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- At the outset please accept our heartiest congratulations on having been short listed for the interview. Approximately 2100 candidates had applied for the entrance test held on 19 Jan. The first 150 candidates are being called for the interview. Interviews will be held in batches in the month of Jan / Feb 2020. We will finally be taking 50 candidates for the Tenth AFPI course (TENACIOUS TENTH) commencing inApr 2020.
- The aim of these instructions is to clarify the procedure for the interview of candidates for the Tenth AFPI Course.
Date, Time and Venue
- Names of candidates short listed for the interview are attached. Interviews will be conducted as per the following schedule:-
Order of Merit
- Some candidates are under the erroneous impression that the order in which their names appear in the list is an indication of their order of merit in the entrance test. This is not so. Names have been listed in alphabetical seniority. Therefore please come for the interview with an open mind and do not worry about the academic order of merit.
- Time. Candidates are required to be present at the interview centre by 0930 hours on the date of the interview. The interview will commence at 1000 hours sharp. Please do not be late.
- Venue. Interviews will be held in Maharaja Ranjit Singh AFPI which is located in Sector 77 Mohali. It is very close to Sohana; adjacent to Radha SoamiDera; in front of Golden Bells Public School; and behind the Eye Hospital of Sohana.
- In case, for any unavoidable reasons, any candidate is unable to attend the interview on the specified date, he must inform Director AFPI at the earliest and definitely two clear days before the scheduled date of interview. Such candidates must provide cogent reasons in support of their request for a change of date along with necessary supporting documentary proof. Such requests will be considered on merits and Director may or may not accept the request depending upon the reasons cited for change of date. Decision of the Director AFPI will be final and non negotiable in this regard.
9.Personal Information Form. Candidates will complete the attached form in their own hand and bring it along with them. The form will be submitted to the reception cell established at the interview centre by 0900 hours on the date of the interview.
Modalities for Conduct of the Interview
- The interviews will be conducted by a team of trained officers. The team will consist of the following:-
(a) Group Testing Officer
(b) Psychologist
(c) Director AFPI
- The interview will basically comprise of a Picture Perception Test followed by a self introduction and group discussion. There after the candidate will appear individually before the interviewing officer.
- Self-introduction talk by the candidate will be in the form of a lecturrete of one to two mins. No notes are permitted. The talk should include the following:-
(a) Personal particulars. (Name, age, home town)
(b) Brief details of family background.
(c) School in which studying; subjects being studied; favourite subject and least liked subject.
(d) Best friend and why?
(e) Sports
(f) Hobbies
(g) Your strengths and weaknesses.
(h) Why do you want to join AFPI?
- The interviewing officer will assess the candidate’s trainability for the National Defence Academy. The aim of the interview is to assess the candidate’s level of motivation, intelligence, aptitude, confidence, personality and expression. His manner of interaction in a group will also be important.
- We expect that the interviews will be completed in one day and the results will be declared latest by 1700 hours on the same day. Candidates selected in the interview will be required to have themselves medically examined on the following day. Medical standards are available on our website.
- Parents / guardians may accompany the candidate to the interview centre but they will not be permitted to be present for the interview or to influence the selection procedure in any manner.
- The results declared by the interview will be final and candidates will not be allowed to challenge or question these results.
- Certificates Required. Please bring with youthe following certificates:-
(a) Birth certificate
(b) Domicile certificate
(c) Certificate pertaining to proficiency in sports if any
(d) Certificate from your school showing marks obtained in the ninth class final exam and the tenth class marks obtained so far.
(e) Proof of identity (Aadhar Card / School identity card)
- Candidates must also bring with them a clip board, pen and some paper.
- Candidates will NOT be eligible for any TA / DA for appearing in the interview or medical.
20.Dress. Candidates should be suitably dressed in formal clothes. School uniform of the school in which you are currently studying may be worn. PT shoes or slippers will NOT be worn. Whatever clothes you choose to wear they must be clean and neatly ironed.
- Accommodation. We will not be in a position to accommodate the candidates in the institute during the interview. Please make your own arrangements for staying in Mohali, Panchkula or Chandigarh.
- Lunch. Candidates are advised to carry packed lunch on the day of the interview.Lunch will also be available on payment.
- Light snacks, refreshments and Tea / Coffee will be made available to candidates and their parents / guardians.
- Discipline. Honesty and integrity will be of utmost importance. Please do not try to influence the selection procedure in any way. A very serious view will be taken of any aberration and any candidate found guilty will be liable for immediate expulsion. Also if any member of the staff tries to contact you with a promise to help you to influence the selection procedure please bring this to the notice of the interview board so that immediate disciplinary action can be taken.
Queries/ Clarifications
- For any queries or clarifications please send an e mail to afpi_mohali@yahoo.comOR letter to Director, Maharaja Ranjit Singh AFPI, Sector 77, SAS Nagar (Mohali). Tele No 01602258705; 9041006305
- Any further instructions regarding the interview / medical will be posted on the website You are requested to check the website periodically.