how to prepare for mai bhago entrance exam @ FLAME INSTITUTE
##The entrance test will comprise one paper having two parts; General English and General Awareness. The questions will be strictly as per Plus 2 level. The questions will be objective multiple-choice type and designed for OMR evaluation. The Question Paper set in English language will have a total of 100 questions in two parts:##
- 50 General English questions in Part I
2. 50 General Awareness questions in Part II.
@@MAI BHAGO AFPI :Each question will carry 4 marks. Two hours will be allotted for the test. Max marks will be 400. There will be one negative mark for each wrong answer.@@
##CDAC has been selected as the Nodal Agency for actual conduct of the examination. The CDAC will supervise overall conduct of the examination as per the existing norms. An Officer will be deputed from Mai Bhago AFPI to attend the examination at each centre and oversee the arrangements. It will be ensured that no candidate resorts to unfair means. Number of Examination Centres will depend upon the number of applications. Generally, the centres will be SAS Nagar (Mohali), Jalandhar and Bhatinda so that no candidate has to travel for more than three hours to reach the allotted centre. The number of centres may be increased or decreased depending upon the number of candidates and administrative constraints.
MAI BHAGO AFPI Interview Procedure & Declaration Of Final Merit List:
On the day of interviews first activity on arrival will be documents check and physical measurements (height and weight). Candidates not meeting the eligibility criteria will not be retained for the interview. Candidates will be advised to bring track suit/equivalent dress when they arrive for interview. Once the physical test is over they will have sufficient time to change into formals which may be carried by them. Names of short listed candidates in interview will be announced at the end of each interview day and will be required to undergo medical examination, the next day; Institute Bus will carry them to Command Hospital Chandimandir.
**FLAME INSTITUTE is providing comprehensive, expert and high level coaching for Mai Bhago AFPI . Highly qualified and experienced faculty of each subject of Mai Bhago AFPI i.e English, G.K (Current Affairs, History of India , Geography, Indian Economy, Monuments of Indian , Books & Authors’s names, etc. ) is available at FLAME INSTITUTE .
FLAME INSTITUTE has ultra-modern infrastructure and the coaching is given through latest techniques. The excellent study material, assignments & worksheets prepared by the highly qualified and experienced staff of FLAME INSTITUTE are provided free to its regular students. Practice Tests and Mock Tests are conducted at regular intervals. Doubt Clearance Classes are also provided to the Mai Bhago AFPI students.