Cytoplasmic processes (d) None of the above
- Which of the following is an embryonic connective tissue
(a) Endometrium (b) Mediastinum
(c) Mesenchyme (d) Endothelium
- Mammalian embryo is directly surrounded by
(a) Amniotic cavity (b) Allantoic cavity
(c) Primary digestive cavity (d) Yolk sac cavity
- Chorion is composed of
(a) Cytotrophoderm
(b) Syncytial trophoblast
(c) Outer ectoderm and somatic mesoderm
(d) All the above
- The foetal membrane which is the source of first blood corpuscle to enter the circulation of the embryo is called
[MP PMT 1995]
(a) Amnion (b) Chorion
(c) Trophoblast (d) Yolk sac
- Function of allantois in mammal is
[AIIMS 1984; MP PMT 1996, 99]
(a) Respiration only
(b) Excretion
(c) Nutrition, excretion and respiration
(d) Protection from shocks
- The function of amniotic cavity is [MP PMT 1999]
(a) Respiraiton
(b) Protection from desiccation and shocks
(c) Protection from desiccation
(d) Protection from shocks
- The extra embryonic membranes of the mammalian embryo are derived from [BHU 1999; 2004]
(a) Formative cells (b) Follicle cells
(c) Trophoblast (d) Inner cell mass
- The number of foetal membranes in man is [MP PMT 2002]
(a) 2 (b) 3
(c) 4 (d) 0
- Thickness of vitelline membrane is about
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
- The villi which are formed by the allantochorion to form the intimate connection with uterine endometrium functions as
(a) Gaseous exchange organ only
(b) Attachment arrangement only
(c) Placental structure
(d) None of the above
- The layer of uterus which becomes much eroded due to placental villi is known as [CPMT 1992]
(a) Endothelium (b) Endometrium
(c) Endoderm (d) Trophoblast
- Placenta is present in [DPMT 1992]
(a) All mammals (b) Metatherians
(c) Eutherians (d) Prototherians
- To ensure effectiveness of reproduction in mammals
[CPMT 1975]
(a) Formation of yolk sac (b) Retention of yolk sac
(c) Reduced number of egg (d) Formation of placenta
- The role of placenta is [BHU 1980; CPMT 1971, 81]
(a) To convey nerve impulses
(b) To act as storage organ
(c) To protect embryo from shocks
(d) To provide nutrition for developing embryo
- Placenta produced which hormone [Haryana PMT 2005]
(a) ACTH (b) Progesterone
(c) GH (d) Gastrin
- The eutherian placenta is derived from or In mammals placenta is formed by
[DPMT 1982; BHU 1989; MP PMT 1996]
(a) Yolk sac (b) Amnion
(c) Allantois (d) Chorion allantois
- Placenta is formed from
(a) Maternal part only
(b) Embryonic part only
(c) Maternal and foetal portions both
(d) None of the above
- Zonary placenta is found in [BHU 1980]
(a) Carnivore mammals (b) Herbivore mammals
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of the above
- Placenta has an outer layer which is selectively permeable and hormone secreting which is known as [CPMT 1987]
(a) Trophoblast (b) Chorion
(c) Amnion (d) Mesoderm
- In man developing embryo remains in [CPMT 1988]
(a) Vagina (b) Uterus
(c) Fallopian tube (d) Ovaries
- Placenta is the region, where [AFMC 1983]
(a) Foetus is supplied by maternal blood
(b) Embryo is attached to mother by umbilical cord
(c) Foetus receives maternal blood and nutrition
(d) Embryo is enclosed by membranes
- In which of the following the placenta forms an important structure in development [CPMT 1980]
(a) Amphibian (b) Reptiles
(c) Birds (d) Mammals
- Which of the following substances can pass through the placenta from the mother into foetus
(a) Proteins (b) Viruses of small pox
(c) WBCs (d) RBCs
- In a simplest type of placenta the foetal blood is separated from the maternal blood by six barriers. How many barriers are lost in human placenta
(a) One (b) Two
(c) Three (d) Four
- The animals in which complete embryo develops in the mother’s body through placenta are
(a) Oviparous (b) Viviparous
(c) Ovo-viviparous (d) Herbivorous
- Blood flowing in umbilical cord is
(a) 50% maternal and 50% foetal
(b) 100% foetal
(c) 100% maternal
(d) 75% maternal and 25% foetal
- Placenta acts like a
(a) Semipermeable membrane
(b) Fully permeable membrane
(c) Impermeable membrane
(d) None of the above
- Which of the following structure is lacking from the placenta
(a) Arteries (b) Veins
(c) Smooth muscles (d) Nerves
- Endometrium is found in [CPMT 1994]
(a) Placenta of mammals (b) Nipple of mammals
(c) Uterus of mammals (d) None of these
- Which one of the following develops from the trophoblast
(a) Placenta (b) Allantois
(c) Epidermis of the skin (d) Yolk sac
- The placenta of human beings belong to the category of
[BHU 1982; AIIMS 1998; MP PMT 1994]
(a) Haemo-chorialis (b) Syndesmo-chorialis
(c) Endothelio-chorialis (d) Epithelio-chorialis
- The type of placenta found in human beings is of type
[MP PMT 2002]
(a) Diffuse (b) Zonary
(c) Cotyledonary (d) Discoidal
- The extra structure that provides nutrition to the embryo is
[BHU 2005]
(a) Umbilicus (b) Amnion
(c) Chorion (d) Placenta
- Structure connecting the foetus to placenta is[Manipal 2005]
(a) Umbilical cord (b) Amnion
(c) Yolk sac (d) Chorion
Gestation period and parturition
- The gestation period of elephants is about [BHU 1985]
(a) 11 months (b) 10 months
(c) 15 months (d) 22 months
- The shortest gestation period is seen in [CBSE PMT 1993]
(a) Man (b) Elephant
(c) Cat (d) Mouse
- The layer of uterus which becomes much eroded due to placental villi is known as [CPMT 1992]
(a) Endothelium (b) Endometrium
(c) Endoderm (d) Trophoblast
- The longest gestation period is found in
(a) Elephant (b) Gorilla
(c) Chimpanzee (d) Man
- The gestation period of rabbit is [CPMT 1980; DPMT 1985]
(a) 28–32 days (b) 20–25 days
(c) 60–70 days (d) 80–90 days
- Gestation period in human beings is about [BHU 1982, 85]
(a) 10 weeks (b) 28 weeks
(c) 32 weeks (d) 36 weeks
- Gestation period is the duration [MP PMT 1988]
(a) Of fertilization
(b) Between egg growth and ovulation
(c) Between fertilization and parturition
(d) None of the above
- Largest growth of human foetus is done in
(a) month (b) month
(c) month (d) month
Development of frog
- Development of sexual reproductive organs in larval condition is known as
(a) Autogamy (b) Isogamy
(c) Anisogamy (d) Neoteny or paedogenesis
- Insect metamorphosis having larval stage is called
[AFMC 1994]
(a) Retrogressive metamorphosis
(b) Complete metamorphosis
(c) Incomplete metamorphosis
(d) Heteromorphosis
- Which of the following is a good example of metamorphosis
[CPMT 1981]
(a) Reduction of tail to coccyx in man
(b) Hatching of a caterpillar from the egg of a butterfly
(c) Regeneration of broken tail in lizards
(d) Development of eye in frog
- On removing the thyroid from the tadpole, it will
[CPMT 1975]
(a) Die immediately (b) Will grow into giant frog
(c) Remain as tadpole (d) Grow into small frog