Cereals, pulses, fruits, vegetables and nuts
- Broom corn is obtained from
(a) Panicum (b) Borassus
(c) Attalia (d) None of the above
- Whose fruits are narcotic in nature
(a) Jatropha (b) Opium
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of the above
- Which of the following is a Rabi cereal
(a) Bajra (b) Jawar
(c) Wheat (d) All the above
- Triticum spelta is cultivated in
(a) USA and Spain (b) India and Russia
(c) All over the world (d) Nowhere in the world
- Which of the following countries is exporter of wheat
(a) Canada (b) India
(c) Australia (d) All the above
- Wheat straw is a good
(a) Cattle feed (b) As filling fibre
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of the above
- Maize is a
(a) Kharif crop
(b) Rabi crop
(c) Cultivated throughout the year
(d) None of the above
- Which of the following has high sugar contents
(a) Flint corn (b) Dent corn
(c) Sweet corn (d) Waxy corn
- Rice suffers from which of the disease
(a) Bacterial wilt (b) False smut
(c) Neck rot (d) All the above
- During fields, the wheat may suffer from
(a) Loose smut (b) Flag smut
(c) Stem rust (d) All the above
- Which of the following is the most important rice growing area
(a) America (b) Europe
(c) China (d) All are equally good
- Avena sativa is used as a
(a) Cattle feed (b) Birds meal
(c) Meals for the fishes (d) None of the above
- Which of the following is a suitable millet
(a) Wheat (b) Bajra
(c) Rice (d) All the above
- Which of the following is millet
(a) Panicum (b) Paspalum
(c) Setaria (d) All the above
- Chick pea is a good source of
(a) Protein (b) Fat
(c) Starch (d) None of the above
- Pisum sativum is a
(a) Pulse
(b) Vegetable
(c) Fruit
(d) May come under any category depending on stage of development
- Arhar belongs to genus
(a) Phaseolus (b) Cajanus
(c) Cicer (d) All the above
- Lobia is
(a) Vigna unguiculata (b) Cajanus cajan
(c) Phaseolus mungo (d) None of the above
- Which of the following is kidneybean
(a) Phaseolus vulgaris (b) Cicer arietinum
(c) Cajanus cajan (d) None of the above
- Phaseolus acontifolius is a
(a) Mothbean (b) Kidneybean
(c) Soybean (d) None of the above
- Glycine max is used for preparing
(a) Artificial milk (b) Tea
(c) Coffee (d) None of the above
- Pod of Dolichos lablab is used as
(a) Vegetable (b) As pulse
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of the above
- Which of the following may cause abortion in cattles
(a) Wheat seeds infected with rust
(b) Wheat seeds infected with smut
(c) Bajra seeds infected with ergot
(d) None of the above
- Which of the following pulse cause disease of human beings
(a) Pisum sativum (b) Cicer arietinum
(c) Cajanus cajan (d) Lythyrus sativus
- Which of the following seed is of highest nutritional value
(a) Seed of almond (b) Seed of Cucurbita
(c) Seed of Daucus carota (d) None of the above
- For developing resistant variety of wheat in India, how many maxican dwarf varieties were brought in 1965
(a) 1 (b) 2
(c) 3 (d) 4
- Kalyan Sona variety of wheat has
(a) Dwarfness (b) Disease resistance
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of the above
- PV18 wheat variety has which qualities
(a) Red grains (b) Less protein contents
(c) Grains are less nutritive (d) All the above characters
- Wheat variety Chhoti lerma was developed in
(a) Pantnagar (UP) (b) IARI, New Delhi
(c) Ludhiana (d) None of the above
- Which of the following important rice varieties are cultivated in plains of Punjab area
(a) Basmati 370 (b) J.K.W. 277
(c) Zona 349 (d) All the above
- The germplasm for preparing hybrid varieties of maize was imported in India from
(a) Maxico (b) Cuba
(c) America (d) All the above
- Maize grass is
(a) Annual (b) Binial
(c) Perinial (d) None of the above
- Secale cereale is used for making bread especially in
(a) India (b) European countries
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of the above
- Finger millet belongs to genus
(a) Eleusine (b) Penicum
(c) Triticum (d) None of the above
- Bengal gram or chick pea is obtained from genus
(a) Cicer (b) Cajanus
(c) Glycine (d) None of the above
- Which of the following high protein containing nuts
(a) Prunus (b) Pistacia
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of the above
- Which of the following is a nut with high carbohydrate
(a) Castanea sativa (b) Fugus sylvatica
(c) Pistacia (d) None of the above
- What is meant by the term “Karalam”
(a) Land of coconut (b) Land of areca nuts
(c) Land of pea nuts (d) None of the above
- In Triticum vulgare, chromosome number is
(a) 2n = 42 (b) 2n = 28
(c) 2n = 14 (d) 2n = 32
- Rice grain contains about
(a) 40% carbohydrate (b) 90% carbohydrate
(c) 100% carbohydrate (d) 60% carbohydrate
- Botanical name of `Bajra’ (Pearl millet) is
(a) Eleusine coracana (b) Sorghum vulgare
(c) Pennisetum typhoides (d) Oryza sativa
- The main ingredient of south Indian dishes is
(a) Green gram (b) Black gram
(c) Wheat (d) Chana
- 2n = 28 found in chromosome number is
(a) Triticum turgidum (b) Triticum poeonicum
(c) Triticum durum (d) All the above
- High yielding variety of wheat is
(a) Sonika (b) Sharbati
(c) Sonara (d) All the above
- Important plant part is small sized grain in
(a) Sorghum vulgare (b) Avena sativa
(c) Hordeum vulgare (d) Zea mays
- The largest wheat producing country is
(a) India (b) U.K.
(c) U.S.A. (d) Japan
- Cichorium intybus (chicory) belongs to the family
(a) Asteraceae (b) Apiaceae
(c) Poaceae (d) Brassicaceae
- Which one is not a millet
(a) Triticum (b) Pennisetum
(c) Panicum (d) Eleusine
- Centre of origin of cultivated tetraploid wheat (Triticum durum and T. dicoccum) is
(a) Mexico (b) India
(c) Mediterranean region (d) Middle-east
- Which of the following is a diploid wheat
(a) Emmer wheat (b) Einkorn wheat
(c) Club wheat (d) Bread wheat
- Which type of wheat is grown in north India and south India respectively
(a) T. aestivum and T. dicoccum
(b) T. dicoccum and T. aestivum
(c) T. spelta and T. durum
(d) T. compactum and T. spelta
- Which is Indian dwarf wheat
(a) T. aestivum (b) T. turgidum
(c) T. sphaerococcum (d) T. dicoccum
- Why wheat flour is useful in baking of bread ? It is due to the higher content of
(a) Starch (b) Sugar
(c) Protein (d) Gluten
- Bunt of wheat is caused by
(a) Puccinia graminis (b) Ustilago tritici
(c) P. glumarum (d) Neovossia indica
- Who first studied the wheat rust problem in India
(a) Butler (b) Dastur
(c) K.C. Mehta (d) T.S. Sadashivan
- Puccinia graminis tritici is the cause of
(a) Smut of wheat (b) Black stem rust of wheat
(c) Loose smut of wheat (d) White rust of wheat
- “Taichung” is a dwarf variety of rice. It is native of
(a) Philippines (b) Japan
(c) Taiwan (d) India
- Which of the following are the wild relatives of the cultivated rice
(a) Oryza perenis (b) Oryza nivara
(c) Oryza rufipogon (d) All the above
- An improved variety of rice IR-8 has been introduced in India from
(a) Bangladesh (b) Japan
(c) Philippines (d) Taiwan
- International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) is situated in
(a) China (b) Japan
(c) Philippines (d) India
- What is bran
(a) Predominantly starch (b) Predominantly proteins
(c) Predominantly lipids (d) Predominantly minerals
- Flint rice has a
(a) High dextrin and high amylose
(b) High dextrin and low amylose
(c) Low dextrin and high amylose
(d) Low dextrin and low amylose
- Brown leaf spot disease of rice is caused by
(a) Helminthosporium oryzae
(b) Phytophthora infestans
(c) Puccinia graminis
(d) Xanthomonas oryzae
- The storage pathogen of rice is
(a) Helminthosporium oryzae
(b) Piricularia oryzae
(c) Xanthomonas oryzae
(d) Calanoluca oryzae
- Which variety of Barley has a higher protein content and more suited as food
(a) Two–rowed variety (b) Four–rowed variety
(c) Six–rowed variety (d) All the above
- Maize belongs to
(a) Cereals (b) Millets
(c) Pulses (d) Oil crop
- Indian-corn is a native of
(a) North India (b) Tropical South America
(c) Africa and India (d) South Europe
- Maize grains are rich in
(a) Thiamine (b) Niacin
(c) Lysine (d) Thymine
- Maize grains are poor in
(a) Thiamine and lysine (b) Thiamine and niacin
(c) Tryptophan and lysine (d) Tryptophan and thiamine
- Botanical name of sweet-corn is
(a) Zea mays var everta (b) Zea mays var amylacea
(c) Zea mays var indentata (d) Zea mays var tunicata
- Botanical name of pop corn is
(a) Zea mays var tunicata (b) Zea mays var everta
(c) Zea mays var indentata (d) Zea mays var amylacea
- Buck wheat yields ‘Kutu’ flour commonly used in religious fast. The plant belongs to
(a) Gramineae (b) Leguminoseae
(c) Polygonaceae (d) Poaceae
- Which of the following is a pulse crop
(a) Phaseolus vulgaris (b) Glycine max
(c) Cajanus cajan (d) Vicia faba
- Botanical name of green and black gram respectively is
(a) Phaseolus aureus and P. mungo
(b) Phaseolus radiatus and P. mungo
(c) Cajanus cajan and P. aureus
(d) Phaseolus radiatus and Cajanus cajan
- Common pulse pest is
(a) Slug and snails (b) Brunches
(c) Calendula (d) Bugs and mites
- Why pulse crop is not manured with nitrogenous fertilizers? Because their roots are
(a) Non-nodulated (b) Nodulated
(c) Unable to utilize N2 (d) Apogeotropic
- Major gram (Chick pea) growing country is
(a) Mexico (b) Italy
(c) India (d) USA
- Which of the following pulses is not a native of India
(a) Gram/Cicer arietinum
(b) Black gram/Phaseolus mungo
(c) Green gram/Phaseolus aureus
(d) All the above
- Centre of origin of gram is
(a) Mexico (b) Spain
(c) South Europe (d)South-east Asia
- Which of the following pulses is not grown in Kharif season
(a) Cicer arietinum (b) Cajanus cajan
(c) Phaseolus mungo (d) Phaseous aureus
- Which of the following satisfies the basic requirement of carbohydrate, protein, fat and vitamin in human diet to a greater extent
(a) Wheat (b) Gram
(c) Pea nut (d) Soybean
- One pound of pea nut yields
(a) 636 kcal (b) 27 kcal
(c) 200 kcal (d) 2700 kcal
- The largest groundnut producing country in the world is
(a) Brazil (b) USA
(c) India (d) Myamar
- The most important cereal at world level is
(a) Wheat (b) Maize
(c) Rice (d) Oat
- Pulses are rich in proteins because
(a) Plants are supplied with more manure
(b) Plants are irrigated
(c) Plants roots have property of N2 fixation
(d) Plants are cultivated in fertile soil
- ‘Indian Grassland and Fodder Research Institute’ is located at
(a) Kanpur (b) Jhansi
(c) Jodhpur (d) Hyderabad
- Groundnut belongs to the family
(a) Fabaceae (b) Brassicaceae
(c) Gramineae (d) Malvaceae
- The edible part of wheat and rice is
(a) Endosperm (b) Pericarp
(c) Stigma (d) Style
- One of the following is a Gift of new world to old world
[DPMT 1980]
(a) Wheat (b) Maize
(c) Barley (d) Rice
- Richest source of carbohydrates is
[DPMT 1981; EAMCET 1983]
(a) Maize (b) Wheat
(c) Barley (d) Rice
