- (c) Belladona drug is obtained from the leaves of Atropa belladona plant. In leaves contains several alkaloids which is atropine, used to dilate pupil of the eye.
- (a) Withania somnifera is the botanical name of Ashwagandha belong to family salanceae.
- (a) The chewing and swallowing of leaves by the patient of asthma have shown wonderful results.
- (b) The fruit of emblica is of great medicinal value. The dried fruit is a good for astringent, stomachic and blood purifier.
- (d) The herb is a cardiac tonic, alterative, diuretic, sedative etc. and syrup of herb is given as an expectorant.
- (b) Dried leaves (Digitalis purpurea) yield glucoside digitoxin useful for regulating tone and rhythm of heart.
- (a) The opium (Papaver somniferum) contains several important alkaloids such as morphine, codeine, neopine, etc.
- (b) Belladona is obtained specifically from roots, It is applied externally for relieving pain.
- (a) Brahmi (Centella asiatica) is an important tonic for brain. The power of leaves is given with milk in small doses in mental weakness and to improve memory.
- (b) Berberine extract, obtained from the root bark, is used in the treatment of ophthalmia. The chief constituent of the plant is berberine, a bitter alkaloid.
- (c) Nutmeg is used as a condiments for flavouring foodstuffs. Nutmegs are also used medicinally. The seeds are carminative, stomachic useful in flatulence, nausea and vomiting.
- (c) The tubers are cooked, pickled or eaten raw. The carbohydrate food is in the form of inulin, which makes a good food for diabetics.
- (c) Garlic is of great medicinal value. It is used as carminative and gastric stimulant. They also possess antiseptic and bactericidal properties.
- (b) Pineapple fruit is edible. In addition to the content of sugar and fruit acids, a valuable digestive ferment bromelin, is present.
- (c) The whole plant (kalmegha) is used medicinally. The herb is used for bronchitis, dyspepsia, dysentery, influenza etc.
- (a) Garlic is of great medicinal value. It is given in fevers, coughs, flatulence, disorders of the nervous system, etc.
- (d) Cattha is generally used for disorders in which a mild, non-irritating and powerful astringent is required, such as chronic diarrhoea, dysentery, bleeding, piles, leucorrhoea etc.
- (a) Vasaka leaves contain the alkaloid vascine; they are a powerful expectorant and antispasmodic; they are commonly used in chest diseases, especially phthisis.
- (b) Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum) is an erect softy hairy aromatic herb or undershrub. The leaf Juice is given in chronic fever, haemorrhage, dysentery and dyspepsia; it is also used to check vomiting and as an anthelmintic.
- (c) Isabgol is obtained from seeds of Plantago ovata and used in the treatment of dysentery and other disorders of digestive system.
- (c) The history, identification, collection and preservation of drugs is known as Pharmacognosy.
- (a) The roots contain glycyrrhizic acid. It is expectorant, laxative given in bronchitis, cough and sore throat.
- (b) Dalbergia sissoo and D. latifolia are among the most important Indian timber trees.
- (c) The dried ripe seeds are the source of a drug nux vomica (Strychnos) which is used as a tonic, stimulant and in the treatment of paralysis and nervous disorders.
- (a) The drug commonly known as aconite is obtained from the tuberous roots. It contains the alkaloids, atisine, dihydroatisine, heteratisine and hetisine.
- (d) Quinine is one of the most important drug and it is obtained from the hard thick bark of species of Cinchona.
- (c) Aconitum leterophyllum is a medicinal plant. The roots of this plant are used as astringent, tonic, antiperiodic in diarrhoea, dyspepsia and cough.
- (c) Nicotine is a harmful alkaloids of tobacco and the pharmacological activity of tobacco is due almost entirely to its content nicotine which is a powerful and rapidly acting poison.
- (b) Quinine is one of the most important drugs known and it is the only adequate cure for malaria and quinine is extracted from the hard thick bark of species of Cinchona.
- (b) The fruits of Emblica officinalis are great medicinal value and it is one of the richest sources of vitamin C.
- (a) Heroine is a derivative of opium (morphine)
- (b) The alkaloid belladona is obtained from roots and roots are used as sedative stimulant and antispasmodic.
- (c) Stramonium drug is obtained from the Datura. The drug stramonium, was known as narcotic as early as 37 A.D. Even today this is one of the favourite sources of “Knockout drops” in the tropical regions.
- (b) The stems are the source of famous drug ephedrine and stems contain the other alkaloid Pseudo – ephedrine.
