Recruitment for 106 posts of various categories
Online applications are invited from Eligible candidates for the recruitment of the following categories of posts:-
Selection procedure
- Selection of all posts (except Steno-Typist and Sr. Assistant) will be made on the basis of marks secured in the written exam and fulfillment of eligibility and other conditions.
- For the posts of Senior Assistant and Steno typist, the selection will be conducted in two steps. First, written test will be conducted. Second, 15 times of the category wise no. of posts candidates will be called for skill test. Skill test will be of qualifying nature. Among those who qualify the skill test, merit list will be prepared as per the marks secured in the written test held in step 1. Final selection will be made on the basis of this merit list and fulfillment of eligibility and other conditions.
- There will be no interview for any of the above posts.
- The mode of written test will be in English except for Punjabi Language section. The skill test (typing) for Senior Assistant positions will be held in English and Punjabi language. Skill test (Shorthand) for steno typist will also be held in English and Punjabi language. Skill test will be conducted on Computer only.
- Punjabi typing skill test for the post of Senior Assistant and shorthand test for the post of Steno typist shall be in ‘Ravi’ font .
- Merit list prepared in all the categories shall be valid for one year for recruitment in Markfed.
Content and Tentative Number of Questions in Written Test (For all posts except Steno typist.) Written Test will have 100 objective type questions with multiple choice answers, each carrying one mark, as per details below:-
- Language Proficiency (Punjabi – 10 questions + English -10 questions) = 20 questions
- General Knowledge / awareness = 10 questions
- Mathematical Skill(Matric level) = 10 questions
- Mental Ability/ IQ determination = 10 questions
- Computer Fundamentals = 10 questions
- As per prescribed qualifications for job related = 40 questions
Content and tentative Number of Questions in Written Test for post of Steno typist Written Test will have 100 objective type questions with multiple choice answers, each carrying one mark, as per details below:-
- English language = 25 questions
- Punjabi language = 25 questions
- General Knowledge / awareness = 15 questions
- Mental Ability = 15 questions
- Computer Fundamentals = 20 questions
Qualifying Marks:- Minimum qualifying marks for candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes shall be 35% (Thirty Five percent) and for candidates of General and other categories shall be 40% (Forty percent) of total marks of the written test. There will be negative marking to the extent of 25% (twenty five percent). Examination Centre: All examination centers would be at Chandigarh and SAS Nagar (Mohali) only. No TA, DA will be paid for the journeys performed for the written test.
IMPORTANT DATES Sr. No. Activity Last Date
1 Start date for ONLINE submission of application form 18.03.2019
2 .Last date for ONLINE submission of application form 18.04.2019
3 .Last date for submission of fee 22.04.2019
4.Date of written test Tentative in the month of June/July, 2019
shall be notified on website.
- Senior Assistant:-No. of posts: 36 (Gen-18, SC-8,BC-3, ESM-5 {Gen-3, SC-1, BC-1},PH-1, Sportsman-1) Pay Band 10300-34800 + Grade Pay Rs.4400/-
Qualification & experience
- i) A Bachelor’s degree from a recognized university or its equivalent with not less than 50% marks.
- ii) Should have passed Matriculation standard examination of Punjabi as one of the compulsory or elective subjects from a recognized Board of Institutions or any other equivalent examination in Punjabi language, which may be specified by the Government from time to time.
iii) Should have passed at least one hundred and twenty hour course with hands on experience in the use of Personal Computer or Information Technology in Office Productivity applications or Desktop Publishing applications from a Government recognized Institution or a reputed institution, which is ISO 9001, certified. OR Should have passed a Computer information Technology course equivalent to ‘O’ level certificate of Department of Electronics Accreditation of Computer Course (DOEACC) of Government of India.
- iv) Before his/her appointment he/she should pass a test in English & Punjabi typewriting on computer at a speed of not less than thirty words per minute to be got conducted by the appointing authority.
2 .Steno Typist:- No. of posts: 19 (General 9, SC-4, BC-2, Ex-serviceman-3 {Gen-2, SC-1}, Physically Handicapped-1) Pay Band 10300-34800 + Grade Pay Rs.3200/-
Qualification i. Graduate 2nd Division.
- Having proficiency in Punjabi Stenography at the speed of 80 w.p.m. and to transcribe at a speed of 15 w.p.m. and proficiency in English Stenography at the speed of 60 WPM and to transcribe at a speed of 15 wpm.
iii. Should have computer knowledge having a certificate in Computer course from a recognized Institute by AICTE or UGC. iv. Should have passed Matriculation standard examination of Punjabi as one of the compulsory or elective subjects from a recognized Board of institution or any other equivalent examination in Punjabi language which may be specified by the Government from time to time.”
- Assistant Engineer (Civil) :- No. of posts-1 (Gen-1) Pay Band 15600-39100 + Grade Pay Rs.5400/- Qualification & experience
- i) Degree in Civil Engineering with three years experience or Diploma holder with 10 years practical experience.