- Storage pathogen of rice is [DPMT 1983, 85]
(a) Xanthomonas oryzae
(b) Helminthosporium oryzae
(c) Calanohua oryzae
(d) Piricularia oryzae
- One of the plants introduced from old world to the new world is [DPMT 1983]
(a) Sweet potato (b) Corn
(c) Potato (d) Rice
- One of the plant introduced from new world to the old world
[CPMT 1983; DPMT 1985; MP PMT 1989]
(a) Wheat (b) Potato
(c) Rice (d) Sugarcane
- Rice research institute is situated at
[BHU 1983, 88; MP PMT 2003]
(a) Coimbatore (b) Cuttuck
(c) Shimla (d) Trivendrum
- Which is most important cereal crop of temperate region
[CPMT 1983]
(a) Paddy (b) Wheat
(c) Maize (d) Barley
- Among the following which one is the richest source of protein [BHU 1984; MP PMT 1991, 2000; CPMT 1995]
(a) Soybean (Glycine max) (b) Wheat
(c) Rice (d) Gram
- Among the following which one is the richest source of proteins [DPMT 1985; MP PMT 1997]
(a) Wheat (Triticum vulgare)
(b) Rice (Oryza sativa)
(c) Gram (Cicer arietinum)
(d) Ground nut (Arachis hypogea)
- Largest area under cultivation is of
[DPMT 1985; CBSE PMT 1988, 92]
(a) Jute (b) Cotton
(c) Wheat (d) Sugarcane
- The resistant variety of rice to bacterial blight is
[MP PMT 1985]
(a) Jaya (b) TMK–6
(c) IR–20 (d) IR–8
- One of the major “Basmati” rice producing state of our country is [DPMT 1986]
(a) Andhra Pradesh (b) Kerala
(c) Karnataka (d) Uttar Pradesh
- Food grains which provide the most important staple food for man are [DPMT 1986]
(a) Legume (b) Cereals
(c) Oil seeds (d) Millets
- Starch grains in rice are [BHU 1987]
(a) Simple and concentric (b) Simple and eccentric
(c) Dumbell shaped (d) Compound
- Cardamoms or Cardamons are ripe and dried fruits of
[BHU 1987]
(a) Elettaria cardamomum
(b) Cinnamomum zeylenicum
(c) Eugenia caryophyllata
(d) Zingiber officinale
- The principal cereal crop in India is
[AMU 1987; CBSE PMT 1988, 91; MP PMT 1989]
(a) Wheat (b) Rice
(c) Maize (d) Sorgham
- The most important foods are derived from [CPMT 1987]
(a) Roots (b) Fruits
(c) Stem (d) Leaves
- The cheapest high energy fruit crop of India is
[CBSE PMT 1989; BVP 2003]
(a) Banana (b) Guava
(c) Apple (d) Mango
- Tapioca plant which store food in large fleshy storage roots belong to genus [BHU 1989, 90]
(a) Manihot (b) Ipoemaea
(c) Dioscorea (d) Solanum
- Oryza sativa (rice) belongs to [MP PMT 1993]
(a) Solanaceae (b) Malvaceae
(c) Liliaceae (d) Poaceae
- Which of the following differs in its chief economic importance [CPMT 1993]
(a) Helianthus annus (b) Brassica juncea
(c) Allium cepa (d) Earachis hypogea
- Modern cereal Triticale is developed by crossing between
[CPMT 1989; BHU 1979, 81, 86, 87;
DPMT 1984; AIIMS 1991]
(a) Triticum and Sorghum (b) Triticum and Avena
(c) Triticum and Oryza (d) Triticum and Secale
- Pulses belong to the family
[CBSE PMT 1993; KCET 1998; MP PMT 1998, 2000]
(a) Papilionaceae (b) Solanaceae
(c) Malvaceae (d) Gramineae
- The Botanical name of “Indian Rye” is [CBSE PMT 1992]
(a) Brassica campestris (b) B. juncea
(c) B. nigra (d) B. alba
- Major food crops of the world belong to the family
[DPMT 1990]
(a) Leguminosae (b) Cruciferae
(c) Solanaceae (d) Graminae
- The wheat grain is a [MP PMT 1993]
(a) Fruit (b) Seed
(c) Embryo (d) Glume
- Which type of fruit is found in rice [MP PMT 1993]
(a) Legume (b) Caryopsis
(c) Drupe (d) Berry
- Which is the family of ‘Arhar’ [CPMT 1994]
(a) Malvaceae (b) Liliaceae
(c) Papilionaceae (d) Solanaceae
- Complex inflorescence of which plant is used as food
[RPMT 1995]
(a) Rhaphanus sativus (b) Brassica repa
(c) Brassica olirecia (d) Mustard
- Which is not included in poaceae family [Bihar 1995]
(a) Paddy (b) Wheat
(c) Grasses (d) Mustard
- Which one of the following countries is the centre of origin of rice [MP PMT 1995]
(a) India (b) USA
(c) Indo-Malayan region (d) Russia
- RR–21 is high yielding variety of
[MP PMT 1995; BVP 2000, 02]
(a) Rice (b) Wheat
(c) Gram (d) Sugarcane
- The edible part of groundnut is buried in the soil and morphologically it is a [MP PMT 1995]
(a) Root (b) Stem
(c) Fruit (d) Leaf
- National Botanical Research Institute is located at
[CPMT 1995]
(a) Calcutta (b) Hyderabad
(c) Madras (Chennai) (d) Lucknow
- A milk like preparation can be made from the seed of
[CPMT 1995]
(a) Vitis vinifera (b) Cicer arietinum
(c) Glycine max (d) Hordeum vulgare
- Jaya and Padma are varieties of [EAMCET 1995]
(a) Rice (b) Wheat
(c) Cotton (d) Chilly
- Lathyrism is caused by [CPMT 1995]
(a) Dal (b) Moth dal
(c) Khesari dal (d) Glycine
- Vegetable crop cultivation is known as [CPMT 1995]
(a) Horticulture (b) Sericulture
(c) Silviculture (d) Apiculture
- Which of the following crop is most important for human
[CPMT 1996]
(a) Barley (b) Wheat
(c) Cotton (d) Millet
- Cereals are major sources of [MP PMT 1996]
(a) Carbohydrates (b) Proteins
(c) Fats (d) Vitamins
- ‘Margarine’ is prepared from [MP PMT 1997]
(a) Groundnut (b) Coconut
(c) Almond (d) Cashewnut
- Cicer arietinum is known as [MP PMT 1997, 2001]
(a) Black gram (b) Green gram
(c) Bengal gram (d) Dew gram
- Which of the plant is not related to Leguminosae
[RPMT 1997]
(a) Green gram (b) Saraca
(c) Paddy (d) Tamarid
- Which of the following is used as a source of protein or Major source of protein is [MP PMT 1998]
(a) Cicer arietinum (b) Beta vulgaris
(c) Rizobium leguminosarum (d) Oryza sativa
- Wheat, paddy and other cereals which form, the staple food of mankind belong to the family [Pune CET 1998]
(a) Asteraceae (b) Scitamineae
(c) Palmae (d) Poaceae
- Areca catechu and supari belongs to the family
[Pune CET 1998]
(a) Poaceae (b) Palmae
(c) Asteraceae (d) Scitamineae
- Pea nut (Arachis hypogea) belongs to the family
[Pune CET 1998]
(a) Papilionaceae (b) Poaceae
(c) Palmaceae (d) Musaceae
- In India the state famous for peanut cultivation is
[Pune CET 1998]
(a) Gujarat (b) Maharashtra
(c) Punjab (d) Tamilnadu
- Ground nut is native of [Pune CET 1998]
(a) Brazil (b) India
(c) Japan (d) Philippines
- Pulses are group of plants that belong to the family
[KCET 1998]
(a) Compositeae (b) Cruciferae
(c) Leguminosae (d) Malvaceae
- Starch is stored in potato tuber because sugar is
[CPMT 2000]
(a) Synthesized in the leaf
(b) Changed to starch in tuber
(c) Synthesized in the tuber
(d) Transported from leaf to tuber
- Which of the following is a pseudo-cereal crop
[MP PMT 2000]
(a) Maize/Zea mays
(b) Barley/Hordeum vulgare
(c) Buck wheat/Fagopyrum esculentum
(d) Rice/Oryza sativa
- Wheat and rice belong to family [MHCET 2000]
(a) Poaceae (b) Rutaceae
(c) Cyperaceae (d) Compositae
- Among the following vegetarian food items, which one is considered to be more rich in proteins
[CPMT 2000; MP PMT 2002, 03]
(a) Bread (b) Rice
(c) Potato (d) Pulses
- Which is the main crop of Asia [MP PMT 2001]
(a) Wheat (b) Rice
(c) Maize (d) Barley
- Sugarcane breeding research institute (SBKI) is situated at
[BVP 2001]
(a) Lucknow (b) Coimbatore
(c) New Delhi (d) Shimala
- Triticum aestivium the common bread wheat is
[BVP 2001, 04]
(a) Triploid with 21 chromosome
(b) Hexaploid with 42 chromosome
(c) Tetraploid with 30 chromosome
(d) Diploid with 14 chromosome
- Gram belongs to the family [MP PMT 2001]
(a) Gramineae (b) Papilionaceae
(c) Compositae (d) Solanaceae
- Branch of Botany is connected with study of food, fibre and wood yielding plant [MP PMT 2002]
(a) Ethnobotany (b) Paleobotany
(c) Economic botany (d) Microbiology
- Which of the following crop have been brought to India from new world [CBSE PMT 2002]
(a) Coffee
(b) Mango, tea
(c) Tea, rubber, mango
(d) Cachewnut, potato, rubber
- The main source of food and fodder is [MP PMT 2003]
(a) Lichen (b) Cereals
(c) Fungus (d) Cotton
- Triticum monococcum is [DPMT 2004]
(a) Diploid (b) Triploid
(c) Tetraploid (d) Hexaploid
- Scientific name of green gram is [Orissa JEE 2004]
(a) Vigna mungo (b) Vigna radiata
(c) Phaseolus mungo (d) Phaseolus sinensis
- Jawar belong to family [MHCET 2004]
(a) Glumaceae (b) Gramineae /Poaceae
(c) Asteraceae/Compositae (d) Malvaceae
- The protein present in wheat grain is [Orissa JEE 2005]
(a) Glutenin (b) Glycogen
(c) Zymase (d) Albumin
- Why is vivipary an undesirable character for annual crop plants [CBSE PMT 2005]
(a) It reduces the vigour of the plant
(b) The seeds cannot be stored under normal conditions for the next season
(c) The seeds exhibit long dormancy
(d) It adversely affects the fertility of the plant
- Respective haploid and monoploid number of chromosomes of Hexaploid wheat are [CPMT 2005]
(a) 21 and 42 (b) 7 and 21
(c) 21 and 7 (d) 42 and 21
- Which of the following is a true nut [BHU 2005]
(a) Walnut (b) Cashewnut
(c) Groundnut (d) Pistachio
Medicinal plants
- Which has narcotic property
(a) Charas (b) Bhang
(c) Ganja (d) All the above
- Metha Jahar which is useful in rheumatism is obtained from
(a) Aconitum napellus (b) Colchicum
(c) Exogonium (d) Licorice
- The alkaloid colchicine is obtained from
(a) Dried corm of Colchicum
(b) Dried flowers of Colchicum
(c) Dried seeds of Colchicum
(d) All the above
- Alkaloids emetine and cephaeline are obtained from
(a) Cephaelis (b) Colchicum
(c) Exogonium (d) None of the above
- Which has got the purgative properties
(a) Colchicum (b) Aconitum
(c) Exogonium (d) None of the above
- Which of the following relieves to check thrust and cough
(a) Podophyllum (b) Licorice
(c) Cephaelis (d) None of the above
- Cinchona is a native of
(a) India (b) China
(c) Indonesia (d) South America
- Santalum album is having
(a) Medicinal properties
(b) Properties of super quality of timber
(c) Cosmotic property
(d) All the above
- Atropine used at the time of eye testing is obtained from the leaves of
(a) Belladona (b) Cinchona
(c) Calotropis (d) None of the above
- Hyoscymine alkaloid is derived from
(a) Aloe (b) Atropa
(c) Erythro xylem (d) None of the above
- Which of the following is used as local anaesthesia
(a) Aloe sap (b) Cocaine
(c) Calotropis latex (d) None of the above
- The alkaloid cocaine is obtained from
(a) Flowers (b) Shoot
(c) Leaf (d) None of the above
- Which of the leaves are used as mosquito repellent
(a) Eucalyptus (b) Digitalis
(c) Cassia (d) Stramonium
- Opium is a plant belonging to family
(a) Apocyanaceae (b) Euphorbiaceae
(c) Papaveraceae (d) None of the above
- Rauwolfia serpentina which belongs to apocyanaceae yield medicine of
(a) Blood pressure (b) Nervousness
(c) Insomnia (d) All the above
- Which of the following plant yield the medicine used for pupil dilation
(a) Allium sepa (b) Colchicine
(c) Atropa (d) Rauwolfia
- Ashwagandha belongs to genus
(a) Withania (b) Solanum
(c) Lycopersicum (d) None of the above
- Holy basil (Tulsi) is a member of family
(a) Labiatae (b) Asclepiadaceae
(c) Umbelliferae (d) None of the above
- Tylophora asthmatica is useful for
(a) Asthama (b) T.B.