- (b) The alkaloid reserpine is used in several patent drugs, as it has a depressant action on central nervous system and produces sedation and lowerning of blood pressure.
- (a) The leaves of Adhatoda vasica contain the alkaloid vascine. A decoction of the leaves or their powder is also given, especially for chronic bronchitis.
- (c) At present, Opium (Poppy) is cultivated mainly in India (Madhya Pradesh).
- (c) Quinine is one of the most important drug. Its use in the treatment of malaria. It is also used in the treatment of other fever.
96 (b) Hallucinogens are the drugs that alter thought, feelings and perception of people addicted to these drugs. Ganja and LSD both are hallucinogens. Ganja is obtained from hemp and LSD from Clavicep.
- (b)Atropa baladona is obtained from root. They contain atropine alkaloid, which is widely used for dialating the pupil of eye during testing. It also a analgesic.
- (b) Heroin is the product of Papaver somniferum which is a member of Papaveraceae.
- (d) Papaver somniferum (opium) contains a brownish material (latex) which has about 25 alkaloids as – Codeine, Morphine, Thebaine, Narcotine etc.
- (b) Reserpine is an alkaloid obtained from roots of Rauwolfia serpentina, (sarpgandha) family Apocynaceae. It is used in treatment of blood pressure, snake bite and mental disorders.
- (a) Bhang is obtained from Cannabis sativa. It is the most powerful drug.
- (b) Morphine is an alkaloid obtained from opium (Papaver somniferum). It is used in medicine as pain killer.
- (d) Hallucinogens cause optical illusion. Person loses all feelings of earthly existence of space and time.
- (b) Atropa belladonna (Solanaceae) is the source of drug atropine. Atropine is an alkaloid obtained from leaves and is used in eye testing and treatment.
- (d) Ginseng Panax schinseng associated with family Araliaceae. It is a very important drug plant of China. Drug is obtained from the roots of the plant and used to cure a variety of diseases. Panax quinquefolium (American Ginseng) is used as its substitute.
Fibre plants
- (c) Cotton fibres are single celled made mainly of cellulose (some amount of lignin is also present).
- (d) Gramineae / Poaceae – Munja – fibres from stem and leaves. Malvaceae – Javajute / Kehaf – fibres from lower part of stem. Linaceae – flax – fibres from pericycle.
- (b) Fibres of flax are obtained from pericycle. These fibres are stronger and durable than cotton fibres.
- (c) Retting is the process in which plant fibres (jute, hemp, flax) are separated by the activity of micro-organisms. Plants are immersed in water for a considerable period; during this period they absorb water and get swell. The water medium becomes rich in harbouring bacteria (Clostridium butyricum) which hydrolyzes the pectic substances of the middle lamella of the fibrous tissue.
- (c) Flax fibres are water resistant so used in making fishing nets, ropes. These are more strong when wet then dry.
- (c) Ramie / China grass (Boehmerianiva) belongs Urticaceae family. It fibers are toughest, longest and strongest.
- (a) Manila hemp (Musa textilis) fibres are strongest of all fibres, obtained from leaf sheath.
- (d) Agave / Sisal fibres obtained from leaves of agave sp. family Amaryllidaceae.
- (a) Fibrous mesocarp of Cocos nucifera are hard fibre used for coir, rope, mats, etc.
- (c) Coir fibres is obtained from Cocos nucifera (Nariyal). It is used for mats, carpets, brush etc.
- (d) Paper making in uses following fibres plants – Bamboosa – most common in India Picea, Pinus, Abies – Most common in western countries. Boswellia, Eucalyptus, Grasses, Cotton rags, Fagus and populus sp. also used.
- (a) Munja belongs Poaceae family. Munj fibres obtained from lower part of stem and leaves.
- (d) Yellowish, stift fibres (hard) obtained from Sisal hemp leaves and are used for making ropes and twines
- (c) Epidermal hair present on the seed surface are of two types, extractable lint and non extractable fuzz.
- (b) W. Bangal is mostly cultivated area in India. JARI situated at Barrackpore (W. Bangal).
- (d) Gossypium arboreum, G. herbaceum – old world species – 2n = 26 Diploid. Gossypium hirsutum, G. barbedens – new world species – 2n = 52 tetraploid
- (c) Morphologically flax fibers obtained from pericycle. These fibres are stronger and durable than cotton fibres.
- (a) Cotton fibres mainly made cellulose and less amount of lignin.
- (b) Cotton fibres obtained from seed coat or seed surface.
