How do I prepare for SSC CGL Tier 3 ?
Hello aspirants,
First of all congratulations for scoring good enough in Tier-1+2 that you’re now going to prepare for Tier-3.
Before you start keep a few things in mind.
- Game is still on.
- This tier is also as important as the previous two tiers.
- Language doesn’t matter in Tier-3.
- Focus on writing.
Now coming to the point how to start.
See, it is always said whenever you are going to write about something you must read about that first. Generally the ratio between reading and writing must be 3:1.
So, you should be a voracious reader now. Willingly or unwillingly you decide but you’ll have to be.
Exam will be of 60 minutes and 100 marks. An essay of 250 words and a letter of 150 words will be asked of 50–50 marks.
Design of copy will be like the maths notebook you used to use in class 1st or 2nd. Boxes will be provided where you’ll have to put one word in one box.
Now things to keep in mind while appearing.
- Don’t cross the word limit more than 10%. Marks can be deducted.
- Strictly follow the instructions given on the front page of note book. Not following which will lead you to directly rejected candidate no matter how well you write.
- Mention the medium of writing.
- Don’t write your name or address inside notebook especially in letter.
From where to Read and how to prepare?
Just pick up any topic which is in news currently. For example you can take “Women Safety” .
Google the topic. Read about it. Note down some points and then write it in your own words.
Make a group with your 2–3 friends and circulate your answers among them and evaluate each other’s answers. Point out the mistakes. This is what I did and one of our group members got 76 marks jn Tier-3.
If you ask about book, you can take help you Neetu Singh’s descriptive book PDF of which you can easily get just by digging on some internet.
Rest is upto you. But just one thing in mind write as much as possible. No matter the topics you prepare you get in exam or not but if you practice writing you can write on any topic after some time.
So, all the best for Tier-3.
Hope it helps.
Thank you.
Flame Institute