(c) Common cold (d) None of the above
- Which of the following is a blood purifier
(a) Opium (b) Emblica
(c) Aegale (d) All the above
- Solanum nigrum fruit is used
(a) Diuretic (b) Sedative
(c) Expectorant (d) All the above
- Digitalis purpurea produces
(a) Toxin (b) Digitoxin
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of the above
- Codeine is an alkaloid obtained from
(a) Papaver somniferum (b) Emblica officinalis
(c) Carum copticum (d) None of the above
- Which of the following jam is used as antipurgative
(a) Jam of Aegle (b) Citrus fruits
(c) Hibiscus esculentus fruits (d) None of the above
- Colchicine is used as a drug to cure
(a) Stomach pain (b) Tooth pain
(c) Joint pain (d) None of the above
- Which is used to make pain relieving drug
(a) Cinchona (b) Belladona
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of the above
- Brahmi is an important tonic for
(a) Brain (b) Body
(c) General health (d) None of the above
- Which of the following plant is called stinging nettle
(a) Verbascum (b) Urticaurens
(c) Adhatoda (d) None of the above
- Which of the following is a gymnospermic medicinal plant
(a) Thuja occidentalis (b) Areca catechu
(c) Saponaria (d) None of the above
- Salvia officinalis which used in lung T.B. belongs to family
(a) Labiatae (b) Acanthaceae
(c) Euphorbiaceae (d) Apocyanaceae
- Sundew which is a medicinal plant belongs to genus
(a) Dionia (b) Drosera
(c) Dryopteris (d) Drymis
- Alkaloid berberine is obtained from roots of
(a) Bambusa (b) Barberris aristata
(c) Brassica (d) None of the above
- Myristica fragrans is used as
(a) Medicine (b) Caudiment
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of the above
- Children who urenate in sleep are cured by leaves of
(a) Emblica (b) Smilax
(c) Asparagus (d) None of the above
- Toothache is cured by the use of
(a) Capsicum annum (b) Jatropha gossypifolia
(c) Venda parviflora (d) None of the above
- Eczema and ringworm can be cured by the oil obtained from wood distillation of
(a) Tectona grandis (b) Adryranthus aspara
(c) Euphorbia (d) None of the above
- Which leaves are used in diabetes
(a) Gymnema sylvestre (b) Strychnos
(c) Ipoemoea (d) None of the above
- Diarrhoea treatment is given by the use of
(a) Fruit paste of Shorea robusta
(b) Fruit pulp of Mengifera indica
(c) Fruit pulp of guava
(d) All the above
- Gonorrhoea is cured by the use of
(a) Lectuca sativa (b) Calotropis procera
(c) Xeromphis spinosa (d) None of the above
- Which of the following provides delicious drink with luxative and diuretic property
(a) Cashew nut (b) Areca nut
(c) Coconut (d) None of the above
- Which constitute good food for diabetic persons
(a) Potato tuber (b) Sweet potato
(c) Artichoke tubers (d) All the above
- Garlic powder is extensively used as
(a) Gastric stimulant (b) Carminative
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of the above
- Digestive ferment “bromelin” is obtained from
(a) Pomegranate (b) Pineapple
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of the above
- Kalmegha (Andrographis paniculata) used as a drug to cure
(a) Bronchitis (b) Dyspepsia
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of the above
- Germinated seeds of gram is recommended against
(a) Tiredness (b) Anaemia
(c) Scurvy (d) Rickets
- Which of the following drug is sedative, stimulant, antispasmodic
(a) Atropa belladona (b) Atropa acuminata
(c) Aconitum heterophyllum (d) None of the above
- Botanical name of Liquorice is
(a) Glycyrrhiza glabra (b) Cissampelos pareira
(c) Apium graveolens (d) None of the above
- Which of the following is given in disorders of the nervous system
(a) Garlic (b) Onion
(c) Turmeric (d) Ginger
- Which of the following is generally used in chronic diarrhoea, dysentery, bleeding, piles, leucorrhoea etc
(a) Qunine (b) Ephidrine
(c) Chir (d) Cattha
- Botanical name of ‘Sukhdarshan’ (Poison bulb) is
(a) Crinum defixum (b) Adhatoda vasica
(c) Aloe barbedensis (d) Calotropis procera
- Which of the following is a powerful expectorant and antispasmodic
(a) Vasaka (b) Gheekunvar
(c) Sukhdarshan (d) Ak
- ‘Jamalgota’ belongs to the family
(a) Euphorbiaceae (b) Labiatae
(c) Liliaceae (d) Acanthaceae
- Leaf juice of which plant is given in chronic fever, haemorrhage, dysentery and dyspepsia and also used to check vomiting
(a) Pan (b) Tulsi
(c) Ak (d) Arusa
- Which of the following is incorrect about Adhatoda vasica
(a) It is a perennial shrub
(b) Flowers after rainy season
(c) Leaves contain alkaloid vascine
(d) None of the above
- Rauwolfia serpentina is termed as a snake root plant because
(a) It possesses venomous poison
(b) It smell like a snake
(c) It is used in snake bite
(d) Its roots appear snake like
- A drug used in gastritis is
(a) Agar (b) Ergot
(c) Aconite (d) All the above
- Isabgol is obtained from
(a) Root of Margosa (b) Fruit skin of Aegle
(c) Seeds of Plantago (d) Bark of Ocimum
- Study of drug plants is known as
(a) Pharmacy (b) Pharmacology
(c) Pharmacognosy (d) Pharmaceutical chemistry
- Licorice which is chewed to relieve cough is obtained from
(a) Root (b) Stem
(c) Leaf (d) Bark
- The alkaloid ‘Reserpine’ is obtained from
(a) Atropa belladona (b) Rauwolfia serpentina
(c) Cajanus cajan (d) Cinchona officinalis
- Aloe barbedensis belongs to family
(a) Liliaceae (b) Apocyanaceae
(c) Graminae (d) None of the above
- Jalap is obtained from
(a) Exogonium purga (b) Allium sativum
(c) Glycirrhiza (d) None of the above
- Which of the plant yield the drug belladona
[DPMT 1979; MP PMT 1998, 2001; AIIMS 2001]
(a) Atropa belladona (b) Papaver somniferum
(c) Acacia arabica (d) Phoenix sylvestris
- The drug “artimisinin” is obtained from [BHU 1980, 87]
(a) Tuberous roots (b) Flowers or floral buds
(c) Bark (d) Leaves
- Opium or morphine is obtained from latex of unripe fruit of
[BHU 1981, 87, 88; Manipal 1995; MP PMT 1990, 93; DPMT 1978; CPMT 2003]
(a) Papaver somniferum (b) Coffea arabica
(c) Thea sinensis (d) Oryza sativa
- Which is not a source of drug [NCERT 1982]
(a) Aconitum napellus (b) Dalbergia sissoo
(c) Papaver somniferum (d) Cannabis sativus
- “Central drug research institute” is situated at
[BHU 1983, 85]
(a) Lucknow (b) Madras
(c) Bombay (d) Delhi
- Rauwolfia serpentina belongs to family [BHU 1985]
(a) Rubiaceae (b) Solanaceae
(c) Malvaceae (d) Apocynaceae
- Strychnine which is of medicinal importance is essentially
[BHU 1986]
(a) An antibiotic
(b) Antimalarial drug
(c) An alkaloid from Strychnos nux vomica
(d) Antihypertensive drug
- Of the following plants which one would you consider an endangered plant due to over exploitation [DPMT 1986]
(a) Dioscorea (b) Maize
(c) Wheat (d) Rice
- Aconite is obtained from [BHU 1987]
(a) Tuberous roots (b) Stem
(c) Leaves (d) Seeds
- Quinine is obtained from Bark of [BHU 1987]
(a) Cinchona calysaya (b) C. officinalis
(c) C. robusta (d) All the above
- Which of the following is medicinal plant [BHU 1988]
(a) Dalbergia (b) Linum
(c) Aconitum (d) Tectona
- Narcotic and soothing properties of tobacco is due to or Harmful alkaloid contained in the leaves of tobacco is
[BHU 1989; DPMT 1981; JIPMER 1983]
(a) Caffeine (b) Aconite
(c) Nicotine (d) Codeine
- Quinine is important in treatment of malaria is extracted from
[MP PMT 1989, 99; RPMT 1995, 99; CPMT 1995; BHU 1997; AFMC 2003]
(a) Bark of Cinchona (b) Bark of Cinnamon
(c) Stem of Hevea (d) Leaves of Ocimum
- The drug santonin is obtained from the flowers of
[MP PMT 1989]
(a) Artemisia cina (b) Aloe vera
(c) Atropa belladona (d) Colchicum automnales
- Opium of commerce is made from poppy, is [BHU 1989]
(a) Latex (b) Resin
(c) Tannin (d) Gum
- The ‘truth drug’ scopolamine which was used extensively in the World War II, is obtained from [AIIMS 1994]
(a) Eucalyptus (b) Digitalis purpurea
(c) Datura stramonium (d) Papaver somniferum
- Richest source of vitamin ‘C‘ is [AIIMS 1992]
(a) Capsicum fruitescence (b) Emblica officinalis (Amla)
(c) Orange (d) Lemon
- Which part of Aconitum nepallus is of medicinal value
[MP PMT 1993]
(a) Root (b) Stem
(c) Flower buds (d) Leaves
- Heroin is obtained from the plant of [MP PMT 1994]
(a) Poppy (b) Tobacco
(c) Datura (d) Cannabis sps.