- (b) Cocos nucifera (Nariyal) belongs Palmae family. It is monocot in nature and its fibres obtained from mesocarp.
- (c) Cotton plant yield several utilizable products are fibres from seed surface, fatty oil from kernels, plastic, rayon and explosives Industry.
- (b) Husk / Fruit wall / coir fibres obtained from mesocarp of the cocos nucifera.
- (d) Fibres obtained from xylem, phloem, epidermis, sclerenchyma, fruit wall (mesocrap), pericycle and seed surface.
- (b) Surface fibres obtained from cotton uses in textile, explosives rayon, plastic industry.
- (c) Because silk obtained from insects.
- (c) Sunn hemp fibres obtained from phloem, pericycle. These are used in making coarse cloth, ropes and twine.
- (c) Long fibres of cotton is called lint and small fibres is called fuzz. Lint is extractable and fuzz are non extractable.
- (c) Cotton obtained from four species of Gossypium genus. Gossypium arboreus, G. herbaceum (2n), G. hirsutum, G. barbadense (4n)
- (a) Gossypium hirsutum, G.barbadense are tetraploid and new world crop.
- (b) India is 10% producer of cotton in whole world. Mainly cotton cultivates in Punjab, Maharashtra, Gujarat.
- (a) Coconut (Cocos nucifera) is a plant which yields oil and fibre both. Coconut oil is used as cooking oil as well as hair oil.
- (c) Fibres are described as long cells with thick walls, correspondingly small cavities, and usually pointed ends.
- (d) The jute is obtained from the secondary phloem of the stem, and hence, called bast fibre.
- (c) Oils are the complex chemical compound which consists of hydrocarbons, esters, alcohols and aldehydes.
- (c) Khus oil (Vetiveris zizanioides, family – Gramineae) obtained from root and rhizome, is used for preparing and flavouring fruit juices, ice – creams etc.
- (a) Kapoor / Camphor (Cinnamomun camphora) family lauraceae. It obtained from wood which used in perfumes and medicines.
- (b) Fatty acid do not evaporate in contact with air so these are also called fixed oils.
- (b) Castor (Ricinus communis; family – Euphorbiaceae) oil used as purgative. It is an excellent lubricant and non edible.
- (b) Mahua (Madhuca Indica; family – Sapotaceae) uses in soap preparation. In some rural areas it is used for cooking also.
- (d) Fatty acid also called as fixed oil as they do not evaporate. They are 3 types drying, semi drying and non – drying type.
- (b) Peppermint (Mentha piperita; Labiatae) oil obtained from leaves and oil used in prefumery.
- (c) Til / Sesame (Sesamum indicum; family – Pedaliaceae) oil obtained from seed oil used for cooking and mental weakness.
- (d) All of these are non – drying oil remain liquid at ordinary temperature. They contain high content of oleic acid.
- (d) All of these are semidry oil absorb O2 slowly and form soft film on the surface on exposure.
- (c) Linseed oil is primarily used in the manufacture of paints and varnish. It is by far the most important drying oil.
- (a) Madhuca indica (Mahua) belongs sapotaceae family. Its oil used in soap industry.
- (d) Essential oil evaporate in contact with air and have a pleasant fragrance e.g., rose, sandal, clove, eucalyptus etc.
- (d) Til / Gingelly (Sesamum indicum; family – Pedaliaceae) oil obtained from seed, about 50% oil which is used for cooking and manufacturing soap.
- (d) Arandi / Castor (Ricinus communis; family – Euphorbiaceae) oil obtained from seed. Oil used as a cathartic, lubricant and for illumination.
- (d) Peanut or groundnut (Arachis hypagaea) belongs Papilionaceae family – oil used for cooking and making margarine.
- (c) Clove (Syzygium aromaticum) belongs Myrtaceae. Oil obtained from flower bud and used for perfumes and medicines.
- (a) Helianthus annuus / Sunflower belongs compositae family. Oil is best for heart patients.
- (b) Turpentine (Pinus longifolia) belongs Pinaceae family of gymnosperm. Oil obtained from wood.
- (b) Essential oil are aromatic in nature, they are evaporate in contact with air. Oils used in preparation of perfumes, flavouring, and medicine.
- (b) Palm / African oil (Elaeis guineensis) used in the manufacture of soaps, candles lubricants and fuel.
- (b) Indian rape oil obtained from Brassica campestris or sarson; family cruciferae.
- (c) Groundnut or peanut oil, which is used for cooking while inferior grade is used in soap making.
