In a family of 6, there are 3 men X, Y and Z and 3 women A, B and C C. The six are Architect, Lawyer, Chartered Accountant (CA), Professor, Doctor and Engineer by profession but not in the same order.
Directions : Answer the questions based on the following information:
In a family of 6, there are 3 men X, Y and Z and 3 women A, B and C C. The six are Architect, Lawyer, Chartered Accountant (CA), Professor, Doctor and Engineer by profession but not in the same order.
6 के परिवार में, 3 पुरुष X, Y और Z और 3 महिला A, बैंड C. छह हैं, जो पेशे से आर्किटेक्ट, वकील, चार्टर्ड अकाउंटेंट (CA), प्रोफेसर, डॉक्टर और इंजीनियर हैं, लेकिन एक ही क्रम में नहीं।
III. The doctor is married to the lawyer.
IV A’s father is a professor.
- Y is not X’s son, nor is he an architect or professor.
- The lawyer is C’s daughter-in-law.
VII. X is married to the CA.
- दो विवाहित जोड़े और 2 अविवाहित व्यक्ति हैं।
- Z, A का पति नहीं है।
III. डॉक्टर ने वकील से शादी की है।
IV A के पिता प्रोफेसर हैं।
- Y, X का बेटा नहीं है और न ही वह एक वास्तुकार या प्रोफेसर है।
- वकील सी की बहू है।
VII. X ने CA से शादी की है।
Q1. Who is the Architect?
(a) A (b)B (c) X (d)Z
Q2. Which of the following is a married couple?
(a) X and B (b) X and C (c) Y and A
(d) Z and A
Q3. Which of the following combinations of person and profession is correct ?
(a) B – Doctor (b) Y – Professor
(c) Z – Lawyer (d)C-Chartered Accountant
Q4. Which of the given statements is superfluous and can be dispensed with?
(a) I (b) II (c) VI (d) VII
Q5. Who are the two unmarried persons?
1.A 2.B 3.D 4.B 5.A