- From which part of Atropa belladona the drug ‘belladona’ is obtained [MP PMT 1994]
(a) Leaves (b) Roots
(c) Stems (d) All the parts of the plant
- ‘Stramonium’ drug is obtained from the plant species of
[MP PMT 1994]
(a) Ocimum (b) Rauwolfia
(c) Datura (d) Asphodelus
- From which part of Ephedra plant, the drug ‘ephedrine’ is obtained [MP PMT 1994]
(a) Root (b) Stem
(c) Leaves (d) Flowers
- Reserpine is used in [RPMT 1995]
(a) Maleria (b) High blood pressure
(c) Asthma (d) Spices
- The drug plant Aconitum napellus belongs to the family
[MP PMT 1995]
(a) Ranunculaceae (b) Apocynaceae
(c) Papaveraceae (d) Solanaceae
- From which part of Cinchona a drug is obtained
[MP PMT 1995]
(a) Pericarp (b) Endosperm
(c) Leaf (d) Bark
- Roots of this species contain valuable alkaloids useful in medicine [EAMCET 1995]
(a) Rauwolfia serpentina (b) Emblica officinalis
(c) Azadirachta indica (d) Helianthus annus
- Which of the following is Indian medicinal plant
[CBSE PMT 1996]
(a) Oryza sativa (b) Solenum melongina
(c) Rauwolfia serpentina (d) Saccharum officinarum
- ‘Nagkesar’ is obtained from the flowers of [MP PMT 1997]
(a) Mesua ferrea (b) Crocus sativus
(c) Viola odorata (d) Centella asiatica
- An important medicine for bronchitis is obtained from
[MP PMT 1997]
(a) Adhatoda vasica (b) Curcuma longa
(c) Hemidesmus indicus (d) Rauwolfia serpentina
- The formula of quinine is [RPMT 1997]
(a) C20H24O2H2 (b) C19H22N2O
(c) C19H22O2N2 (d) C19H24O2N2
- Opium (Poppy) is cultivated most extensively in
[RPMT 1997]
(a) Himalayas (b) Uttar Pradesh
(c) Madhya Pradesh (d) Andhra Pradesh
- Quinine is chiefly used in [RPMT 1997]
(a) Cosmetic industry (b) Rubber industry
(c) Medicinal field (d) Protection of silk
- Usually morphine is used in the manufacture of [RPMT 1997]
(a) Codein sulphate
(b) Opium
(c) Morphine sulphate and hydrochloride
(d) Cosmetics
- Ganja and LSD are classified in
[AFMC 1997; CBSE PMT 2001]
(a) Narcotic (b) Hallucinogens
(c) Stimulants (d) Depressent
- Family of Atropa baladona is
[MP PMT 1997; Pb. PMT 1999; RPMT 1999]
(a) Malvaceae (b) Solanaceae
(c) Bracicaceae (d) Liliaceae
- The morphine obtained from Opium is a [CPMT 1998]
(a) Latex (b) Pome
(c) Alkaloid (d) None of these
- Under ethnobotany, we study [CPMT 1998]
(a) Relation of plant with environment
(b) Relation of primitive plant with man
(c) Relation of plant with birds
(d) All the above
- Heroin is obtained from the plant of it family [MP PMT 1998]
(a) Leguminosae (b) Papaveraceae
(c) Liliaceae (d) Solanaceae
- The medicinally most important part of Rauwolfia serpentina is [MP PMT 1999]
(a) Root (b) Rhizome
(c) Aerial stem (d) All of these
- Which alkaloids are present in opium
[Pb. PMT 1999; RPMT 1999]
(a) Codeine (b) Morphine
(c) Thebaine (d) All of these
- Reserpine is an alkaloid obtained from [BVP 2000]
(a) Aswagandha (b) Sarpgandha
(c) Opium (d) Cannabis
- Withania somnifera is the botanical name of [BVP 2000]
(a) Indian madar (b) Ashwagandha
(c) Sarpgandha (d) Mulathi
- Tectona grandis belongs to family [BVP 2000]
(a) Verbenaceae (b) Anacardiaceae
(c) Rubiaceae (d) Labiatae
- Bhang is obtained from [MHCET 2001]
(a) Cannabis sativa (b) Argemone mexicana
(c) Papaver somniferum (d) Datura annoxia
- The morphine obtained from opium is a
[BVP 2001; MHCET 2003]
(a) Tannin (b) Alkaloids
(c) Gums (d) Latex
- Which one of the following is a medicinal plant
[JIPMER 2002]
(a) Jatropha curcus (b) Calendula officinalis
(c) Tagetus petula (d) Sesbania aegyptiaca
- Bhang, Ganja and Hashish (Charas) are obtained from
[JIPMER 2002]
(a) Rauwolfia (b) Calotropis
(c) Cannabis (d) Withania
- Drugs which induce dreamy state of consciousness is
[Kerala CET 2002]
(a) Sedative (b) Stimulant
(c) Depressant (d) Hallucinogen
- Atropa belladonna yields medicine used for [DPMT 2004]
(a) Gastric ulcers (b) Checking the eyes
(c) Leprosy (d) Constipation
- The medicinal plant is [CPMT 2004]
(a) Vinchona (b) Opium
(c) Rauwolfia (d) All of these
- Ginseng is an important drug of [BVP 2004]
(a) America (b) Egypt
(c) India (d) China
- Moisturizing gel is obtained from [Orissa JEE 2004]
(a) Aloe vera (b) Saraca indioca
(c) Acacia vistina (d) None of these
Fibre plants
- Cotton fibres are made up of
(a) Protein (b) Fats
(c) Polysaccharides (d) None of the above
- Which of the following families have fibre producing plants
(a) Gramineae (b) Malvaceae
(c) Linaceae (d) All the above
- Which families have fibre plants
(a) Bombacaceae (b) Moraceae
(c) Tiliaceae (d) All the above
- Which family contain fibre yielding plants
(a) Urticaceae (b) Leguminoceae
(c) Amaryllidaceae (d) All the above
- Which of the fibres have high tensile strength
(a) Textile fibres (b) Filling fibres
(c) Natural fibres (d) None of the above
- New world cotton is
(a) Indian cotton (b) American cotton
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of the above
- Gossypium barbedens is called
(a) Peru cotton (b) Indian cotton
(c) American cotton (d) None of the above
- Which of the following cotton is suitable for hosiery products
(a) Sea island cotton (b) Egyptian cotton
(c) American cotton (d) All are equally important
- Which of the processes are involved in cotton industry
(a) Ginning (b) Picking
(c) Laping (d) All the above
- Pericycle of which of the plant contains fibre
(a) Cotton (b) Flax
(c) Cocos nucifera (d) All the above
- Which of the process is used to extract fibre from flax and jute
(a) Ginning (b) Laping
(c) Retting (d) None of the above
- Fish net is prepared from
(a) Gossypium (b) Corchorus
(c) Linum usitattissimum (d) None of the above
- Ramie fibre is obtained from the member of family
(a) Cruciferae (b) Leguminoceae
(c) Urticaceae (d) None of the above
- Manila hemp is obtained from
(a) Musaceae (b) Liliaceae
(c) Amaryllidaceae (d) Malvaceae
- Agave fibre is obtained from
(a) A. cantala (b) A. sisalana
(c) A. funkiana (d) All the above
- New Zealand hemp (Phormium tenax) is obtained from member of
(a) Liliaceae (b) Solanaceae
(c) Agavaceae (d) None of the above
- Bowstring hemp is obtained from
(a) Phormium (b) Senseviera
(c) Cocos nucifera (d) Areca
- Fibrous mesocarp is present in
(a) Cocos nucifera (b) Gossypium herbaceum
(c) Senseviera (d) None of the above
- Coir fibre is used for preparing
(a) Mats (b) Brush
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of the above
- Wicker work fibre is obtained from
(a) Cotton (b) Linum
(c) Bambusa (d) All the above
- Red silk cotton is obtained from
(a) Salmelia melebarica (b) Cochlo spermum
(c) Calotropis gigantia (d) Calotropis procera
- Tapa cloth is obtained from the member of family
(a) Asclepiadaceae (b) Moraceae
(c) Graminae (d) None of the above
- Which of the fibre is obtained for paper making
(a) Pinus sp. (b) Populus sp.
(c) Fagus sp. (d) All the above
- Munj is prepared from the leaf of
(a) Saccharum munja (b) Saccharum officinarum
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of the above
- Important plant part ‘leaf bases’ is of
(a) Manila hemp (b) Madras hemp
(c) Sun hemp (d) Kankura
- Match the following
Name of the plant Family
(1) Cotton (I) Tiliaceae
(2) Sisal hemp (II) Malvaceae
(3) Patua (III) Agavaceae
(4) Munj (IV) Graminae
(5) Jute
Correct pair is
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | |
(a) | II | III | II | IV | I |
(b) | II | I | III | III | IV |
(c) | I | II | III | IV | IV |
(d) | IV | III | II | II | I |
- Which of the following is incorrect about sisal hemp
(a) Agavaceae (b) Bast fibres of leaves
(c) Ropes and twine (d) Soft fibre
- Lint and Fuzz are characteristics of the fibres of
(a) Flax (b) Jute
(c) Cotton (d) Coir
- Matunga, Bombay has one of the following institutes
(a) Industrial Toxicology Research Laboratory
(b) Cotton Technology Research Laboratory
(c) National Institute of Oceanography
(d) Llyod Botanical Garden
- The largest fibre crop of east India is
(a) Jute (b) Flax
(c) Cotton (d) Coir
- Jute Agricultural Research Institute (JARI) is situated at
(a) Lucknow (UP)
(b) Barrackpore (West Bengal)
(c) Shillong (Assam)
(d) Dhaka (Bangladesh)
- What is the genomic constitution of old world varieties of cotton (Gossypium arboreum, G. herbaceum) and new world variaties (G. hirsutum, G. barbedens)
(a) All diploids
(b) All triploids
(c) Old world 3n and new world 2n
(d) Old world 2n and new world 4n
- Linen and cambric cloth is made from
(a) Cotton fibre (b) Flax fibre
(c) Jute fibre (d) Sunn hemp
- Patsan is a common cordage fibre. It is obtained from the stem of
(a) Cannavis sativa (b) Hibiscus cannabinus
(c) Musa textilis (d) Agave sisliana
- Rayon (Artificial silk) is a viscose yarn. It is made from
(a) Polyethylene
(b) Polyester
(c) Wood pulp and cellulose linters
(d) Petroleum products
- The morphology of flax fibre is
(a) Secondary xylen (b) Secondary phloem
(c) Pericycle (d) Bark
- The source of cotton is
(a) Calotropis procera (b) Gossypium herbaceum
(c) Cannabis sativa (d) Crotoleria juncea
- Which of the following fibre is a pure cellulose
(a) Cotton fibre (b) Flax fibre
(c) Sunn hemp (d) All the above
- The flax fibre, the bast fibre or phloem fibres are obtained from
[BHU 1979, 89; AIIMS 1982; MP PMT 1989; CPMT 1991]
(a) Cannabis sativa (b) Crotolaria juncea
(c) Cocos nucifera (d) Linum usitatissimum
- Which of the product is having epidermal origin
[CPMT 1980; DPMT 1982; Pune CET 1998]
(a) Saffron (b) Cotton fibre
(c) Clove (d) Jute
- An example of monocot fibre yielding plant in
[BHU 1982; CBSE PMT 1988; CPMT 2001]
(a) Corchorus (b) Cocos nucifera
(c) Cotton (d) Crotolaria
- Sunn hemp (Indian hemp) is derived from
[BHU 1983, 87, 88]
(a) Malvaceae (b) Leguminosae
(c) Compositae (d) Solanaceae
- Which plant yield several utilizable products including fibre oil and animal food
[DPMT 1984; CBSE PMT 1989, 93; MP PMT 1989; CPMT 2001]
(a) Sun hemp (b) Jute
(c) Cotton (d) Sunflower
- “Commercial jute’‘ is morphologically
[BHU 1986; MP PMT 1991, 2001, 03; Orissa PMT 2002]
(a) Phloem (b) Xylem
(c) Bast fibre (d) Xylem fibres
- Jute is obtained from a plant which belongs to family
[BHU 1984; MP PMT 1995]
(a) Tiliaceae (b) Sterculiaceae
(c) Malvaceae (d) Euphorbiaceae
- An important fibre yielding plant is [West Bengal JEE 1984]
(a) Corchorus (b) Cedrus
(c) Frageria (d) Bambusa
- Largest newspaper industry is situated at
[BHU 1985, AIIMS 1990]
(a) Mysore (b) Lucknow
(c) Nepanagar (d) Delhi
- Hemp fibres are obtained from [BHU 1986]
(a) Corchorus (b) Cannabis sativa
(c) Linum (d) Hibiscus
- Bamboo grows in [DPMT 1986]
(a) Temperate evergreen forests
(b) Tropical rain forests
(c) Deciduous forests
(d) Dry deciduous forests
- Husk fibres obtained from dry coconut are called or One of the following is obtained from fruit wall
[BHU 1987; MP PMT 1988; AIIMS 1992]
(a) Copra (b) Coir
(c) Flax (d) Hemp
- Sunn hemp fibre is obtained from or One of the following is a fibre yielding plant, which one is it
[BHU 1988; CPMT 1985; MP PMT 1995; BVP 2002]
(a) Crotolaria juncea (b) Cicer arietinum
(c) Triticum vulgare (d) Impatiens balsamina
- A cultivated plant whose seed epidermis produces abundant cellulosic hairs used in textile industry and manufacture of fine quality paper is [CPMT 1988]
(a) Cannabis sativa (b) Linum usitatissimum
(c) Gossypium herbaceum (d) Salmalia malabarica
- Which of the following families yield fibres [RPMT 1989]
(a) Cruciferae and Leguminoseae
(b) Malvaceae and Leguminoseae
(c) Cruciferae and Malvaceae
(d) Mimosoideae and Cesalpinoideae
- Fibres are obtained from [CBSE PMT 1989]
(a) Xylem, phloem and sclerenchyma
(b) Xylem, parenchyma and epidermis
(c) Xylem, parenchyma and endodermis
(d) Xylem, phloem, epidermis and sclerenchyma
- The surface fibres of commercial use are obtained from
[CPMT 1989, 93; MP PMT 2000]
(a) Agave (b) Gossypium
(c) Helianthus (d) Solanum
- Bast fibres are obtained from [BHU 1989; CPMT 1991, 94]
(a) Corchorus (Jute) (b) Gossypium (Cotton)
(c) Cocos (Coconut) (d) Agave
- Which state in India is the largest producer of cotton
[MP PMT 1990]
(a) Uttar Pradesh (b) Madras
(c) Rajasthan (d) Gujarat
- Husk fibre Coir of commerce come from which part of coconut (Cocos nucifera)
[CBSE PMT 1990; JIPMER 1989; BHU 2000; MP PMT 1993, 99, 2003; CPMT 2001]
(a) Epicarp (b) Mesocarp
(c) Endocarp (d) Seed coat
- Which state of India is the largest producer of jute
[CBSE PMT 1991; MP PMT 2000]
(a) Andhra Pradesh (b) West Bengal
(c) Madhya Pradesh (d) Kerala
- Which of the following is not a plant fibre
[DPMT 1982; AFMC 1999; MP PMT 2000]
(a) Flax (b) Coir
(c) Silk (d) Hemp
- From which part of the cotton plant (Gossypium), maximum cellulose fibre can be obtained [BHU 1993; MP PMT 2000]
(a) Root hair (b) Seed hair
(c) Stem surface (d) Leaf surface
- Cotton belongs to the family
[CPMT 1993; MP PMT 2001, 2003]
(a) Solanaceae (b) Leguminosae
(c) Cucurbitaceae (d) Malvaceae
- The fibre of sun hemp is obtained from [CPMT 1993]
(a) Leaf (b) Mesocarp
(c) Phloem (d) Testa
- ‘Patua’ of Hibiscus sabdarifa is [CMC Vellore 1994]
(a) Secondary phloem
(b) Collenchymatous hypodermis
(c) Pericycle
(d) Epidermis
- Cotton is a [MP PMT 1993]
(a) Surface fibre (b) Hard fibre
(c) Bast fibre (d) Stem fibre
- Jute is obtained from [MP PMT 1993, 97]
(a) Leaves of Linum sp.
