Management Entrance Test–2019
Important dates for MET Entrance Test -2019
Sr. No. | Activity | Dates |
1 | Date of Availability of Prospectus and online Admission Form for Admission to PU-MET-2019 on the website | January 07, 2019 |
2 | Last date for submission of information on the website to generate the Bank Challan | Feb 25, 2019 |
3 | Last date for deposit of fee in any branch of State bank of India using website generated Challan | March 5, 2019 upto 4:00 p.m |
4 | Last date for submission of fee details (journal no.; branch code and date of deposit given by Bank) and uploading of Photograph, signature with rest of the information on the website | March 8, 2019 |
5 | Last date for correction regarding photograph, signature and any other information | March 11, 2019 upto 5:00 p.m |
6 | Final date for submission of printout copy of the online form to be submitted to Assistant Registrar, UIAMS, P.U. South Campus, Chandigarh | March 14, 2019 upto 4:00 p.m |
7 | Final date by which Roll No. will be available online Roll No. slip and Center of Examination will be generated online. Roll No. slip is required to be downloaded from the website by the candidate using their own Login and Password | March 13, 2019 |
8 | Date of Holding Entrance Test | March 16, 2019 (Saturday) |
9 | Tentative date by which the result of the Entrance Test may be declared by the university | April 29, 2019 |
10. | Centre for the Entrance Test | Chandigarh |
Candidates have to Deposit Rs.2175/- (In case of SC/ST/Persons with Disability (PwD) candidates, Rs.1087/-) in the SBI Bank Power Jyoti Account No 33888205957
MBA (Retail Management) 45 +22**+ 5 * = 50+22**
MBA (Banking and Insurance Mgt.) 45 +22**+ 5 * = 50+22**
MBA (IT & Telecommunications Mgt.) 22 +3* = 25
MBA (Infrastructural Management) 22 +3* = 25
MBA (Pharmaceutical Management) 22 +3* = 25
MBA (Hospital Management) 22 +3* = 25
- MBA (Retail Management) and MBA (Banking and Insurance Management) A Bachelor’s or Master Degree in any discipline of Panjab University or of any other university which has been recognized by the syndicate as equivalent thereto with not less than 50% * marks in the aggregate. Provided that in case of candidates having Bachelor’s degree of the University through Modern Indian Languages [Hindi/Urdu/Punjabi (Gurumukhi Script)] and/or in a classical language (Sanskrit/ Persian/Arabic) or degree of any other university obtained in the same manner recognized by the Syndicate, 50% marks in the aggregate shall be calculated by taking into account full percentage of marks in all the papers in Language excluding the additional optional paper, English and the elective subject taken together. Or Pass in the final examination conducted by either
(a) Institute of Chartered Accountants of India or England, or
(b) Institute of Cost and Works Accountants of India or England or
(c) Institute of Company Secretaries of India Or AMIE examination with 50% marks or more after having passed the diploma examination with 60% marks or above and have at least 5 years research/teaching or professional experience
- MBA (Information Technology & Telecommunications Management) and MBA (Infrastructural Management) Bachelor’s degree in Engineering/Technology, i.e. B.E./B. Tech. (in any Branch) of Panjab University or of any other University recognized by Panjab University as equivalent there to with at least 50%*marks in the aggregate. Or Bachelor’s degree in any Science subject with Physics and/or Mathematics of Panjab University or of any other University recognized by Panjab University as equivalent there to with at least 50%* marks in the aggregate. Or Bachelor’s in Computer Applications (BCA) of Panjab University or any of the other University recognized by the Panjab University as equivalent thereto with atleast 50% * marks in the aggregate. Or AMIE examination with 50% marks or more after having passed the diploma examination with 60% marks or above and have at least 5 years research/teaching or professional experience
- MBA (Pharmaceutical Management) Bachelor’s degree in Pharmacy of Panjab University or of any other university recognized by Panjab University as equivalent there to with at least 50% marks in aggregate. Or M.B.B.S of Panjab University or of any other university recognized by Panjab University as equivalent there to with at least 50% * marks in the aggregate. Or Bachelor’s Degree in any Science subject of Panjab University or of any other University recognized by Panjab University as equivalent there to with at least 50%* marks in the aggregate AND Diploma in Pharmacy of Panjab University or of any other University recognized by Panjab University as equivalent there to with at least 50% * marks in the aggregate.
