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The entrance procedure comprises of the following steps:-
- Advertisement inviting applications from candidates will be published in all leading newspapers in Nov.
- Applications to be forwarded on line by first week of Jan. For exact date please refer to advertisement.
- Entrance test to be held in Jan.
- Merit list will be prepared based on the performance of the candidates in the entrance test.
- Candidates who do well in the academic merit list will be called for an interview in Feb / Mar.
- Medical examination.
- Final merit list will be prepared and call letters issued to selected candidates.
- Selected candidates will be required to join the institute in April.
Eligibility Criteria
- Candidate should be a domicile of Punjab
- Age – not more than 17 years. Stipulation of cut-off date of birth will be published in the newspaper advertisement.
- Medically fit as per NDA requirements
- Studying in 10thclass
- Desirous of joining the Armed forces through the NDA
- Only boys are eligible
Entrance Test
The entrance test will be conducted in two subjects viz English and Mathematics. The papers will be set from the tenth class syllabus and no separate syllabus has been laid down. Candidates studying in any of the boards ie CBSE /ICSE / PSEB may appear in the entrance test.
The question paper is objective with answers being filled up on the OMR sheet provided. Wrong answers will be awarded negative marks. Sample question papers are available on the website.
The test will be conducted in various centres in Punjab depending upon the response. Generally the centres are at Mohali, Bhatinda and Jalandhar.
Results of the entrance test will be uploaded on the website in first week of Feb. Exact date will be intimated later.
Interviews of candidates will be conducted in Feb / Mar. In scheduling the dates of the interview we shall try and ensure that there is no clash with your Class 10 exam schedule. Interviews will be conducted in the Institute in Mohali.
The interviews will be conducted by a team of trained officers. The team will consist of some or all of the following:-
(a) GTO / Interviewing officer
(b) Psychologist
(c) Director AFPI
The interview will basically comprise of a few elementary tests of intelligence and aptitude for which no preparation or study is required. There will be a Picture Perception Test followed by a group discussion. Thereafter the candidate will appear individually before the interview board.
The aim of the interview is to assess the candidate’s level of motivation, intelligence, aptitude, confidence, personality and expression. His manner of interaction in a group will also be important.
The results declared by the interview will be final and candidates will not be allowed to challenge or question these results.
Certificates Required. At the time of the interview you will be required to bring along your birth certificate, domicile certificate, certificate pertaining to proficiency in sports if any, and certificate from your school showing marks obtained in the ninth class final exam and the tenth class marks obtained so far.
The institute is not in a position to provide any accommodation to candidates appearing in the interview.
Honesty and integrity will be of utmost importance. Please do not try to influence the selection procedure in any way. A very serious view will be taken of any aberration and any candidate found guilty will be liable for immediate expulsion. Also if any member of the staff tries to contact you with a promise to help you to influence the selection procedure please bring this to the notice of the interview board so that immediate disciplinary action can be taken.
Candidates will not be eligible for any TA / DA for appearing in the interview.
Parents / guardians may accompany the candidate to the interview centre but they will not be permitted inside the premises under any circumstances.
A candidate recommended by the Interview Board will undergo a medical examination by a Board of Medical Officers convened for this purpose. Only those candidates will be admitted to the institute who are declared fit by the Medical Board. The proceedings of the Medical Board are confidential and will not be divulged to anyone. However the candidates declared unfit will be intimated by the President of the Medical Board.
Candidates must be physically fit according to physical standards for admission to National Defence Academy and Naval Academy. (Since the candidate will actually be appearing in the medical examination conducted by military authorities for NDA entry two years later, certain aspects of the medical standards as deemed appropriate by the medical board may be relaxed as the candidate may be expected to reach the requisite standards of physical development by then.)
Candidates are advised to rectify minor defects/ailments in order to speed up finalisation of medical examination. The under mentioned ailments are considered, common minor ailments :-Wax (Ears), Deviated Nasal Septum, Hydrocele/Phimosis, Overweight/Underweight, Under sized Chest, Piles, Gynaecomastia, Tonsillitis, Varicocele
The candidate must be in good physical and mental health and free from any disease/disability which is likely in interfere with the efficient performance of military duties.
There should be no evidence of weak constitution, bodily defects or under weight. The candidate should not be overweight or obese.