(b) Secondary phloem of stem Chorchorus sp.
(c) Secondary phloem of stem Linum sp.
(d) Leaves of Chorchorus sp.
- Botanical name of cotton is [CPMT 1993]
(a) Brassica (b) Gossypium
(c) Hibiscus (d) Iberis
- Highest quantity of cellulose is found in [RPMT 1995]
(a) Cotton (b) Coir
(c) Hemp (d) Flex
- The fibres associated with phloem are known as
[MP PMT 1995]
(a) Hard fibre (b) Wood fibre
(c) Bast fibre (d) Surface fibre
- Long fibres of cotton seed are known as
[CPMT 1995; MP PMT 1995]
(a) Coir (b) Fuzz
(c) Lint (d) Flax
- Cotton fibres are derived from [CBSE PMT 1990]
(a) Pericarp (b) Phloem
(c) Pericycle (d) Testa
- The cotton thread fibres are [MP PMT 1994]
(a) Fibres taken out from stem
(b) Epidermal hairs of seeds
(c) Epidermal hairs of fruits
(d) Fibres taken out from roots
- Epidermal hairs of the seed coat are the important commodity in [EAMCET 1995]
(a) Coconut (b) Jute
(c) Banana (d) Cotton
- Jute is mainly made up of [CPMT 1995]
(a) Pectin (b) Lignin
(c) Suberin (d) Cutin
- Which one of the following is a source of textile fibre
[MP PMT 1996]
(a) Crotolaria juncea (b) Gossypium herbaceum
(c) Hibiscus cannabinus (d) Cassia occidentalis
- Cultivated cotton is obtained from [MP PMT 1997]
(a) Two species (b) Three species
(c) Four species (d) One species
- The botanical name of jute is [MP PMT 1997]
(a) Linum usitatissimum (b) Corchorus capsularis
(c) Hibiscus sabdariffa (d) Crotalaria juncea
- Fibre yielding plant is [MP PMT 1998]
(a) Cannabis sativa (b) Cicer arietinum
(c) Triticum vulgare (d) None of the above
- hirsutum is [CPMT 1999]
(a) New World Tetraploid (b) Old World Tetraploid
(c) New World Diploid (d) Old World Diploid
- The coir industry in India is concentrated in
[MP PMT 1997; Pune CET 1998]
(a) Karnataka (b) Andhra Pradesh
(c) Maharashtra (d) Kerala
- The botanical name of manila hemp is [Pune CET 1998]
(a) Cannabis sativa (b) Hibiscus cannabinus
(c) Musa taxtilis (d) Agave sisalana
- Fibre of great commercial importance derived from the epidermis is [Pune CET 1998]
(a) Flax (b) Cotton
(c) Hemp (d) Coir
- The economically important plant of malvaceae [RPMT 2002]
(a) Gossypium hirsutum
(b) Hibiscus cannabis
(c) Abelmoschus esculantum
(d) All of these
- Which fibre crop occupies the maximum area in India or the most cultivated fibre crop in India is [MP PMT 2002, 03]
(a) Jute (b) Cotton
(c) Flax (d) Sisal
- Jute fibre deteriorates quickly due to presence of
[Orissa JEE 2004]
(a) High cellulose (b) Low cellulose
(c) High lignin (d) Low lignin
- Which of the following plant yields oil and fibre both
[CPMT 2004]
(a) Cocos nucifera (b) Eucalyptus
(c) Brassica campestris (d) Euphorbia hirta
- Fibres are characterized by [MP PMT 2005]
(a) Thin walls (b) Thick walls
(c) Thick walls with corners (d) Dense cytoplasm
- Thousand of year old mummies are still in their condition as they were before due to the non destruction of [BHU 2005]
(a) Yellow elastin fibres (b) White elastin fibres
(c) Collagen fibres (d) Veins
- Jute fibres are [Orissa JEE 2005]
(a) Bast fibres from stem pericycle
(b) Fibrous mesocarp
(c) Fibres on seeds
(d) Bast fibres from secondary phloem
- Which of the oils are hydrocarbons
(a) Fatty oils (b) Essential oils
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of the above
- Khas oil is obtained from which part of the Vetiveria
(a) Leaf (b) Flower
(c) Root and rhizome (d) None of the above
- Camphor is obtained from which part of the following
(a) Cinnamomum camphora wood
(b) C. camphora leaf
(c) C. camphora flowers
(d) All the above
- Which of the following oils are called fixed oils
(a) Essential oil (b) Fatty oils
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of the above
- Which of the oil is used in the preparation of paints and varnishes
(a) Linseed oil (b) Tung oil
(c) Soybean oil (d) All the above
- Hemp oil is obtained from
(a) Leaf of Bhang (b) Roots of Bhang
(c) Seeds of Bhang (d) All the parts
- Which of the oil is used as a purgative drug
(a) Ground nut oil (b) Castor seed oil
(c) Cotton seed oil (d) All the above
- Which of the following oil is poisonous purgative
(a) Ricinus communis (b) Arachis hypogea
(c) Jatropha curcus (d) All the above
- Fruit pulp of which plant yield commercial oil
(a) Arachis hypogea (b) Olea eurocarpa
(c) Ricinus communis (d) Linum
- Which of the oil is very useful for preparation of soap of washing cloths
(a) Brassica rapa (b) Madhuca indica
(c) None of the above (d) Melia
- Fatty oils are of
(a) Drying type (b) Semidrying type
(c) Non-drying type (d) All the above
- Oil of peppermint is
(a) Liquid at room temperature
(b) Solid at room temperature
(c) Semisolid at room temperature
(d) None of the above
- Which part of Arachis hypogea is used for preparation of vegetable ghee
(a) Husk of fruit (b) Cake of seed
(c) Oil of seeds (d) None of the above
- Mentha piperita belongs to family
(a) Labiteae (b) Umbelliferae
(c) Anacardiaceae (d) Meliaceae
- Which of the following drup fruit produces oily endosperm
(a) Mango (b) Cocos nucifera
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of the above
- Which of the following may be used in mental weakness
(a) Mustard oil (b) Linseed oil
(c) Til oil (d) Almond oil
- Which of the oil is useful as a leather lubricant
(a) Castor seed oil (b) Brassica oil
(c) None of the above (d) Linseed oil
- Which is a non-drying oil
(a) Olive oil (b) Ground nut oil
(c) Castor oil (d) All the above
- Which of the following is semidrying oil
(a) Cotton seed oil (b) Corn oil
(c) Sesame oil (d) All the above
- Which of the following oil is drying oil
(a) Soybean oil (b) Castor oil
(c) Linseed oil (d) All the above
- In cotton and castor seed, the oil is respectively stored in
(a) Endosperm and cotyledons
(b) Cotyledons and endosperm
(c) Endosperm in both
(d) Perisperm and endosperm
- Which of the following is the source of oil and protein both
(a) Cajanus cajan (b) Gossypium
(c) Glycine max (d) Phaseolus vulgare
- Seeds of Arachis hypogea are rich in
(a) Protein and nicotinic acid
(b) Fats and lecithin
(c) Vitamin B1, B2, B6 roman and E
(d) All the above
- The oil obtained from the cotyledons of Arachis hypogea is
(a) An essential oil
(b) A drying oil
(c) A non-essential non-drying oil
(d) An essential drying oil
- Madhuca indica belongs to family
(a) Sapotaceae (b) Anacardiaceae
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of the above
- Rice bran is used to obtain
(a) Oil (b) Protein
(c) Starch (d) None of the above
- Which of the following is an oil yielding tree crop of south India
(a) Arachis hypogea (b) Brassica campestris
(c) Ricinus communis (d) Gossypium herbaceum
- One of the following is an oil seed crop
[NCERT 1980; DPMT 1981; CBSE PMT 1993; MP PMT 2004]
(a) Sunflower (b) Rose
(c) Marigold (d) Chrysanthemum
- Which of the following is not an essential oil
[NCERT 1982; MP PMT 2003]
(a) Clove oil (b) Eucalyptus oil
(c) Sandal wood oil (d) Ground nut oil
- Sunflower is principally cultivated for its
[CPMT 1982, 89; MP PMT 1989, 2000]
(a) Starch (b) Protein
(c) Alkaloid (d) Oil seed crop
- Oil yielding plants are abundant in the family [CPMT 1983]
(a) Solanaceae (b) Ranunculaceae
(c) Cruciferae (d) Curcurbitaceae
- “Gingelly oil” or “Til oil” is obtained from the seeds of
[BHU 1985; MP PMT 1988]
(a) Arachis hypogea (b) Brassica compestris
(c) Carthamus tinctorius (d) Sesamum indicum
- Ricinus communis, which yields castor oil, belongs to the family [BHU 1986; CET Pune 1998]
(a) Meliaceae (b) Pedaliaceae
(c) Cruciferae (d) Euphorbiaceae
- An important oil yielding plant is [DPMT 1986]
(a) Carthamus tinctorious (b) Cicer arietinum
(c) Lens esculantum (d) Eleusine coracana
- Lemon grass oil is extracted from [CPMT 1986]
(a) Bambusa beecheyana
(b) Cymbopogon citratus
(c) Cymbopogon nardus
(d) Cymbopogon martinii
- Pea nut or ground nut of commerce from which vegetable oil is obtained belongs to genus
[BHU 1989; MP PMT 1996, 2001]
(a) Phaseolus aureus (b) Pisum sativum
(c) Cajanus cajan (d) Arachis hypogea
- Pea nut oil is obtained from [RPMT 1989; BVP 2000]
(a) Lathyrus odoratus (b) Pisum sativum
(c) Arachis hypogea (d) Glycine max
- Clove oil is obtained from
[MP PMT 1989; BHU 1981; AIIMS 1990]
(a) Wood of Santalum
(b) Leaves of Syzygium aromaticum
(c) Flower buds of Syzygium aromaticum
(d) Rhizome of Vatevaria
- Palm oil is extracted from [BHU 1989]
(a) Glycine (b) Gossypium
(c) Elacis (d) Olea
- A genus of ornamental plants which is being cultivated for extracting an important edible oil from its Cypsela fruits is
[CPMT 1989]
(a) Helianthus (b) Brassica
(c) Sesamum (d) Cocos
- In ground nut (Arachis hypogea) oil is stored in
[CBSE PMT 1990; MP PMT 1995, 99, 2000]
(a) Endosperm (b) Cotyledons
(c) Embryo (d) Tuber
- Cultivation of groundnut in India is highest in
[CBSE PMT 1991; CPMT 1995; CET Pune 1998]
(a) Gujarat (b) Kerala
(c) Bihar (d) Assam
- Turpentine is obtained from
[CBSE PMT 1992; MP PMT 2003; BVP 2003]
(a) Pteridophytes
(b) Gymnosperms (Pinus) wood
(c) Angiosperms wood
(d) Angiosperms (Neem) flower
- Essential oils are those which are [CBSE PMT 1992]
(a) Used in soap manufacture
(b) Used in perfumes
(c) Essential for plant producing them
(d) Essential for human kind
- Ground nut oil is a [MP PMT 1993]
(a) Non-drying oil (b) Essential oil
(c) Drying oil (d) None of the above
- The fleshy mesocarp of a plant is the source of palm oil which is now in common use as an edible oil. This plant is known by the botanical name [KCET 1994; CPMT 1999]
(a) Metroxylon rumphii (b) Elaeis guineensis
(c) Phoenix sylvestris (d) Calamus rotung
- Sesamum indicum, from which sesame oil is obtained, belongs to the family [CET Pune 1998]
(a) Meliaceae (b) Euphorbiaceae
(c) Cruciferae (d) Pedaliaceae
- Castor oil is obtained from [CET Pune 1998; MP PMT 2004]
(a) Ricinus communis (b) Brassica campestris
(c) Azadirachta indica (d) Sesamum indicum
- Indian rape oil is obtained from [Pune CET 1998]
(a) Azadirachta indica (b) Brassica campestris
(c) Ricinus communis (d) Sesamum indicum
- From which plant-seeds oil is obtained [MP PMT 2001]
(a) Saccharum officinarum (b) Saccharum munja
(c) Arachis hypogea (d) Cicer arietinum
- Which of the oil cake is used in the preparation of sweets
[BVP 2003]
(a) Sunflower (b) Coconut
(c) Cotton seed oil (d) None of the above
- Low calories and low cholesterol found in [Orissa JEE 2005]
(a) Soybean oil (b) Groundnut oil
(c) Sheesham oil (d) Sunflower oil
Resins, rubber, latex, dye and sugar
- The annual rainfall required for sugarcane crop is
(a) 100 cm (b) 200 cm
(c) 250 cm (d) None of the above
- Sugarcane is cultivated through
(a) True seeds (b) Vegetative propagules
(c) Through leaf (d) By root cutting
- Sugar yielding part of sugarcane is
(a) Leaf (b) Root
(c) Stem (d) All the above
- Sugar yielding part of Beta vulgaris is
(a) Leaf (b) Shoot
(c) Root (d) All the above
- Lime, CO2 and SO2 is used for purification of juice of
(a) Sugarcane (b) Beta vulgaris
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of the above
- Palm sugar is obtained from
(a) Phoenix sylvestris (b) Borassus flabellifer
(c) Caryota urens (d) All the above
- Sugarcane research institute, Coimbatore has developed red rot resistant varieties as
(a) Co – 421 (b) Co – 419
(c) Co – 527 (d) All the above
- Glycerine is obtained from
(a) Bagasse (b) Molasses
(c) Filter mud (d) All the above
- Important use of which of the following is as a lubricant
(a) Helianthus annus (b) Carthamus tinctorious
(c) Ricinus communis (d) Cocos nucifera
- Sugarcane cultivated in a region with temperature ranging between
(a) 10 – 20oC (b) 20 – 25oC
(c) 25 – 30oC (d) 30 – 40oC
- Which of the following is not a variety of sugarcane