- MBA (Hospital Management) MBBS/ BAMS/ BHMS/ BDS/ B. Pharmacy/ B.Sc (Nursing)/ Bachelor of Physiotherapy (BPT) of Panjab University or a degree of any other University which has been recognized by the syndicate as equivalent thereto with not less than 50%* marks in the aggregate.
Management Courses at UIAMS are for a duration of 2 years spread across 4 semesters.
*5% Concession is admissible in eligibility marks to SC/ST/BC/PwD Candidates. Candidates appearing in the Final Degree Examination are eligible to apply and can take the test provisionally
The Entrance Test will carry 85% weightage and be of 2 hours duration. It will consist of multiple- choice questions having four responses A, B, C & D. The components of the test will include: (i) General Knowledge; (ii) Economics and Business Environment Awareness; (iii) Data interpretation and problem solving; (iv) Numerical Ability; (v) Verbal Ability/ Reasoning and (vi) English Comprehension.
The admission will be made on the basis of the Entrance Test (85% weightage), Group Discussion (7.5% weightage) and Personal Interview (7.5% weightage). The result of the Entrance Test will not be sent to the candidates. The comprehensive result after the Group Discussion and Personal Interview will be notified on the UIAMS notice board as well as the UIAMS website.
- Admission for this course will be made on the basis of merit determined by scores of the candidates in the Management Entrance Test (MET), followed by Group Discussion and Personal Interview. Candidates under various reserved categories and NRI category will first of all be considered in General category. They will also compete within their respective categories following the same criteria. Reservation will be as per the approved norms of Panjab University.
- The candidates will be called for Group Discussion and Personal Interview on the basis of their scores in the Management Entrance Test (MET) conducted by P.U. for admission to MBA Programme at UIAMS.
3(a) The number of candidates to be called for Group Discussion and Personal Interview will be eight times the total number of seats of all these courses in each category. For example, if there are 97 seats in General Category in various sectoral management programmes at UIAMS, 776 candidates will be called for Group Discussion and Personal Interview in General Category. Similar calculation will be applicable to other reserved categories & NRI category on the basis of number of seats available in each course.
3(b) Explanation : While working out the percentage of seats in the Reserved Categories as given above, if the number arrived at contains a fraction, this shall be resolved as follows: If the fraction is 0.5 or more, it shall be rounded off to 1; if it is less than 0.5, it shall be ignored. This shall, however, not affect the total number of seats in the open category. To ensure this, if the total number of seats after making this adjustment, exceeds the prescribed number fixed for the course, the necessary additional seats shall be created with the prior permission of the D.U.I./Vice-Chancellor. Such seats, if created, shall be treated as additional only for the year in question.
- Final merit list of all the candidates called for Group Discussion and Personal Interview will be prepared category wise on the basis of their combined aggregate score in the Written Test, Group Discussion and Personal Interview. Admissions will be made on the basis of this merit list. Attendance in Group Discussion and Personal Interview is a must. If any candidate does not attend any one of the components, his/her candidature will stand cancelled without notice.
- Candidates in the category of Sports, Defence and Persons with Disability (PwD) would be short-listed on the basis of MET written test percentage score. However, at the time of admission the precedence of merit will be according to the Panjab University criteria for the respective categories.
- The weightage for the written test, Group Discussion and Personal Interview for preparing the final merit list for admission will be as follows : WRITTEN TEST (MET) 85% GROUP DISCUSSION 7.5% PERSONAL INTERVIEW 7.5%
- The eligibility of a candidate will be provisional at every stage of the admission process. It will be the responsibility of the candidate to ensure his/her eligibility and fulfillment of various conditions for admission as prescribed in the Rules / Regulations of the Panjab University. Admission will be cancelled at any stage in case the candidate is not found eligible, even subsequently.
- All provisionally eligible candidates will take written test MET for admission to MBA Programmes at UIAMS to be conducted by Panjab University on March 16, 2019 (Saturday).
- The Group Discussion and Personal Interview of the short-listed candidates will be held at University Institute of Applied Management Sciences (UIAMS), Panjab University, Chandigarh where the candidates will have to come at their own cost around the second/third week of May, 2019.
10(a) The candidates appearing in final degree examinations are eligible to apply and can take the written test provisionally. They will have to fulfill the eligibility conditions at the time of admission, failing which the candidates will not be considered for admission even after they have gone through all the stages of the admission process. The result of the qualifying examination should be submitted positively by Aug. 14, 2019 (tentative) or any other date notified by the University, by 12.00 noon failing which the admission is liable to be cancelled.
