- Huskies are
(a) Dogs
(b) Yak
(c) Thick furred dogs used by Eskimos
(d) Nothing
- A milch breed of cow is
(a) Haryana (b) Malvi
(c) Kankrej (d) Sahiwal
- Buffalo is better than cow because
(a) It gives more milk
(b) Its milk has more fat
(c) It is mere disease resistant
(d) All the above
- Murrah, Mehsana, Jaffrabadi are breeds of
[Manipal PMT 2000]
(a) Buffalo (b) Cow
(c) Cattle (d) Horse
- The most important livestock species in India is
(a) Capra indica (b) Bos indica
(c) Bos bubalis (d) Capra ovis
- The scientific name of zebu is [KCET 2004]
(a) Bos indicus (b) Bombyx mori
(c) Bubalus bubalis (d) Gallus gallus
- Bhakarwal breed of sheep is distributed in
(a) Gujarat (b) Maharashtra
(c) Rajasthan (d) Jammu and Kashmir
- The most economical “meat making machines” that nature has ever produced is
(a) Goat (b) Broilers
(c) Pig (d) Buffalo
- Gestation period of elephants is
(a) 10 months (b) 15 months
(c) 21 –22 months (d) 25 months
- The maximum length of silken fibre which surrounds the single cocoon is about
(a) 8000 to 12000 feet (b) 1000 to 1500 meter
(c) 800 to 1200 feet (d) 8000 to 12000 meter
- Which state in India is the largest producer of mulberry silk
[MP PMT 1993]
(a) Madhya pradesh (b) Maharashtra
(c) West Bengal (d) Karnataka
- Pebrine is a disease of [CBSE PMT 1997]
(a) Honey bee (b) Fish
(c) Silk worm (d) Lac insect
- India’s rank in the world in production of mulberry silk is
[MP PMT 2000]
(a) First (b) Second
(c) Third (d) Fourth
- The composition of honey is
(a) Water, sucrose and dextrin
(b) Glucose, fructose, water, sucrose, dextrin proteins, vitamins and minerals
(c) Water, proteins, sucrose and dextrin
(d) Water, sucrose, glucose and dextrin
- The zoological name of honey bee is
(a) Laccifera (b) Antheraea
(c) Apis (d) None of these
- Special dance in honey bee is for [BHU 1978]
(a) Reproduction
(b) Destruction of enemy bees
(c) Search of food
(d) Convey the information of food source
- In unfavourable conditions the flight of whole colony from their hive to any new place is called
(a) Super session (b) Marriage flight
(c) Swarming (d) Group flight
- What is the main nutritive element in honey [CPMT 1995]
(a) Disaccharide sugar (b) Enzymes
(c) Vitamins (d) All the above
- Lac is a
(a) Glue
(b) Oily secretion
(c) Resin
(d) Pigmented inorganic substance
- Composition of pearl is
(a) Only calcium carbonate
(b) Only colchitin
(c) Calcium carbonate, water, organic matter and other minerals
(d) Both (a) and (b)
- Pearl producing Indian species is [MP PMT 1993, 94]
(a) Pinctada indica (b) Ostrea indica
(c) Pinctada vulgaris (d) Ostrea vulgaris
- Pearl contains how much ….. water
(a) 2–4% (b) 10%
(c) 12–15% (d) 15–20%
- Shark liver oil and cod liver oil is a natural rich source of
(a) Fat (b) Vitamin A and C only
(c) Vitamin A, C and D (d) Protein
- The Indian carp is [DPMT 1993]
(a) Scoliodon (b) Labeo
(c) Torpedo (d) Pristis
- ‘Inland fishries’ is referred to [MP PMT 1997]
(a) Culturing fish in fresh water
(b) Trapping and capturing fishes from seacoast
(c) Deep sea fishing
(d) Extraction of oil from fishes
1 | c | 2 | d | 3 | d | 4 | a | 5 | c |
6 | a | 7 | d | 8 | c | 9 | c | 10 | b |
11 | d | 12 | c | 13 | c | 14 | b | 15 | c |
16 | d | 17 | c | 18 | d | 19 | c | 20 | c |
21 | c | 22 | a | 23 | c | 24 | b | 25 | a |
- (d) Red Sindhi, Sahiwal, Gir and Deoni are the milch breeds of cows.
- (a) The best known breeds of Indian buffaloes are the murrah, Jaffrabadi, Nill, Bhadawari and sweti.
- (d) Bhakarwal breeds of sheep which distributed in Jammu and Kashmir. It’s under-coat used for high quality woollen showls.
- (c) Pigs are most economical source of meat and animal fat.
- (c) Elephant is the largest land animal which becomes sexually mature at the age of 25. a gestation period of 22 months and live upto 100 years.
- (b) The cocoon is white or yellow in colour. It is made up of about 1000-1200 meters long silk thread the thread is wound around the cocoon in concentric circles.
- (d) Karnataka (India) rank first in production of raw silk.
- (c) Pebrine is the most important disease of silk worms. It is caused by a sporozoan called Nosema bombycis.
- (c) China is topmost country producing some 48% cocoons and 40.9% of raw silk. Next biggest silk producing countory is Japan. India is placed in third position as for as the production of silk in term in quantity is concerned.
- (b) Honey contains nearly 80 different substances of important to human beings. The important chemicals are as follows levulose, dextrose, maltose and other sugers, enzymes and pigments. Ash, water, vitamins minerals.
- (c) Commonly the three species of honey bee are found in India – Apis indica, Apis dorsata, Apis florea.
- (d) Honey bees are performed two type of dances for discovered food source. (1) Round dance is performed when a newly discovered food source is close to hive. (2) Tail wagging dance is performed for long distance source of food.
- (c) The behaviour of the honey bee to come out of the hill in large number is called swarming.
- (c) Lac is a complex substance having large amount of resins (68 to 90%).
- (c) Pearl comprises of water (2-4%), organic matter (3.5-5.9%), calcium carbonate (90%), (Residue 0.1-0.8%).
- (c) The most important molluscs cutivated for pearls are pinctada vulgaris.
- (a) Pearl comprises of water (2-4%).
- (c) Fishes and other aquatic animals are reared and caught for food which is rich in protein, vitamins A and D : shark liver oil and cod liver oil are very good source of A and D.
- (b) Labeo rohita (Rohu) is a fresh water Indian carp.
- (a) In land fishery deals with the fishery aspects of waters other then marine water.