(a) BO – 11 (b) CO – 419
(c) HM – 320 (d) CC – 464
- Dry fibrous residue left after the extraction of sugar from sugarcane is
(a) Cane (b) Molasses
(c) Bagasse (d) Pulp
- SBRI was established in
(a) 1810 (b) 1912
(c) 1937 (d) 1947
- Major source of sugar in Europe and India is respectively
(a) Sugarcane (b) Sugarcane and beet root
(c) Date palm and sugarcane (d) Beet root and sugarcane
- Saccharum officinarum yields
(a) Glucose (b) Fructose
(c) Sucrose (d) Galactose
- The important source of sugar in India is
(a) Solanum tuberosum (b) Saccharum officinarum
(c) Saccharum munja (d) Triticum aestivum
- Roots of Beta are
(a) Fusiform (b) Nepiform
(c) Conical (d) None of the above
- Canesugar is obtained from genus
(a) Saccharum officinales (b) Beta vulgaris
(c) Acer saccharum (d) All the above
- Co-419 and Co-527 are improved varieties of
(a) Wheat (b) Rice
(c) Cotton (d) Sugarcane
- Which of the following is a latex based alkaloid
[CPMT 1976; JIPMER 1983]
(a) Atropine from Atropa (b) Daturin from Datura
(c) Ephedrine from Ephedra (d) Morphine from Opium
- Hevea yields [BHU 1983]
(a) Bast resin (latex) (b) Soft fibre
(c) Delicious soft drink (d) Strong fibre
- Beet root belongs to family [BHU 1985]
(a) Chenopodiaceae (b) Apocynaceae
(c) Asclepiadaceae (d) Cruciferae
- Pyrilla perpusila is common pest on [AMU 1986]
(a) Rice (b) Wheat
(c) Pulses (d) Sugarcane
- Bagasse is related to the manufacture of [BHU 1986]
(a) Canesugar (b) Cellulose
(c) Cinchonidine (d) Resin
- Major source of sugar in the world is [MP PMT 1989, 99]
(a) Watermelon (b) Beet root
(c) Sugarcane (d) Dates
- Which state in India is the largest producer of sugarcane
[MP PMT 1989, 91, 2002; CBSE PMT 1991]
(a) Bihar (b) Andhra Pradesh
(c) Punjab (d) Uttar Pradesh
- Heeng of commerce is obtained from Ferula asafoetida (Umbelliferae) is a [BHU 1989; DPMT 1990]
(a) Stomach of deer (b) Waste petroleum product
(c) Resinous exudate of root (d) Diatoms
- Sugarcane juice contains [CPMT 1992]
(a) Sucrose only (b) Sucrose + maltose
(c) Sucrose + pactose (d) Sucrose + lactose
- Stilt roots are found in [MP PMT 1993]
(a) Rice (b) Sugarcane
(c) Groundnut (d) Gram
- Central Sugarcane Breeding Research Institute’ is situated at
[MP PMT 1995; MP PMT 1997]
(a) Lucknow (b) Delhi
(c) Coimbatore (d) Bhopal
- Axillary buds are used to raise crop of [MP PMT 1995]
(a) Wheat (b) Rice
(c) Groundnut (d) Sugarcane
- Sugarcane is a member of [MP PMT 1996]
(a) Chenopodiaceae (b) Nyctagenaceae
(c) Gramineae (d) None of the above
- Highest crop of sugarcane is grown in the world in
[CPMT 1996]
(a) India (b) Pakistan
(c) America (d) Australia
- Hevea braziliensis is a source of [MP PMT 1996]
(a) Rubber (b) Spice
(c) Beverage (d) Dye
- The major source of sugar in India is [MP PMT 1998]
(a) Solanum nigrum (b) Helianthus tuberosus
(c) Saccharum officinarum (d) None of the above
- Sugar obtained from sugarcane and sugarbeet is
[MHCET 2001]
(a) Glucose (b) Fructose
(c) Galactose (d) Sucrose
- What is the botanical name of sugarcane [MP PMT 2001]
(a) Saccharum munja (b) Saccharum spontaneum
(c) Saccharum berberi (d) Saccharum officinarum
- Wax is obtained from [J & K CET 2002]
(a) Jojoba (b) Guayle
(c) Leucaena (d) Subabul
Petroleum, coal and gas
- Which is a fossil
(a) Diatomaceous earth (b) Coal
(c) Petroleum (d) All the above
- Which types of fossils are found in the form of coal balls
(a) Petrifactions (b) Impressions
(c) Compressions (d) All the above
- Which of the following is regarded as the coal age
(a) Silurian (b) Devonian
(c) Carboniferous (d) Coenozoic
- Younger coal deposits are of the age
(a) Cambrian (b) Silurian
(c) Permian (d) Cretaceous
- Best types of fossils are obtained in the form of
(a) Compressions (b) Castes
(c) Coal balls (d) None of the above
- Coal deposits of tertiary and cretaceous age are found in
(a) Raniganj (b) Rajmahal hills
(c) Andaman and Nicobar (d) All the above
- First coal fields of India are those of
(a) Andaman and Nicobar (b) Raniganj and Jharia
(c) Umaria and Chanda (d) None of the above
- Which one is not a petroleum product
(a) Naphtha (b) Benzene
(c) Paraffin (d) None of the above
- Petroleum is also called
(a) Naphtha (b) Rock oil
(c) Mineral oil (d) All the above
- The family/families which possesses the plants that are responsible for the formation of liquid fuel is/are
(a) Euphorbiaceae (b) Asclepiadaceae
(c) Apocynaceae (d) All the above
- In India petroleum is found in
(a) Gujrat (b) Assam
(c) Bombay-High (d) All the above
- According to the present estimates …… of the world’s petroleum will be exhausted by the year 2025
(a) 70% (b) 80%
(c) 90% (d) 100%
- Coal was first dig in 1239 in
(a) Kuwait (b) USA
(c) England (d) India
- Coal mining started in India from
(a) 17th centuary (b) 18th centuary
(c) 19th centuary (d) 16th centuary
- Coaltar, coal gas and coke are related product of
(a) Coal (b) Petroleum
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of the above
- Each coal ball is a mass of
(a) Calcium carbonate (b) Magnesium carbonate
(c) Iron sulphide (d) All the above
- Coal is
(a) Renewable source (b) Non-renewable source
(c) Cycling source (d) All the above
- The pioneer country in the production of fuel alcohol is
[MP PMT 1994]
(a) Suadi Arabia (b) Iran, Iraq
(c) Brazil (d) Japan
- Existence of coal and petroleum may be detected with the study of [MP PMT 1994]
(a) Palaeobotany (b) Ecology
(c) Bacteriology (d) Economic Botany
- P.G. cooking gas is [MP PMT 1994]
(a) Low pressure gas (b) Biogas
(c) Fossil fuel (d) Low price gas
- Energy source which do not remove CO2 [RPMT 1995]
(a) Oil (b) Coke
(c) Nuclear energy (d) Other organic substance
- Domestic cooking gas cylinder is filled with [MP PMT 1998]
(a) Alcohol (b) Diesel oil
(c) Liquid petroleum gas (d) Coal gas
- Most of the petrocrops belong to family [MP PMT 1999]
(a) Leguminosae (b) Euphorbiaceae
(c) Rutaceae (d) Malvaceae
- As a result of pyrolysis, which one of the following is produced [MP PMT 1999]
(a) Alcohol (b) Charcoal
(c) Charcoal and gas (d) Charcoal, gas and oil
- Who is credited with identifying petro-crops [MP PMT 1999]
(a) Swaminathan (b) Calvin
(c) Krebs (d) Borlang
- Petroleum plant is [MP PMT 2003]
(a) Euphorbia lathyrus (b) Brickellia sp
(c) Albizia (d) Both (a) and (b)
- Petroleum yielding plants or pteroplants belong to family
[MP PMT 2004]
(a) Apocynaceae (b) Asclepladaceae
(c) Euphorbiaceae (d) All of these
Bark, wood, beverages, spices and condiments
- Which variety of Barley suits best in the production of malt whisky, beer and other alcoholic beverages
(a) Two–rowed variety (b) Four–rowed variety
(c) Six–rowed variety (d) Any of the above
- Secale cerelae is a used for the preparation of
(a) Wine (b) Beer
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of the above
- Cinnamomum zeylanicum is the botanical name of
(a) Hijjal (b) Dalchini
(c) Rohan (d) Kunain
- Match the following plants according to their family
Plants Family
- Lodh tree I. Lecythidaceae
- Qunine II. Lauraceae
- Kachnar III. Symplocaceae
- Indian oak IV. Meliaceae
- Dalchini V. Caesalpiniaceae
- Rohan VI. Rubiaceae
Correct pair is
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | |
(a) | I | II | III | IV | V | VI |
(b) | VI | V | IV | III | II | I |
(c) | III | VI | V | I | II | IV |
(d) | II | I | IV | V | VI | III |
- Piper betle is the botanical name of
(a) Pan (b) Tulsi
(c) Kali mirch (d) Long
- Which of the following pair is used as condiments
(a) Ferula and Papaver (b) Curcuma and Ferula
(c) Cinchona and Ferula (d) Cinchona and Papaver
- Nutmegs of commerce which is extensively used as spices belong to genus
(a) Myristica (b) Eugenia
(c) Cinnamomum (d) Acacia
- Where do you find cardamom hills
(a) Kerala (b) Madhya Pradesh
(c) Uttar Pradesh (d) West Bengal
- Catechu is obtained from the
(a) Leaf of Acacia (b) Seeds of Acacia
(c) Wood of Acacia (d) Roots of Acacia
- Cinnamon is obtained from [DPMT 1978; BHU 1987]
(a) Cinnamomum zeylanicum
(b) Eugenia caryophyllata
(c) Coriandrum sativum
(d) Capsicum annum
- Saffron plants belong to family [BHU 1979]
(a) Iridaceae (b) Araceae
(c) Zingiberaceae (d) Liliaceae
- A clove represents a
[BHU 1982, 84, 90; MP PMT 1990, 96; AIIMS 2001]
(a) Terminal bud (b) Accessory bud
(c) Flower bud (d) Vegetative bud
- From which part of turmeric plant (Curcuma longa), the turmeric powder is obtained [BHU 1984]
(a) Seed (b) Dried rhizome
(c) Dried root (d) Dried fruit
- Ginger is a [CPMT 1984]
(a) Bulb (b) Tuber
(c) Rhizome (d) Corm
- Vitis is a tendril climber, a species which is extensively used for [BHU 1988]
(a) Charas (b) Wine
(c) Opium (d) Volatile oil
- Bhojpatra is derived from [BHU 1988]
(a) Bark of Cinchona (b) Bark of Dalbergia
(c) Bark of Betula utillis (d) Leaves of Piper
- Timber is [MP PMT 1996]
(a) Secondary phloem (b) Phellem
(c) Secondary cortex (d) Secondary xylem
- Coffee plant belongs to [MP PMT 1996]
(a) Sterculiaceae (b) Rubiaceae
(c) Annonaceae (d) Cruciferae
- Commercial cutch is obtained from the heart wood of
[MP PMT 1998; CET Pune 1998]
(a) Acacia senegal (b) Acacia catechu
(c) Acacia arabica (d) All of the above plants
- The tobacco plant Nicotiana tobacum belongs to the family
[Pune CET 1998]
(a) Solanaceae (b) Euphorbiaceae
(c) Urticaceae (d) Moraceae
- The botanical name of the peepal tree is [CPMT 1999]
(a) Cajanus cajan (b) Ficus religiosa
(c) Pisum sativum (d) Ficus benghalensis
- Germinating barley seeds are used in preparation of
[MP PMT 2000, 01]
(a) Cheese (b) Wine
(c) Beer (d) Lactic acid
- Lightest wood is [CBSE PMT 2001; JIPMER 2002]
(a) Hardwichia binata (b) Ochromoa lagopus balsa
(c) Cereus giganteus (d) Cycas
- Botanical name of tea is [MP PMT 2002]
(a) Sinensis thea (b) Sinensis
(c) Thea sinensis (d) Coffea arabica
- The uniformly sweet taste of coffee or tea is due to
[JIPMER 2002]
(a) Spreading (b) Permeability
(c) Distribution (d) Diffusion
- Major foreign exchange earner for are India is [AFMC 2003]
(a) Tea (b) Coffee
(c) Rice (d) Wheat
- Indian rose wood tree is common name of : [BHU 2004]
(a) Acacia (b) Shorea
(c) Dalbergia (d) Eucalyptus
- Pungency of chilli is due to [Orissa JEE 2005]
(a) Capsaicin (b) Paperin
(c) Diosgenin (d) Shikorin
- Chicory powder which is mixed with offee powder is obtained from [BHU 2005]
(a) Root (b) Leaf
(c) Stem (d) Seeds
- What is tetraploid solid wheat and hexaploid club wheat
(a) T. spelta and T. durum respectively
(b) T. compactum and T. turgidum respectively
(c) T. turgidum and T. compactum respectively
(d) T. aestivum and T. spelta respectively
- Which of the following food grains have never been reported from any of the archaeological excavations in India
(a) Wheat (b) Barley
(c) Rice (d) Maize
- Why maize is not mentioned in any of the ancient literature prior to sixteenth century ? Because
(a) Maize got evolved after 16th century
(b) Maize was not liked by ancient people
(c) Maize was a wild plant growing in forests
(d) Maize was introduced from new world after its discovery in 1942
- Which of the plant yield yellow dye and also used as medicine
(a) Curcuma domestica (b) Butea monosperma
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of the above
- Snow rose belongs to genus
(a) Rheum (b) Rhododendron
(c) Rumex (d) None of the above
- Medicine for curing impotancy is prepared by
(a) Asparagus racemosa (b) Acacia arabica
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of the above
- Polymyxin B can be extracted from
(a) Anabaena cylindrica (b) Chlorella
(c) Laminaria (d) None of the above
- Which of the following is given as a decoction in jaundice, paralysis, urinary troubles, menstrual disorders, inflammatory condition of chest etc.