The minimum acceptable height is 157.5 cms. (162.5 cms for Air Force) F
Height and weight standards are given below:
Height and weight standards are given below:
Height/Weight Standards for Army/Air Force | |||
Table-I | |||
Height in Cms. (Without shoes) | Weight in Kgs. | ||
16-17 years | 17-18 years | 18-19 years | |
152 | 42.5 | 44 | 45 |
155 | 43.5 | 45.5 | 47 |
157 | 45 | 47 | 48 |
160 | 46.5 | 48 | 19 |
162 | 48 | 50 | 51 |
165 | 50 | 52 | 53 |
167 | 51 | 53 | 54 |
170 | 52.5 | 55 | 56 |
173 | 54.5 | 57 | 58 |
175 | 56 | 59 | 60 |
178 | 58 | 61 | 62 |
180 | 60 | 63 | 64.5 |
183 | 62.5 | 65 | 66.5 |
Height/Weight Standards for Navy | |||
Table-II | |||
Height in Cms. (Without shoes) | Weight in Kgs. | ||
16 years | 18 years | 20 years | |
152 | 44 | 45 | 46 |
155 | 45 | 46 | 47 |
157 | 46 | 47 | 49 |
160 | 47 | 48 | 50 |
162 | 48 | 50 | 52 |
165 | 50 | 52 | 53 |
167 | 52 | 53 | 55 |
170 | 53 | 55 | 57 |
173 | 55 | 57 | 59 |
175 | 57 | 59 | 61 |
178 | 59 | 61 | 62 |
180 | 61 | 63 | 64 |
183 | 63 | 65 | 67 |
A ± 10% (A ± 6 Kg for Navy) departure from the average weight given in the table 1 above is to be considered within normal limit. However, in individuals with heavy bones and broad build as well as individuals with thin but otherwise healthy this may be relaxed to some extent on merit.
Note 1 : Height relaxable upto 2.5 cm (5 cm. for Navy) may be allowed where the Medical Board certifies that the candidate is likely to grow and come up to the required standard on completion of his training.
Note 2 : To meet special requirement as a pilot in the Air Force the acceptable measurements of leg length, thigh length and sitting height will be as under :–
Minimum | Maximum | |
Leg Length | 99.00cms. | 120.00 cms. |
Thigh Length | – | 64.00 cms. |
Sitting Height | 81.50cms. | 96. 00 cms. |
On account of lower age of NDA candidates, a margin of upto 5.0 cm. in height, 2.5 cm. in leg length (minimum) and 1.0 cm. sitting height (minimum) may be given provided it is certified by the Medical Board that the candidate is likely to grow and come upto the required standard on completion of his training in NDA.
Chest should be well developed. Fully expanded chest should not be less than 81 cms. The minimum range of expansion after full inspiration should be 5 cms. The measurement will be taken with a tape so adjusted that its lower edge should touch the nipple in front and the upper part of the tape should touch the lower angle of the shoulder blades behind. X-Ray of the chest is compulsory and will be taken to rule out any disease of the chest.
There should be no disease of bones and joints of the body. X-ray of spine of candidates will not be carried out as a routine except for Air Force. It will, however, be done on the advice of surgical specialist wherever clinically indicated. Minor congenital defects which are not likely to interfere in the performance of military duties may be acceptable on merit.
Spinal conditions: Thorough clinical examination of the spine including its shape, local tenderness if any, spinal movements etc is to be carried out. Mild kyphosis or Lordosis where deformity is barely noticeable and there is no pain or restriction of movement will not preclude acceptance. In case of noticeable Scollosis or suspicion of any other abnormality or spinal deformity, more than mild, appropriate X ray of the spine are to be taken and the examinee referred for specialists advice.
The candidate should have no past history of medical breakdown or fits.
The hearing should be normal. A candidate should be able to hear a forced whisper with each ear at a distance of 610 cms in a quiet room.
There should be no signs of functional or organic disease of the heart and blood vessels. Blood pressure should be normal.
The muscles of the abdomen should be well developed and there should be no enlargement of the liver or spleen. Any evidence of disease of the internal organs or the abdomen will be a cause for rejection.
Un-operated hernia will make a candidate unfit. If operated earlier the healing should have been completed.
There should be no hydrocele, varicocele or pile.
Urine examination will be done and any abnormality if detected will be a cause for rejection.
Any disease of the skin which is likely to cause disabilities or disfigurement will also be a cause for rejection.
A candidate should be able to read 6/6 in a distant vision chart with each eye, with or without glasses. Myopia should not be more than 2.5D and Hypermetropia not more than 3.5D including Astigmatism. Internal examination of the eye will be done by means of opthalmoscope to rule out any disease of the eye. A candidate should have good binocular vision; the colour vision standard will be CP III for the Army. A candidate should be able to recognize red and green colours. Candidates will be required to give a certificate that neither he nor any member of his family has suffered from congenital night blindness. Candidates who have undergone or have evidence of having undergone Radial Keratotomy to improve the visual acuity will be rejected.
The candidate should have sufficient number of natural and sound teeth. A minimum of 14 dental points will be acceptable. When 32 teeth are present the total dental points are 22. A candidate should not be suffering from severe pyorrhea.
Prospective candidates are advised to keep themselves in good physical condition by following a suitable fitness routine.