- ii) Should have passed Matriculation standard examination of Punjabi as one of the compulsory or elective subjects from a recognized Board of institution or any other equivalent examination in Punjabi language which may be specified by the Government from time to time.
iii) Knowledge of MS-Office is essential.
- Assistant Engineer (Electrical) :- No. of posts-1 (SC-1) Pay Band 15600-39100 + Grade Pay Rs.5400/-
Qualification & experience i) Degree in Electrical Engineering with three years experience or Diploma holder with 10 years practical experience.
- ii) Should have passed Matriculation standard examination of Punjabi as one of the compulsory or elective subjects from a recognized Board of institution or any other equivalent examination in Punjabi language which may be specified by the Government from time to time.
iii) Knowledge of MS-Office is essential.
- Junior Engineer (Civil) :- No. of posts: 2 (Reserved for SC as per backlog) Pay Band 10300-34800 + Grade Pay Rs.3800/-
Qualification & experience
- i) Diploma in Civil Engineering from a recognized University/ Institution with two years experience in the respective line.
- ii) Should have passed Matriculation standard examination of Punjabi as one of the compulsory or elective subjects from a recognized Board of institution or any other equivalent examination in Punjabi language which may be specified by the Government from time to time.
iii) Knowledge of MS-Office is essential.
- Junior Engineer (Electrical) :- No. of posts: 1 (Reserved for SC as per backlog) Pay Band 10300-34800 + Grade Pay Rs.3800/- Qualification & experience
- Diploma in Electrical Engineering from a recognized University/ Institution with two years experience in the respective line.
- Should have passed Matriculation standard examination of Punjabi as one of the compulsory or elective subjects from a recognized Board of institution or any other equivalent examination in Punjabi language which may be specified by the Government from time to time.
iii) Knowledge of MS-Office is essential.
For Markfed Cattlefeed & Allied Industries, Kapurthala
- Manager (Quality Control):- No. of posts: 1 (Gen.)
Pay Band 10300-34800 + Grade Pay 5400/-
Qualification & experience a) M.Sc. (Chemistry) with 5 years experience ( 3 years in relevant Industrial Unit and 2 years in cattle feed industry
i . Should have passed Matriculation standard examination of Punjabi as one of the compulsory or elective subjects from a recognized Board of institution or any other equivalent examination in Punjabi language which may be specified by the Government from time to time.”
- Knowledge of MS-Office is essential
- Operator (Electrical):-
No. of posts: 2(Gen-1, SC-1) Pay Band 10300-34800 + Grade Pay 3600/- Qualification & experience
- i) Diploma in Electrical Engg. With 5 years experience.
- ii) Should have passed Matriculation standard examination of Punjabi as one of the compulsory or elective subjects from a recognized Board of institution or any other equivalent examination in Punjabi language which may be specified by the Government from time to time.
iii) Knowledge of MS-Office is essential.
- Operator (Process House):- No. of posts: 2(Gen-1, SC-1) Pay Band 10300-34800 +Grade Pay 3600/- Qualification & experience
- i) Diploma in Mechanical / Production Engg. With 5 years experience.
- ii) Should have passed Matriculation standard examination of Punjabi as one of the compulsory or elective subjects from a recognized Board of institution or any other equivalent examination in Punjabi language which may be specified by the Government from time to time.
iii) Knowledge of MS-Office is essential.
- Boiler Attendant :- No. of posts: 3(Gen-2, SC-1) Pay Band 10300-34800 + Grade Pay 3600/- Qualification & experience
- i) Proficiency certificate of Boiler Competency grade II having 7 years experience.
- ii) Should have passed Matriculation standard examination of Punjabi as one of the compulsory or elective subjects from a recognized Board of institution or any other equivalent examination in Punjabi language which may be specified by the Government from time to time.
iii)Knowledge of MS-Office is essential.
- Steno Typist:- No. of posts: 1 (General) Pay Band 10300-34800 + Grade Pay Rs.3200/- Qualification i. Graduate 2nd Division.
- Having proficiency in Punjabi Stenography at the speed of 80 w.p.m. and to transcribe at a speed of 15 w.p.m. and proficiency in English Stenography at the speed of 60 WPM and to transcribe at a speed of 15 wpm.
iii. Should have computer knowledge having a certificate in Computer course from a recognized Institute by AICTE or UGC.
- Should have passed Matriculation standard examination of Punjabi as one of the compulsory or elective subjects from a recognized Board of institution or any other equivalent examination in Punjabi language which may be specified by the Government from time to time.”
For Markfed Vanaspati and Allied Industries, Khanna
- Quality Control Incharge:- No. of post : 1(Gen.) Pay Band 10300-34800 + Grade Pay 5000/- Qualification & experience a) i. M.Sc. (Chemistry) ii. 5 years Experience in Vanaspati & Refined Oil Industries. b) i. Should have passed Matriculation standard examination of Punjabi as one of the compulsory or elective subjects from a recognized Board of institution or any other equivalent examination in Punjabi language which may be specified by the Government from time to time.”Knowledge of MS-Office is essential.