HPPSC recruitment 2016 notification excise inspector
Advertisement No. 4 / 2016 Dated: 22 /03/ 2016
Himachal Pradesh Subordinate Allied Services/ Posts Examination-2016
IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS:- 1. The candidates must read the INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY FOR APPLPYING ONLINE, which are available on the website of the Commission, i.e. http://www.hp.gov.in/hppsc; before filling up Online Recruitment Application Forms (ORA) for the concerned post(s).
- The candidates must ensure their eligibility in respect of category, age and essential qualification(s) etc. as mentioned in the advertisement to avoid rejection at any later stage.
- Incomplete Online Recruitment Application Forms submitted without requisite examination fee, scanned photograph & scanned signatures of prescribed size, will be rejected straightway.
- The benefit of reservation for various post(s) will be admissible only to the candidates, who are bonafide residents of Himachal Pradesh in respect of categories, viz., S.C., S.T., O.B.C., WFF and Physically Disabled (Orthopaedically Disabled/ Visually Impaired/ Blind / Hearing Impaired / Deaf & Dumb) etc.
- The reserved category candidates belonging to other states will be treated as GENERAL CATEGORY CANDIDATES and the benefit of reservation and fee concession will not be admissible to such candidates.
- Number of post(s) is/are tentative and may increase or decrease from time to time.
- In service candidates may apply to the Commission along with requisite fee with information to their Head of Departments/ Employer for issuing NOC. No in service candidate will be interviewed unless he/she brings NOC from the concerned employer.
- Disputes, if any, shall be subject to Court jurisdiction at Shimla.
- The test will be conducted at various centers located at Shimla/ Mandi/ Dharamshala / Solan / Una / Nahan / Bilaspur / Kullu, Hamirpur and Chamba depending upon the number of candidates for a particular station. However, the allotment of examination centres will be at discretion of the Commission.
ONLINE APPLICATIONS ARE INVITED FROM THE DESIROUS AND ELIGIBLE CANDIDATES, recruitment to various post(s) to be filled up on the basis of Himachal Pradesh Subordinate Allied Services/ Posts Examination-2016. The detail of the post(s) are as under:
Sr. No | Name of Department | Name of post | No. of posts | Pay scale |
1 | Social Justice & Empowerment in the Department of SC, OBC & Minority Affairs | Tehsil Welfare Officer (Contract basis) | 11 (Gen.=06, S.C.=02, S.T.=01,OBC=02) | Fixed contractual amount @ Rs.14500/- per month. |
2. | Excise and Taxation | Excise& Taxation Inspectors (Regular basis) | 12(Gen.=07,S.C.=0 2, OBC=01,Gen. BPL=02 | i) Pay Band Rs. 10300- 34800+ 3600(G.P) ii) Pay Band Rs. 10300- 34800+4200 (G.P) (This pay band and Grade Pay will be given after two years of regular service) |
3. | Panchayati Raj | Panchayat Inspector (Contract basis) | 05 (Gen.=01, S.C.=02, OBC=01 & Gen.BPL=01) | Fixed contractual amount @ Rs.13900/- per month. |
4. | Cooperation | Inspector (Audit) Cooperative Societies (Contract basis) | 33 (Gen.=14, S.C.=05, S.T.= 01, OBC = 04, Gen. BPL = 03, S.C. BPL = 02, S.T. BPL = 01, OBC BPL = 02, Gen.WFF=01) | Fixed contractual amount @ Rs.13900/- per month |
5. | Election | Election Kanungo (Contract basis) | 10 (Gen.=06, Gen. BPL=01, OBC=03) | Fixed contractual amount @ Rs.8910/- per month |
HOW TO APPLY:- The Candidates must apply online through the website http://www.hp.gov.in/hppsc. Applications received through any other mode would not be accepted and summarily rejected. Detailed instructions for filling up Online Recruitment Application(s) are available on the above mentioned website.
ELIGIBILITY CONDITIONS 1. AGE: – Between 18 years and 45 years. a. Age of a candidate shall be reckoned as on 01-01-2016. b. Five years relaxation in upper age limit is admissible only to the bonafide SC of H.P. / ST of H.P. / OBC of H.P. /WFF of H.P. / Persons with disabilities of Himachal Pradesh. For H.P. Govt. employees and Ex-servicemen of H.P.; age relaxation is as per Government’s instructions issued from time to time.
2.Qualifications: Essential:- A Candidate Should be graduate from a recognized University or its equivalent. Desirable:- Knowledge of Customs, manners and dialects of Himachal Pradesh and suitability for appointment in peculiar conditions prevailing in the Pradesh.
- EXAMINATION FEES:- General Category- 400/-Rs.
General BPL- 100/-
S.C. of H.P. /S.T. of H.P. /O.B.C. of H.P.-100/-
Ex-Servicemen of H.P- No fee
SCHEME OF EXAMINATION: Initially, an objective type Screening Test of three hours’ duration, will be conducted consisting of one paper of 200 Questions one mark each of multiple choice answers for short listing the candidates for the Main examination. The marks obtained by the candidates in the screening test will not be counted for determining their final order of merit.
The number of candidates to be called for (Main) written examination will be 20 times of the total number of posts advertised. The candidates having been declared qualified in the Screening test will be entitled for admission to the (Main) written examination consisting of three papers. The candidate shall have to pass all the three subjects.
Provided further that marks obtained by the candidates in the main examination (written part as well as interview) would determine their final ranking.
In the event of a tie, order of merit shall be determined in accordance with highest marks secured in the viva-voce and if the marks in the viva-voce of the candidates who tie are equal, then the order of merit shall be decided in accordance with the highest marks obtained by such candidates in the aggregate of the written examination.
The number of vacancies of similar qualifications as may be received from the Govt. up to the conduct of Screening test may be included, if necessary, for the purpose of selection of candidates on the basis of aforesaid Screening test / Examination.
The candidates who are declared qualified in the Screening test shall be required to submit requisite documents in support of their eligibility for Main written examination separately on the prescribed application form, which will be uploaded on the official website of the Commission after the declaration of result of Screening Test. No separate intimation will be issued in this regard.
There will be following subjects for the (Main) examination:-‘
Sr. no | Subject | Max. Marks |
1. | English (Conventional) | 150 marks |
2. | Hindi(Conventional) | 150marks |
3. | General Knowledge | 200marks |
The candidates, who will qualify the above mentioned main written examination on the basis of merit; shall be called for Viva-Voce Test/personal interview. The total number of candidates to be called for vivavoce on the basis of written examination shall be three times the total number of posts advertised. The vivavoce will be of 100 marks. The marks obtained by the candidates in the Main written examination as well as in the viva-voce would determine their final merit.
SYLLABUS FOR SCREENING TEST Himachal Pradesh Subordinate Allied Services/ Posts Examination, 2016 Paper of three hours’ duration consisting of 200 marks (General Knowledge) (Objective type).
- History, Geography and socio economic development of Himachal Pradesh. 60 marks
- Knowledge of current events of national and international importance and such matters of every day observation and experience in their scientific aspects as may be expected of an educated person who has not made a special study of any scientific subject. 60 marks
- Modern History (From 1857 onwards) of India, Indian culture, Indian Polity, Indian Economy, Geography of India, and Disaster Management. Environment and Gender issues and teaching of Mahatma Gandhi. 80 marks
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