(b) The vacant seats, as on the last date of admission so fixed by the University, will be filled strictly according to the merit from those who are present at UIAMS by 2.00 p.m. on that day. Information about vacant seats will be displayed on the online notice board and also on the notice board of University Institute of Applied Management Sciences (UIAMS). It is the students’ responsibility to keep a watch for the vacant seats. No individual notice will be given regarding the vacant seats.
- The final combined category-wise result of the candidates will be notified around the first/second week of June, 2019. The candidate have to appear for counselling around third/fourth week of June, 2019. At the time of counselling, admission to different MBA programmes of University Institute of Applied Management Sciences (UIAMS), will be offered strictly according to the merit list for each MBA sectoral programme.
- Student is required to appear personally for counselling. However, in case a student has to appear in a final examination or is facing an extreme hardship, he/she has to seek permission of the Director, UIAMS, in advance, with documentary evidence. Further, he/she can send an authorized representative carrying a notarized authority from the student with authentication of the signature of the authorized representative.
- Last date for submission of online form to generate bank challan is February 25 th , 2019 (Monday). Last Date for Deposit of Fee in the Bank is March 5 th , 2019 (Tuesday) upto 4 p.m. Last date for submission of fee details (journal no.; branch code and date of deposit given by Bank) and uploading of Photograph, signature with rest of the information on the website is March 08, 2019 (Friday). Further, students have to submit the printed copy of the form uploaded by March 14 th , 2019 (Thursday) upto 4.00 P.M. in the office of the University Institute of Applied Management Sciences (UIAMS), South Campus, Sector-25 (Behind Alumni House), Panjab University, Chandigarh.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Admission in all categories shall be made subject to fulfilment of the eligibility conditions and in accordance with the provisions contained in the Handbook of Information and Rules for Admission, 2019. A. Seats: General and Reserved
1) Generally 53.5% of the seats in each course shall be treated as belonging to the General Category. 2) 46.5% seats shall be treated as belonging to the Reserved Category, as per details given below:
(i) 15% for candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes.
(ii) 7.5% for candidates belonging to the Scheduled Tribes.
(iii) 5% for candidates belonging to the Backward Classes
Provided that the reservation in (i) and (ii) can be inter-changeable, i.e. if sufficient number of applicants is not available to fill up the seats reserved for Scheduled Tribes, they may be filled up by suitable candidates from Scheduled Castes, and vice versa. The above reservation shall be subject to the following-conditions:
- the number of students admitted on merit shall not be included in the number of seats reserved;
- members of Scheduled Castes / Scheduled Tribes/ Backward Classes shall be allowed a concession of 5% marks for admission to the courses in which a certain percentage of minimum marks has been prescribed provided they have obtained minimum pass marks prescribed by the regulations;
- in case the seats earmarked for Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes remains unfilled, a further relaxation in marks may be given, in order of merit inter-se amongst the candidates themselves, so that all the reserved seats are filled in by candidates belonging to these categories; and
- a Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe person on migration from the State of his origin will not lose his status as Scheduled Caste / Scheduled Tribe but he/she will be entitled to the concessions/benefits admissible to the Scheduled Castes / Scheduled Tribes from the State of his origin and not from the State where he has migrated. [Regulation 29.1, P.U. Cal. Vol. 1, 2007 (Page 168)].
(iv) 5% seats will be horizontally reserved for persons or class of Persons with Disability (PwD)‡ out of which 1% each shall be reserved for persons suffering from the disabilities specified under the RPWD 2016 Act: 1. Physical Disability
- Locomotor disability
(a) Leprosy cured persons (b) Cerebral palsy (c) Dwarfism (d) Muscular dystrophy (e) Acid attack victims
- Visual impairment (a) Blindness (b) Low Vision C. Hearing Impairment (a) Deaf (b) Hard of Hearing D. Speech and language disability
- Intellectual disability (a) Specific learning disabilities (b) Autism spectrum disorder
- Mental behaviour (Mental Illness)
- Disability caused due to (a) Chronic neurological conditions due to:
(i) Multiple sclerosis (ii) Parkinson’s disease (b) Blood Disorder (i) Haemophilia (ii) Thalassemia (iii) Sickle cell disease
- Multiple Disabilities (Deaf Blindness)
- Any other category as may be notified by the Central Government (Annexure – the Schedule of RPWD Act 2016, Page No. 33, 34, 35)