(a) Aconite (b) Celery
(c) Indian madar (d) Harjory
- Match the following
- Ranunculaceae I. Heeng
- Umbelliferae II. Indian madar
- Solanaceae III. Sarpgandha
- Menispermaceae IV. Mulathi
- Papilionaceae V. Harjori
- Apocyanaceae VI. Ashwagandha
- Rubiaceae VII. Ajmod
- Umbelliferae VIII. Aconite
Correct pair is
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | |
(a) | VIII | VII | VI | V | IV | III | II | I |
(b) | I | II | III | IV | V | VI | VII | VIII |
(c) | II | III | IV | V | VI | VII | VIII | I |
(d) | VII | VI | V | IV | III | II | I | VIII |
- Which of the following plant’s decoction is given in uterine disorders especially in menorrhagia and leucorrhoea
(a) Saraca indica (b) Symplocos racemosa
(c) Barringtonia acutangula (d) Soyamida febrifuga
- Match the following
‘A’ ‘B’
- Amaltas I. Plantaginaceae
- Amla II. Caesalpiniaceae
- Afim III. Euphorbiaceae
- Pipalmul IV. Papaveraceae
- Bahera V. Piperaceae
- Isabgol VI. Combretaceae
Correct pairing is
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | |
(a) | I | II | III | IV | V | VI |
(b) | II | III | IV | V | VI | I |
(c) | III | IV | V | VI | I | VII |
(d) | IV | V | VI | I | II | III |
- Which of the following is general homeopathic medicine and given in general debility, chronic rheumatism, intermittent fevers, diarrhoea, hysteria, hydrophobia, cholera etc
(a) Nux vomica (b) Belleric myrobalan
(c) Emblic (d) Blonde psyllium
- The rhizome and stalk of male fern ….. yield oleore sinous substance used for the expulsion of tapeworms
(a) Dryopteris filix (b) Selaginella species
(c) Lycopodium clavatum (d) Azolla
- What types of fibres are found in plants
(a) Bast fibre
(b) Wood fibre
(c) Sclerenchyma of pericycle
(d) All the above
- Poppy oil is used as edible oil even if the plant is having narcotic properties and oil has
(a) Normal oily property (b) Narcotic property
(c) Highly narcotic (d) None of the above
- Which of the following oil is used in the preparation of typewriter ink
(a) Linum oil (b) Brassica oil
(c) Chir oil (d) None of the above
- Non-essential cotton seed oil and groundnut seed oil is obtained from cotyledons. These oils are
(a) Drying type
(b) Semi-drying type
(c) Non-drying and semi-drying respectively
(d) Semi-drying and non-drying respectively
- Which of the following plant yield sugar
(a) Acer saccharum (b) Acer nigrum
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of the above
- Majority of improved varieties of sugarcane are produced by crosses between Noble-cane and Cob-cane, which are respectively
(a) Saccharum robustum and S. spontaneum
(b) S. spontaneum and S. officinarum
(c) S. officinarum and S. robustum
(d) S. officinarum and S. spontaneum
- Petroleum is derived from words ‘Petra meaning rock and ‘Oleum’ meaning oil. Words ‘Petra’ and ‘Oleum’ are
(a) Greek words (b) Latin words
(c) Indian words (d) Chinese words
- Which of the following is grown as most important source of textile fibres in Bengal [BHU 1978]
(a) Crotolaria (b) Gossypium
(c) Corchorus (d) Linum
- In certain parts of India muscular distrophy is commonly found among the poor people because they eat cheap pulses of [BHU 1981]
(a) Phaseolus mungo (b) Pisum sativum
(c) Lathyrus sativus (d) Cicer
- The fibres of commercial importance are obtained from
[AFMC 1981; CBSE PMT 1988]
(a) Parenchyma (b) Collenchyma
(c) Chlorenchyma (d) Sclerenchyma
- Which of the following provides 3 important ingradients of our food namely carbohydrates, fats and proteins
[DPMT 1982]
(a) Ground nut (b) Gram
(c) Castor (d) Mango
- Which of the following plant seeds are used as “jeweller’s weight” [RPMT 1983]
(a) Cajanus cajan (b) Lens culinaris
(c) Glycine max (d) Abrus precatorious
- Reserpine an alkaloid or drug extracted from roots of the following plant which cures the mental disorders and reduces or check the blood pressure or A hypertension drug is derived from
[AFMC 1983, 85; AIIMS 1987; BHU 1989; MP PMT 1988, 90, 91, 99, 2001; RPMT 2002]
(a) Rauwolfia serpentina (b) Ferula asafoetida
(c) Atropa belladona (d) Digitalis perpurea
- A fibre of greatest commercial importance is derived from epidermis of seeds or outside the seed coat is
[DPMT 1984; MP PMT 1984, 88; BHU 1980]
(a) Flax (b) Coir
(c) Cotton (d) Hemp
- The plant which is used as a source of spice as well as dye is
[BHU 1989]
(a) Turmeric (b) Cardamom
(c) Clove (d) Indigofera
- One of the group of fibre yielding plants of economic importance is [CPMT 1990; MP PMT 1998]
(a) Gossypium, Hibiscus, Crotolaria, Cannabis
(b) Gossypium, Cassia, Lycopersicum
(c) Gossypium, Brassica, Glycine
(d) Gossypium, Agave, Nicotiana
- In those plants whose pulp is of economical importance, they are generally propagated by vegetative means because
[CBSE PMT 1991]
(a) It is cheaper
(b) It is more economical
(c) The pulp quality remains same
(d) The pulp quality becomes better
- Which of the following pair of plants gives oil and fibre both
[CBSE PMT 1992]
(a) Gossypium and Brassica
(b) Brassica, Linum, Usitatissimum
(c) Cotton, Flax
(d) Sunflower and Brassica
- From which of the following family, drug Atropine is obtained which is used for eye trouble [CPMT 1995]
(a) Solanaceae (b) Liliaceae
(c) Ranunculaceae (d) Graminae
- Which of the following is the new world spice that has become an essential part of Indian cuisine
[CBSE PMT 1995]
(a) Red pepper (b) Cardamom
(c) Ginger (d) Black pepper
- Which part of the plant Eugenia aromatica do we use (in the form of cloves) as an aromatic spice [Manipal MEE 1995]
(a) Dried fruit
(b) Dried and roasted seed
(c) Unopened dried flower bud
(d) Dried leaf
- The correct representation of the alkaloids obtained from Opium is [RPMT 1997]
(a) Morphine > Codeine > Thebaine
(b) Morphine < Codeine < Thebaine
(c) Morphine > Codeine < Thebaine
(d) Morphine > Codeine < Nicotine
- (A) Reserpine
(B) Ephedrine
(C) Ajmaline
(D) Colchicine
Alkaloid pair which is completely unrelated with Rouwolfia is
[RPMT 1997]
(a) A, B (b) B, C
(c) C, D (d) B, D
- The plant whose seeds yield safflower and the petals an orange dye is [MP PMT 1998]
(a) Calendula officinalis (b) Helianthus annus
(c) Rauwolfia serpentina (d) Carthamus tinctorius
- Possibilities of presence of coal in a particular area can be guessed by the study of [MP PMT 1998; BHU 2002]
(a) Economic botany (b) Ecology
(c) Pollen grains analysis (d) Mining the area
- Some of the familiar example of the family Liliaceae are
[Pb. PMT 1999; RPMT 1999]
(a) Saraca indica, Allium cepa, Aloe vera
(b) Allium sativum, Allium cepa, Aloe vera
(c) Allium cepa, Aloe vera, Tamarindus indica
(d) Tamarindus indica, Allium cepa, Allium sativum
- Which of the following depends on man for its cultivation and will vanish without men’s help [CPMT 1999]
(a) Rice (b) Maize
(c) Wheat (d) Potato
- Arachis hypogea exhibits [AIEEE 2003]
(a) Epicarpy (b) Apocarpy
(c) Geocarpy (d) Syncarpy
Read the assertion and reason carefully to mark the correct option out of the options given below :
(a) If both the assertion and the reason are true and the reason is a correct explanation of the assertion
(b) If both the assertion and reason are true but the reason is not a correct explanation of the assertion
(c) If the assertion is true but the reason is false
(d) If both the assertion and reason are false
(e) If the assertion is false but reason is true
- Assertion : Pulses are called “poor man’s meat”.
Reason : Pulses contain complete protein.
- Assertion : Two diseases in humans, lathyrism and favism are associated with legumes.
Reason : Mainly grain legumes, including the edible ones contain toxic and biologically active substances.
- Assertion : Pigeon pea is the second most important pulse in India.
Reason : Pigeon pea is a woody, perennial shrub.
- Assertion : Vegetable oils are fats, which are present in plant cells in soluble form.
Reason : Vegetable oils only occur in cells of the embryo.
- Assertion : Sunflower oil is suggested for heart patients.
Reason : Sunflower oil does not increase the cholesterol level.
- Assertion : Corchorus capsularis yields Tossa jute.
Reason : Tossa jute is obtained from stem.
- Assertion : The banana is “The tree of paradise”.
Reason : Apple is called “The tree of knowledge”.
- Assertion : Mostly Coffea arabica produces coffee.
Reason : It is the source of instant coffee.
- Assertion : Theine cause bitterness and astringency of tea leaves.
Reason : The flavour of tea is due to the ethereal oil.
- Assertion : The leaves and tops of Belladonna are medicinally important.
Reason : Belladonne alkaloids are used as an antidote to opium.
- Assertion : Teak is one of the most famous timber.
Reason : Sapwood and heart wood of teak are termite resistant.
- Assertion : Reserpine is hypertensive agent.
Reason : Reserpine is obtained from the dried roots of Rouwolfia serpentina.
