ITBP Head Constable Ministerial Syllabus Exam Pattern
ITBP Head Constable Ministerial Syllabus Exam Pattern
ITBP HC Combatant Ministerial Exam Syllabus
Check ITBP HC (Ministerial) Selection Process ITBP HC (Min) Exam Pattern Written Test Physical Test PET/PST
Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force (ITBP) had invited application for Recruitment of Head Constable (Combatant Ministerial). Many Candidates Filled there Online Application Form for these Vacancy.
The Last Date for Submitting Online Application Form.
Candidates Can Check The Details of Recruitment.
ITBP Head Constable (Ministerial) Recruitment 2020
A selection process including various stages like physical test, trade test and written test etc. So, they must have the proper knowledge of tests which they will have to face at each different stages. There is more and more competition increasing day by day, its become challenging as hard nut to crack. Now, here we’re providing prescribed latest scheme of ITBP Head Constable Ministerial Syllabus and whole selection procedure, which may helps the aspirants to chase this challenge.
Phase I
a) Height Bar Test
b) Physical Efficiency Test (PET)
c) Physical Standard Test (PST)
Phase II
a) Written Examination
b) Skill Test
c) Merit List
Phase III
a) Checking of Documents
b) Medical Examination
Physical Efficiency Test (PET)
Description | Height Male | Height Female | Chest |
For Candidates belonging to Schedule Tribes (ST) | 162.5 cms | 150 cms | 76-81 cms |
For candidates falling in the categories of Garhwalis, Kumaonis, Gorkhas, Dogras, Marathas and candidates belonging to the states of Sikkim, Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Tripura, Mizoram, Meghalaya, Assam, Himachal Pradesh, Kashmir and Leh & Ladakh regions of J&K | 162.5 cms | 150 cms | 76-81 cms |
For all States and Union Territories (except categories mentioned above) | 165 cms | 155 cms | 77-82 cms |
For Male Candidates | |
i) Race 1.6 Kms | To be completed within 7.30 Minutes. |
ii) 11 Feet long Jump | 03 Chances to be given) |
iii) 3 1⁄2 Feet High Jump | 03 Chances to be given) |
For Female Candidates | |
i) Race 800 Meters | To be completed within 4.45 Minutes. |
ii) 9 Feet long Jump | 03 Chances to be given) |
iii) 3 Feet High Jump | 03 Chances to be given) |
Physical Standard Test (PST)
The candidates, who qualify PET will be screened for the Height, Chest (Chest measurement for male candidate only) and Weight measurements. No marks will be awarded for this test and it will be only qualifying in nature.
Exam Pattern : Exam Pattern is as Follows :-
► The written test will be conducted on OMR basis.
► The time duration will be 03:00 hours (180 minutes).
► The written test will be of 100 marks.
► Qualifying marks shall be 35% for General Candidates & Ex-Servicemen and 33% for Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribes/Other Backward Class in the written examination.
► There will also be a Skill Test of 20 marks after written Exam.
► Written examination will consist of the following four parts:-
Parts | Subject | Marks/ Questions |
Part-I | General Arithmetic | 30 |
Part-II | General Knowledge | 25 |
Part-III | General English | 35 |
Part-IV | Theoretical Knowledge of Computer | 10 |
TOTAL | 100 |
Note : No information about the Negative Marking is Provided in the Advertisement. So all the Candidates Should Check the Instruction While Give the Exam.
Minimum Qualifying marks :
Qualifying marks shall be 35% for General Candidates & Ex-Servicemen and 33% for Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribes /Other Backward Class in the written examination.
Exam Syllabus : ITBP Head Constable Ministerial Syllabus written test is given below :-
General Arithmetic : The test of Arithmetical and Numerical abilities will cover Number Systems including questions on Simplification, Decimals, Fractions, L.C.M., H.C.F., Ratio & Proportion, Percentage, Average, Profit & Loss, Discount, Simple & Compound Interest, Mensuration, Time & Work, Time & Distance, Tables & Graphs, etc.
General Knowledge : History, Geography and Socio Economic development of India. Knowledge of current events of National and International importance and such matters of every day observation and experience in their scientific aspects as may be expected of an educated person who has not made a special study of any scientific subject. Paper will also include questions on Modern History (From 1857 onwards) of India, Indian culture, Indian Polity, Indian Economy, Geography of India.
General English : Verb, preposition, adverb, subject verb agreement, Error Correction/ recognition, tenses, sentences rearrangement, fill in the blanks with articles etc., comprehension, answering questions based on unseen passage, vocabulary, synonyms and antonyms usage, vocabulary & grammar, Proficiency in the language.
Theoretical Knowledge of Computer : Computer Fundamentals, Windows (MS-Windows), MS-Office : Word Processing (MS-Word), Spread Sheet (MS-Excel), Presentation Knowledge (MS-Power Point), MS Access and Usage of Internet Services available on Internet, Communication Technology, Networking Concepts.
- i)The Skill Test will comprise of typing test on computer. Minimum speed of 35 words per minute in English typing or minimum speed of 30 words per minute in Hindi typing within 10 minutes corresponding to 10500 KDPH for English Typing and 9000 KDPH for Hindi Typing an average of 5 Key depressions for each word.
- ii)English typing will be conducted in ‘Times New Roman’ Font only and Hindi typing will be conducted either on Remington or In script Keyboard in Unicode encoding compliant Font ‘Mangal’ only.
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