IBPS PO Exam Pattern & IBPS PO Exam syllabus
In the last few years, the IBPS exam for hiring candidates will be held online. The exam will be in two parts: Tier 1 or IBPS Preliminary Exam and Tier 2 or IBPS Mains Exam. This examination is followed by an interview but in this year a major change in the Mains Exam of IBPS PO .The Paper is same like SBI PO, IBPS has added descriptive paper in its mains exam.
IBPS PO Prelims Exam Pattern
The IBPS PO preliminary examination is of one hour duration and is conducted online. It has 3 sections with having 100 questions in total with a maximum score of 100 marks. There is negative marking in IBPS PO pre exam as 0.25 marks are deducted for every wrong answer. Candidates must clear the sectional cut-off to qualify for the IBPS PO Main exam. The section-wise details are given below:
S.No | Name of Tests (Objective | No. of Questions | Maximum Marks | duration |
1 | English Language | 30 | 30 | |
2 | Numerical Ability | 35 | 35 | 60 minutes |
3 | Reasoning Ability | 35 | 35 | |
total | 100 | 100 |
The complete detail of heading and sub-heading of the sections asked in Preliminary Exam.
Reasoning | Quantitative Ability | English Language |
1. Logical Reasoning | 1. Simplification | 1.Reading Comprehension |
2. Alphanumeric Series | 2. Profit & Loss | 2. Cloze Test |
3. Ranking/Direction/Alphabet Test | 3.Mixtures & Alligations | 3. Para jumbles |
4. Data Sufficiency | 4. Simple Interest & Compound Interest & Surds & Indices | 4. Miscellaneous |
5. Coded Inequalities | 5. Work & Time | 5. Fill in the blanks |
6. Seating Arrangement | 6. Time & Distance | 6. Multiple Meaning/Error Spotting |
7. Puzzle | 7. Mensuration – Cylinder, Cone, Sphere | 7. Paragraph Completion |
8. Tabulation | 8. Data Interpretation | |
9. Syllogism | 9. Ratio & Proportion, Percentage | |
10. Blood Relations | 10. Number Systems | |
11. Input Output
11. Sequence & Series | |
12. Coding Decoding
12. Permutation, Combination & Probability |
IBPS PO Mains Exam Pattern
This year the exam pattern of IBPS Mains is changed. IBPS has added descriptive paper in its mains exam The IBPS PO Main exam is also held online, it has 4 sections having a total score of 200 marks of 180 minutes duration and descriptive paper 1 sections having a total score of 25 marks of 30 minutes duration.
The IBPS exam will have 5 sections and the time limit for attempting each of the five sections is different, but the total time duration is 180 minutes for objective and 30 minutes for descriptive. The candidates must attempt the sections in the same order and within the allotted time fixed by the examining body. The candidate can’t leave the existing section before the time allotted. The next section can only be attempted after the current section is completed. There is a negative marking with a deduction of 0.25 marks for every mistake.
The section-wise details are given below:
S.No | Name of Tests (Objective | No.of Questions | Maximum Marks | duration |
1 | Reasoning and Computer Aptitude | 45 | 60 | 60 minutes |
2 | General/Economy/Banking Awareness | 40 | 40 | 35 minutes |
3 | English Language | 35 | 40 | 40 minutes |
4. | Data Analysis & Interpretation | 35 | 60 | 45 minutes |
Total | 155 | 200 | 180 minutes | |
English Language (Letter Writing & Essay)
2 | 25 | 30 minutes |
The complete syllabus is discussed below:
Quantitative Aptitude | Reasoning | Computer Aptitude | English Language | General Awareness |
1. Simplification | 1. Verbal reasoning | 1. Code Inequalities | 1. Reading Comprehension | 1. Financial Awareness |
2. Average | 2. Syllogism | 2. Memory | 2. Grammar
2. Current Affairs |
3. Percentage | 3.Circular seating
Arrangement |
3. Keyboard Shortcuts | 3. Vocabulary
3. General Knowledge |
4. Ratio and Percentage | 4. Linear Seating Arrangement | 4. Computer Abbreviation | 4.Verbal Ability
5. Data Interpretation | 5. Double Lineup | 5. Microsoft Office | ||
6. Mensuration and Geometry | 6. Scheduling | 6. Computer Hardware
7. Quadratic Equation | 7. Input Output | 7 Computer Software
8.Interest | 8. Blood Relations | 8. Operating System
9. Problems of Ages | 9. Directions and Distances | 9. Networking
10. Profit and Loss | 10. Ordering and Ranking | 10. Computer Fundamentals /Terminologies | ||
11. Number Series | 11. Data Sufficiency | |||
12. Speed, Distance and Time | 12. Coding and Decoding | |||
13. Time and Work | 13. Code Inequalities | |||
14. Number System | ||||
15. Data Sufficiency | ||||
16. Linear Equation | ||||
17. Permutation and Combination And Probability |
18. Mixture and Allegations
IBPS PO Interview
The candidates who have qualified the mains exam will be called for an interview which will carry 100 marks. To qualify for the interview a candidate is required to score 40% (35% for SC/ST/OBC/PWD candidates).
The interview round is conducted for not less than 15-20 minutes. It has a panel of bank officials who will raise questions to the candidates concerned themselves, banking sector, current affairs, general awareness, etc. The candidates must be well-dressed, confident and carry all required documents to the interview.
The merit list is prepared on the basis of marks obtained in main examination and interview. IBPS work out final score with the weightage of marks given to the main examination and interview in the ratio of 80:20 respectively.
Penalty for Wrong Answers:
A penalty for every incorrect answer will be marked in the Objective Tests of both Preliminary and Mains exams. Every wrong answer will be penalized by deducting 0.25 of the marks assigned to that question. There will be no penalty for leaving a question blank, i.e. in case no answer is marked by the candidate.
Final Score Calculation for IBPS PO Exam:
There are certain important points on the basis of which the final score for the IBPS PO exam is calculated:
• Marks scored in the Preliminary Exam (Tier-1) will not be considered in the final score. These are only taken into account to qualify Mains Exam (Tier-2).
• Candidates need to qualify Phase-2 and Interview individually to be eligible for final worth.
• The ratio of marks between CWE Main exam and interview for final merit list will be 80:20 respectively.
• The aggregate of 100 marks is used for the final merit list for each category. Candidates with high merit rank in each category are finally selected.