- (b) Coconut / nariyal (Cocos nucifera) belongs Plamaceae family. Refined oil is used for cooking and preparing various food stuffs. It also used in soaps, cosmetics, shampoos, etc.
- (d) Sunflower or surajmukhe (Helianthus annuus) oil has low calories and low cholesterol so it is best for heart patients.
Resins, rubber, latex, dye and sugar
- (c) Beet root (Beta vulgaris) family – Chenopodiaceae. It is main source (about 60%) of sugar production.
- (b) The chief by products of sugar industry are molasses and bagasse. The molasses used in manufacturing rum, alcohol and Glycerine.
- (c) By – Products of sugarcane sugar industry is bagasse is used for paper, Cardboard making.
- (d) 60% sugar obtained form sugar beet. In India major source of sugar is sugarcane but in world the major source of sugar is sugar beet.
- (d) It’s latex is brownish colour which contain morphine and codeine.
- (a) Bagasse is by product of sugarcane industry which used in paper and card board making.
- (b) Main source of sugar is Beta vulgaris (60%), 10% sugar obtained from sugarcane.
- (d) Sugarcane chiefly cultivated in A.P., Karnataka, Punjab, Tamilnadu, Maharashtra but largest production of sugarcane in U.P.
- (b) Root are formed from the nodes of lower most part of stem for the plant fixing into the soil.
- (c) Because stem node solid and enter node hollow (Culm stem), leaves simple with lingulated, fruit is caryopsis. All these features are of Poaceae / Gramineae family.
- (a) Hevea or para rubber (Hevea brasiliensis, family Euphorbiaceae) obtained from latex. It is most important source of rubber.
- (a) The seeds of Jojoba plant contain about 50% liquid wax, which is similar to sperm whale oil (spermaceti).
Petroleum, coal and gas
- (c) Brazil is the pioneer country in the production of fuel alcohol, which is used in automobiles like cars, buses and motorcycles as a substitute of petroleum.
- (c) Domestic cooking gas cylinder is filled by petroleum gas (LPG).
- (b) Latex producing plant, which contains high proportion of liquid hydrocarbon, a substitution for liquid fuels are called petrocrops, these belongs to family Euphorbiaceae, Ascalepiadaceae, Uricaceae, sapotaceae etc.
- (d) Charcoal gas and oil are produced by pyrolysis.
- (d) Petrolium plants belongs to families. Euphorbiaceae e.g., (Euphorbia Lathyrus), Asclepiadaceae, Apocyanaceae and asteraceae (e.g., Brickellia sp).
- (d) The most common petroplants belong to families Euphorbiaceae, Asclepiadaceae, Apocyanaceae, Compositae, Labiatae, Sapotaceae, etc.
Bark, wood beverages, spices and condiments
- (b) Cinnamomum zeylanicum (Dalchini) belongs Lauraceae family and spices obtained from bark.
- (c) Catechu / Kattha (Acacia Catechu) family Mimosaceae. It obtained from heart wood and brak.
- (a) Cinnamomum zeylanicum is common name dalchini; belongs Lauraceae family and obtained from bark.
- (a) Saffron / Kesar (Crocus sativus) belongs Iridaceae family. It obtained from stigma and top of styles are used as colouring and flavouring agents.
- (c) Cloves / Laung (Syzygium aromaticum) belongs Myrtaceae family. Which obtained from flower bud.
- (b) Turmeric / haldi (Curcuma sp.) belongs Zingiberaceae family. It obtained from dry rhizome, and used as a condiments and medicinally.
- (c) Ginger / Adarak (Zingiber officinale) belongs Zingiberceae family. It obtained forme rhizome which used for flavouring food and medicinally.
- (c) Ancient Indians used the treated bark of Betula utilis (family – Betulaceae) as paper.
- (d) Secondary xylem forms wood which is used as timber.
- (b) Coffee plant (Coffea arabica) belongs to family Rubiaceae. Coffee is obtained from the seeds of this plant.
- (a) India ranks second in the production of tea after China and is number one in exporting tea. That is why known as a cash crop.
- (c) Dalbergia sisso is also know as Indian rose wood. Sisso, like Indian rose wood is a high class furniture and cabinet wood.
- (a) Red chillies are powdered and then used as spice. The pungency or spicy taste of chillies is due to a substance known as capsaicin , which is used in the manufacture of ginger beer.
- (a) Chicory is also cultivated for its roots in Gujarat for its commercial value. The roots are dried and powdered and mixed with coffee powder known as chicory blend coffee.
