Five boys took part in a race. Raj finished before Mohit but behind Gaurav. Ashish finished before Sanchit but behind Mohit. Who won the race?
Q1. एक दौड़ में पांच लड़कों ने हिस्सा लिया। राज मोहित से पहले लेकिन गौरव के पीछे समाप्त हो गया। आशीष संचित से पहले लेकिन मोहित से पीछे रहे। दौड़ किसने जीती?
Best Career Counsellors in Chandigarh – Transform Your Future with Flame Institute In today’s competitive world, choosing the right career path can be challenging. Whether you are a student confused about your future or a professional looking to switch careers, …
Direction- Of the six men of literature A, B, C, D, E and F being considered here, two belonged to the 17th century, three to the 19th and one to the 20th century. Four were recognised as great poets, three …
Directions : Answer the questions based on the following information: In a family of 6, there are 3 men X, Y and Z and 3 women A, B and C C. The six are Architect, Lawyer, Chartered Accountant (CA), Professor, …