Cereals, pulses, fruits, vegetables and nuts
1 | a | 2 | c | 3 | c | 4 | a | 5 | d |
6 | c | 7 | a | 8 | c | 9 | d | 10 | d |
11 | c | 12 | a | 13 | b | 14 | d | 15 | a |
16 | d | 17 | b | 18 | a | 19 | a | 20 | a |
21 | a | 22 | a | 23 | c | 24 | d | 25 | a |
26 | d | 27 | c | 28 | d | 29 | a | 30 | d |
31 | d | 32 | a | 33 | b | 34 | a | 35 | a |
36 | c | 37 | a | 38 | a | 39 | a | 40 | b |
41 | c | 42 | b | 43 | d | 44 | d | 45 | a |
46 | c | 47 | a | 48 | a | 49 | d | 50 | b |
51 | a | 52 | c | 53 | d | 54 | d | 55 | c |
56 | b | 57 | c | 58 | b | 59 | d | 60 | c |
61 | b | 62 | c | 63 | a | 64 | d | 65 | c |
66 | a | 67 | b | 68 | a | 69 | c | 70 | b |
71 | b | 72 | c | 73 | c | 74 | a | 75 | b |
76 | b | 77 | c | 78 | a | 79 | c | 80 | a |
81 | c | 82 | d | 83 | c | 84 | c | 85 | c |
86 | b | 87 | a | 88 | a | 89 | b | 90 | d |
91 | c | 92 | d | 93 | b | 94 | b | 95 | b |
96 | a | 97 | d | 98 | c | 99 | d | 100 | d |
101 | b | 102 | a | 103 | a | 104 | b | 105 | b |
106 | a | 107 | a | 108 | d | 109 | c | 110 | d |
111 | a | 112 | b | 113 | d | 114 | a | 115 | b |
116 | c | 117 | c | 118 | d | 119 | a | 120 | b |
121 | c | 122 | b | 123 | c | 124 | a | 125 | c |
126 | a | 127 | b | 128 | a | 129 | a | 130 | c |
131 | c | 132 | a | 133 | d | 134 | b | 135 | a |
136 | a | 137 | a | 138 | c | 139 | b | 140 | c |
141 | a | 142 | d | 143 | b | 144 | b | 145 | b |
146 | b | 147 | c | 148 | d | 149 | b | 150 | a |
151 | b | 152 | b | 153 | a | 154 | b | 155 | c |
156 | b |
Medicinal plants
1 | d | 2 | a | 3 | a | 4 | a | 5 | c |
6 | b | 7 | d | 8 | d | 9 | a | 10 | b |
11 | b | 12 | c | 13 | a | 14 | c | 15 | d |
16 | c | 17 | a | 18 | a | 19 | a | 20 | b |
21 | d | 22 | b | 23 | a | 24 | a | 25 | c |
26 | b | 27 | a | 28 | b | 29 | a | 30 | a |
31 | b | 32 | b | 33 | c | 34 | b | 35 | b |
36 | a | 37 | a | 38 | a | 39 | c | 40 | c |
41 | c | 42 | c | 43 | b | 44 | c | 45 | c |
46 | a | 47 | a | 48 | a | 49 | d | 50 | a |
51 | a | 52 | a | 53 | b | 54 | d | 55 | c |
56 | c | 57 | c | 58 | c | 59 | a | 60 | b |
61 | a | 62 | a | 63 | a | 64 | b | 65 | a |
66 | b | 67 | a | 68 | d | 69 | c | 70 | a |
71 | a | 72 | d | 73 | c | 74 | c | 75 | b |
76 | a | 77 | a | 78 | c | 79 | b | 80 | a |
81 | a | 82 | b | 83 | c | 84 | b | 85 | b |
86 | a | 87 | d | 88 | a | 89 | c | 90 | a |
91 | a | 92 | a | 93 | c | 94 | c | 95 | c |
96 | b | 97 | b | 98 | c | 99 | b | 100 | b |
101 | a | 102 | d | 103 | b | 104 | b | 105 | a |
106 | a | 107 | b | 108 | b | 109 | c | 110 | d |
111 | b | 112 | d | 113 | d | 114 | a |
Fibre plants
1 | c | 2 | d | 3 | d | 4 | d | 5 | a |
6 | b | 7 | a | 8 | b | 9 | d | 10 | b |
11 | c | 12 | c | 13 | c | 14 | a | 15 | d |
16 | a | 17 | b | 18 | a | 19 | c | 20 | c |
21 | a | 22 | b | 23 | d | 24 | a | 25 | a |
26 | a | 27 | d | 28 | c | 29 | b | 30 | a |
31 | b | 32 | d | 33 | b | 34 | b | 35 | c |
36 | c | 37 | b | 38 | a | 39 | d | 40 | b |
41 | b | 42 | b | 43 | c | 44 | c | 45 | a |
46 | a | 47 | c | 48 | b | 49 | b | 50 | b |
51 | a | 52 | c | 53 | b | 54 | d | 55 | b |
56 | a | 57 | d | 58 | b | 59 | b | 60 | c |
61 | b | 62 | d | 63 | c | 64 | a | 65 | a |
66 | b | 67 | b | 68 | a | 69 | c | 70 | c |
71 | d | 72 | b | 73 | d | 74 | b | 75 | b |
76 | c | 77 | b | 78 | a | 79 | a | 80 | d |
81 | c | 82 | b | 83 | d | 84 | b | 85 | a |
86 | a | 87 | c | 88 | a | 89 | d |
1 | c | 2 | c | 3 | a | 4 | b | 5 | d |
6 | c | 7 | b | 8 | c | 9 | b | 10 | b |
11 | d | 12 | b | 13 | c | 14 | a | 15 | b |
16 | c | 17 | b | 18 | d | 19 | d | 20 | c |
21 | b | 22 | c | 23 | d | 24 | c | 25 | a |
26 | a | 27 | c | 28 | a | 29 | d | 30 | d |
31 | c | 32 | d | 33 | d | 34 | a | 35 | b |
36 | d | 37 | c | 38 | c | 39 | c | 40 | a |
41 | b | 42 | a | 43 | b | 44 | b | 45 | a |
46 | b | 47 | d | 48 | a | 49 | b | 50 | c |
51 | b | 52 | d |
Resins, rubber, latex, dye and sugar
1 | c | 2 | b | 3 | c | 4 | c | 5 | c |
6 | d | 7 | c | 8 | b | 9 | c | 10 | b |
11 | d | 12 | c | 13 | b | 14 | d | 15 | c |
16 | b | 17 | b | 18 | a | 19 | d | 20 | d |
21 | a | 22 | a | 23 | d | 24 | a | 25 | b |
26 | d | 27 | c | 28 | a | 29 | b | 30 | c |
31 | d | 32 | c | 33 | a | 34 | a | 35 | c |
36 | d | 37 | d | 38 | a |
Petroleum, coal and gas
1 | d | 2 | a | 3 | c | 4 | d | 5 | c |
6 | c | 7 | b | 8 | d | 9 | d | 10 | d |
11 | d | 12 | b | 13 | c | 14 | b | 15 | a |
16 | d | 17 | b | 18 | c | 19 | a | 20 | c |
21 | c | 22 | c | 23 | b | 24 | d | 25 | b |
26 | d | 27 | d |
Bark, wood, beverages, spices and condiments
1 | a | 2 | c | 3 | b | 4 | c | 5 | a |
6 | b | 7 | a | 8 | a | 9 | c | 10 | a |
11 | a | 12 | c | 13 | b | 14 | c | 15 | b |
16 | c | 17 | d | 18 | b | 19 | b | 20 | a |
21 | b | 22 | c | 23 | b | 24 | c | 25 | d |
26 | a | 27 | c | 28 | a | 29 | a |
Critical Thinking Questions
1 | c | 2 | d | 3 | d | 4 | a | 5 | b |
6 | a | 7 | a | 8 | c | 9 | a | 10 | a |
11 | b | 12 | a | 13 | a | 14 | d | 15 | a |
16 | a | 17 | d | 18 | c | 19 | d | 20 | a |
21 | c | 22 | c | 23 | d | 24 | a | 25 | d |
26 | a | 27 | c | 28 | a | 29 | a | 30 | c |
31 | c | 32 | a | 33 | a | 34 | c | 35 | a |
36 | d | 37 | d | 38 | c | 39 | b | 40 | b |
41 | c |
Assertion and Reason
1 | c | 2 | a | 3 | b | 4 | d | 5 | a |
6 | e | 7 | b | 8 | c | 9 | e | 10 | b |
11 | c | 12 | e |
Cereals, pulses, fruits, vegetables and nuts
- (c) Wheat is a Rabi Crop, i.e., sown in October and November.
- (c) Wheat straw is used for seating chairs stuffing mattresses and also used as fodder.
- (a) Maize, in India is grown as a Kharif crop i.e.,, sown in June – July.
- (b) Wheat and Rice are cereals.
- (b) Arhar (Cajanus cajan) belong to family Leguminosae (Papilionaceae)
- (a) Lobia (Vigna unguiculata) belong to family Fabaceae.
- (a) Soybean (Glycine max) milk is highly nutritious and used for infants.
- (a) Its green pods and seeds eaten as vegetable.
- (c) Ergot of bajra (Cleviceps purpurea) produces aflatoxin.
- (a) Coconut chiefly grow in Kerala (in Malayalam or Sanskrit, ‘Karalam’ means land of coconuts).
- (b) Rice contains about 90% carbohydrate, 8 – 10% protein, 1% fat and about 1% mineral.
- (a) Brown spots appear on leaves, leaf sheath and glumes by fungus helminthosporium oryzae.
- (a) Maize is rich in thiamine but poor in lysine and tryptophan.
- (a) In India cicer arietinum in sown as rabi crop at the end of the rainy season.
- (b) Wheat is grown in the 45o – 60o latitudes of northern and southern hemisphere. Temperate climate in necessary to complete its life cycle.
- (a) It contains 43% protein and approximately 20% oil.
- (c) In India the area under wheat cultivation is about 29 million acres.
- (d) Basmati is flavoured rice cultivated in parts of U.P. and Haryana.
- (b) Approximately 50% of the total area under cultivation of cereal crops is rice and it is the main staple food of India.
- (b) Most of the cereals, pulses, oil seeds, vegetables are botanically fruits.
- (a) It contains highest energy per unit weight.
- (c) Brassica oleracea plant a short erect stem is produced with an undeveloped inflorescence. The whole inflorescence forms a large head of absortive flowers on thick hypertrophied branches and inflorescence in eaten as vegetable.
- (a) India and china are considered to be centre to origin of rice i.e.,, old world crop.
- (c) Lathyrism (Paralysis of lower limbs) results from excessive and prolonged consumption of khesari dal.
- (a) Study of vegetable crop cultivation is called olericulture (branch of horticulture).
- (a) Artifical butter prepared from ground nut oil is called Margarine.
- (b) Common cultivated wheat is an example of allopolyploidy. Triticum aestivum is hexaploid with 2n = 42 and derived from three diploid species (i) AA = Triticum aequilopoides (2n = 14), (ii) BB = Aegilops speltoides (2n = 14), (iii) DD = Aegilops squarrossa (2n = 14).
- (a) Triticum monococcum is a diploid wheat having 14 (2n) chromosomes. It is also called Einkorn wheat and believed to be most ancient species of wheat.
- (b) Jawar, Maize, Sugarcane, Wheat and Rice belongs to family Gramineae or Poaceae.
- (b) Vivipary is the condition when seeds are germinate on the plant. It is an undesirable character for annual crop plants because germinated seeds can not be stored under normal conditions for the next season.
Medicinal plant
- (d) Charas is smoked. It is the most powerful form of drug. Bhang is generally taken with cold drink in India and it is also smoked. Ganja is also used for smoking and it has a high resin content. These used of hemp as a narcotic stimulant is very old.
- (a) The drug commonly known as aconite is obtained from the roots (Aconitum napellus). It is used externally for rheumatism and internally to relieve pain and fever.
- (b) Licorice root contains glycyrrhizic acid. It is given in cough, bronchitis and its infusion is given in sore throat.
- (d) The quinine tree (Cinchona officinalis) is native to the Andes of South America.
- (c) Cocaine is obtained from leaf. The leaves are generally chewed with lime.
- (a) Eucalyptus leaves is largely used as a mosquito and vermin repellent and as an ingredient of germicidial and disinfecting preparations.
- (d) The dried roots of Rauwolfia serpentina are an important source of an alkaloid reserpine. The two main pharmacological actions of reserpine, lowering the blood pressure and sedative influence and in the clinical use of reserpine in geriatrics it is reported to be of value in nervousness, insomnia etc.