Critical Thinking Questions
- (d) Bast fibre or phloem fibre, wood fibre or xylem fibres and sclerenchymatous pericycle are lignefied which gives strength.
- (a) Latex of poppy has morphine, codeine alkaloids which are narcotics in nature.
- (c) Corchorus is mainly grown in Bengal because the climatic and soil conditions of this region are favourable to this crop and abundant water of Hugli river is available for the retting of fibres.
- (c) Lathyrus sativus (Khesari dal) is mainly consumed by poor people. It causes paralysis due to presence of neurotoxin OAA. (b–N–oxalyl alanine amine).
- (a) Rauwolfia serpentina or Reserpine (Family – Apocyanaceae) has several alkoloids – reserpine, reserpinine, serpentine, sarpajmaline etc.
- (c) Cotton fibres (Gossypium) are the outgrowth of epidermis. These are the epidermal cells which become elongated.
- (a) Atropine scopolamine (truth drug) obtained from Atropa belladona it belongs solanaceae family.
- (d) The safflower oil from seeds and yellow orange dye from petals is obtained from the plant Carthamus tinctorius (kusum) belongs to family compositae.
- (b) Family liliaceae includes Onion – Allium cepa, Garlic – Allium sativum, Aloevera – Veratrum album.
Assertion and Reason
- (c) Pulses are the main source of proteins for less affluent societies that depend primarily or cereals and root crops and have, therefore been called the “poor man’s meat”. The proteins from legumes are usually incomplete e., one or more of the amino acids are present in inadequate amounts but amino acids present neatly complement those of the cereals.
- (a) Many grain legumes including the edible ones contain toxic and biologically active substances such as trypsin inhibitors, haemaglutinins, toxic histones, substances producing lathyrism and favism and astringent flavourings etc. Two diseases in human, lathyrism and favism are associated with legumes. Lathyrus sativus as the seeds are known to contain a neurotoxin and an oesteo toxin which cause the crippling disease lathyrism e., paralysis of the lower limbs that may persist. Favism an acute anaemic condition, results from eating uncooked or partially cooked broad bean (Vicia faba L).
- (b) The world’s production of pigeon pea is over 1500000 t (1974). India is the largest producer, accounting for about 1300000 t. It is the second most important pulse in India, Pigeon pea is a woody, perennial shrub, 1-4 m tall, but is generally grown as an annual crop.
- (d) Vegetable oils and fats are located in the form of small insoluble droplets within the plant cells. They occur predominantly in seeds (e., endosperm and cotyledons). In most of the cereals, however, the fat occurs almost exclusively in the embryo.
- (a) Sunflower oil can be safely used by heart patients. Sunflower oil does not rise the cholesterol level in the blood.
- (e) Jute is a bast fibre, which is obtained from the stems of two species, Corchorus capsular is (white jute) and olitorius (Tossa Jute). The fibres occur in long wedge shaped bundles outside the xylem. They are grouped in concentric rings alternating with thin walled tissue of the phloem which disintegrates during retting.
- (b) In the Koran and in Arab legends, the banana plant is described as “the tree of paradise” of the Garden of Eden, just as the apple tree is “the tree of knowledge” of the Garden of Eden in the legends of the Western World.
- (c) About 90% of the total coffee is obtained from Coffea arabica. Other common species yielding coffee are C canephoral, C. liberica and stenophylla. Out of these C. canephora is the source of “instant” coffee.
- (e) Theine is responsible for the stimulating and refreshing qualities of the tea, where as the bitterness and astringency of the leaves are due to tannins. The aroma and flavor of tea is due to the presence of the ethereal oil.
- (b) All parts of the plant contain alkaloids but are more abundant in the physiologically active cells. The leaves and tops are collected during the flowering season, when the alkaloids concentration is greatest, varying from 0.9 to 1.23%. A large number of alkaloids have been isolated which are collectively referred to as ‘belladonna alkaloids’.
- (c) Teak is one of the best timber in the world and is used as a standard for comparison of other timbers. The sapwood is white and rather susceptible to attack by termites and wood rotting fungus. The sapwood is soft. However the heartwood is golden yellow to golden brown when freshly sawn, turning darker after exposure and is relatively immune to attack.
- (e) The dried roots or Rauwolfia serpentina have long been used by the people of India as a cure for epilepsy, high blood pressure, insanity, intestinal disorders, cardiac diseases, snake bite and as an antihelminthic. Reserpine in the main alkaloid. Being a hypotensive agent, reserpine is widely employed today for hypertension (high blood pressure).