Diversity of Life | Systematics | MCQ | Self evolution | 2.3
- When generic name is repeated in specific name of a plant it is called
(a) Synonyms (b) Antonyms
(c) Tautonyms (d) None of the above
- About how many species, scientific names have been provided
(a) 10 million (b) 5 million
(c) 2.8 million (d) 1.7 million
- Which of the following statements regarding nomenclature is correct
(a) Generic name always begins with capital letter whereas specific names does not
(b) Scientific name should be printed in italics
(c) Scientific names when typed or handwritten should be underlined
(d) All statements are correct
- The book ‘Genera plantarum’ was written by
[CBSE PMT 1999, 2001]
(a) Bessy (b) Hutchinson
(c) Engler and Prantl (d) Bentham and Hooker
- Archegoniatae include [MP PMT 1993]
(a) Algae, fungi and viruses
(b) Algae, lichens and bryophytes
(c) Bryophytes, pteridophytes and gymnosperms
(d) Pteridophytes, gymnosperms and angiosperms
- On the basis of body organization, animals are grouped as
[MP PMT 1997]
(a) Metazoa and eumetazoa
(b) Protozoa and parazoa
(c) Parazoa and metazoa
(d) Protozoa and metazoa
- Radial symmetry is usually exhibited in animals which
[CBSE PMT 1994, 96; AIIMS 1999]
(a) Have one opening of alimentary canal
(b) Have ciliary mode of feeding
(c) Are attached to the substratum
(d) Live in water
- A group of closely related, structurally and functionally similar organisms is known as
(a) Genus (b) Species
(c) Sibling species (d) Subline species
- The categorical level of various taxa is called
(a) Key
(b) Taxonomy
(c) Hierarchy
(d) Vertical classification
- “Law of priority” says that the valid name of an organism is
(a) Most popular name
(b) Name given in Latin
(c) Oldest used name
(d) Oldest name modified by new workers
- The biologcial species concept was given by
(a) K. Jordan (1905)
(b) John Ray (1693)
(c) Linnaeus (1758)
(d) Ernst Mayr (1963)
- Artifical system of classification was first used by
[CBSE PMT 1989, 90]
(a) Linnaeus
(b) De Candolle
(c) Theophrastus
(d) Bentham and Hooker
- Number of criteria used in classifying organisms in five-kingdom classification is [MP PMT 2001]
(a) 5 (b) 4
(c) 3 (d) 2
- Institution which encourages publication of local flora is
[APMEE 2001]
(a) NBRI (b) FRI
(c) BSI (d) IARI
- The term new systematics was given by Julian Huxley in
[BVP 2002]
(a) 1809 (b) 1901
(c) 1840 (d) 1940
1 | c | 2 | d | 3 | d | 4 | d | 5 | c |
6 | d | 7 | c | 8 | a | 9 | c | 10 | c |
11 | d | 12 | c | 13 | a | 14 | c | 15 | d |
- (c) If both generic and specific names are same, these are called tautonyms.
- (d) Scientific names are the names given by biologists which are universal and not liable to change with time or language. Currently about 1.7 million species of animals and plants have been given scientific names, 1.2 million animals and 0.5 million plants.
- (d) According to ICBN and ICZN all statements are correct.
- (d) A natural system of classification for higher plants was worked out by Bentham and Hooker in their Genera plantarum.
- (c) Archegoniatae is a group of embryophytes having archegonia. Its include bryophytes, pteridophytes and gymnosperm.
- (d) On the basis of body organization, kingdom animalia divided into two subkingdom protozoa and metazoa.
- (c) In radial symmetry, a number of similar parts radiate out from a central axis. The body of the individuals can be divided into equal halves by any plane passing through the centre from top to bottom.
- (c) Hierarchy is the arrangement of organism in a definite sequence of categories depending upon their relative dimensions.
- (c) According to the ‘law of priority’ the oldest name is valid. The name under which the species was first described is a valid name.
- (d) Modern concept of species is biological species concept introduced by Ernst Mayr (1963).
- (c) Artificial system of classification was first used by Theophrastus. A classification based on one or a few superficial similarities is called an artificial system of classification.
- (a) The main criteria for classifying organisms into five kingdoms are complexity of cell structure, body organisation, the mode of nutrition, life style and the phylogenetic relationships.
- (c) Botanical survey of India at Kolkata explores the plant wealth of India.
- (d) The term new systematics was proposed by Sir Julian Huxley in 1940. In the new systematics, the species are considered related to one another mutable and the work of gradual modification. This is in conformity with the facts of evolution.