Crucial Reasoning Puzzle Questions
Crucial Reasoning Puzzle Questions and answers:
Direction (1-7) : Study the following information carefully to answer the given question.
Six lectures are organized during a week, starting from Monday & ending on Sunday. Computer Science is not on Tuesday or Saturday. Psychology is exactly after the Organizational Practices. Statistics is not on Friday & there is a holiday for one day between Statistics & Research Methods. There is not any lecture before Economics (because it a holiday & Monday is not a holiday).
- Which of the following is the last lecture organized?
(A) Statistics
(B) Research Methods
(C) Psychology
(D) Cannot be determined
(E) None of these
- If Wednesday is the holiday, then the code will be 2 – 4. If Thursday is a holiday, then the code will be 3-3. Which of the following codes is corrects on the basis of the holiday?
(A) 2-4
(B) 3-3
(C) 4-2
(D) Cannot be determined
(E) None of these
- Which lecture will be conducted on Friday?
(A) Economics
(B) Psychology
(C) Computer Science
(D) Cannot be determined
(E) None of these
- How many lectures were organized between Economics & Psychology?
(A) One
(B) Two
(C) Three
(D) Cannot be determined
(E) None of these
- On which day the Computer Science was organized?
(A) Monday
(B) Wednesday
(C) Thursday
(D) Cannot be determined
(E) None of these
- Which day is a holiday?
(A) Tuesday
(B) Wednesday
(C) Friday
(D) Cannot be determined
(E) None of these
- If somebody wants to attend any two lectures from Psychology, Research Methods & Computer Science; & wish that both days should come one after other than which of the following combinations of the lectures should be selected?
(A) Research Methods, Computer Science
(B) Phycology, Computer Science
(C) Psychology, Research Methods
(D) Any two out of three are possible
(E) It is not possible with the condition on the day after day