What is Campus Recruitment?
The IT industry has seen stupendous growth during the last decade. It employed around five lakh employees in 1999 and today, it directly employs twenty five lakh employees. Also, the indirect employment attributed to IT & ITES sector, is approximately 80 lakh. As per NASSCOM, the workforce in Indian IT industry is expected to touch 3 crore by 2020. This year, there is a plan to recruit nearly 2.5 lakh engineering graduates from various campuses. For example, TCS plans to add 60,000 workers this year. Infosys plans to hire around 45,000 people this year. Similarly, Cognizant recruited 25,000 professionals last year and plans to hire a similar number of engineering graduates this year also. In addition to Indian IT firms, global giants like IBM, Accenture and HP, also have plans to hire in large numbers in India.This requirement of IT companies can be fulfilled by two different methods. In the first method, companies can reach out to the vast pool of talent through advertisements in newspapers. In this method, the prospective candidates approach the companies. This method may be particularly useful, if the number of job vacancies is less. When the number of vacancies is high, this method is time consuming. The other more proactive approach by the organization is to directly visit the campuses and recruit the candidates from those campuses. This method is referred to as Campus Recruitment. In this method, both the organizations and the prospective candidates come to a common platform. This common platform provides excellent opportunities to the companies to interact with the talented students who are ever enthusiastic and extremely motivated and who are willing to go that extra mile to prove themselves. For a student, this system provides a smooth path to enter the job market straight from the campuses.
Why Campus Recruitment?
Today, many top corporate houses are giving a lot of importance to Campus recruitment. Corporates want to hire and retain the best possible talent inorder to gain competitive edge over their rivals. During recruitment process, a company employs various selection tools to ensure that it hires right person for the right job. This quest to attain the right fit between a person and a job has magnified the importance of Campus Recruitment and not only engineering colleges but also degree colleges have started to adopt this process.In this context, it is worthwhile to mention that the job-market, today, is promising, not just, for engineering graduates but also for non-engineering graduates. Top notch IT companies are also hiring non-engineering graduates like BSc, BCA graduates, diploma holders. For example, in the year 2010-2011, Infosys made offers to 1000 non-engineering graduates. The compensation package offered to them was Rs 2.18 lakhs per annum. Similarly, TCS is recruiting commerce graduates for software development. The coding has been redesigned so that these graduates can do that part of the work, which doesnot involve engineering knowledge. This, surely, is an encouraging sign for all those who are from non-engineering backgrounds and who wish to take up jobs with companies like TCS, Infosys, Wipro etc. Not just IT industry, but other industries too are buzzing with recruitment activities. For example, the Mahindra Group, which has a wide range of businesses, plans to hire around 25,000 professionals by the end of this year.
Eligibility Criteria for entry level position
Each company has its own eligibility criteria in terms of age, qualification, year of graduation, % marks scored in Class Xth, XIIth, UG/PG. The basic eligibility criteria for entry level position in different IT companies may vary, slightly, from company to company, but broadly they do not differ much.
For example, for an entry level position in TCS, a prospective candidate should have an aggregate of 60 % in Std X, XII, & Graduation/ Post Graduation (all semesters including optional subjects). He also should have less than 2 years of gap in his academic career. Similarly, for an entry level position in Cognizant, a prospective candidate should have secured over 60% in X, XII, UG/PG(if applicable). There should be no outstanding arrears.
Stages in Selection Process:
Various stages of the selection process remain, broadly, the same for these companies, with some slight variations. These variations could be in the form of an additional or less number of stages for some companies.
The following are the stages that students normally go through as a part of Campus Recruitment:
(i) Aptitude Test (ii) GD (iii) Interviews
Aptitude Test:
Aptitude Test is one of the integral components in the entire scheme of the selection process. The areas normally covered in the aptitude tests of most companies are Quantitative ability, Reasoning, Verbal Ability and Basic Computer Skills. These tests are well structured. The kind of questions that are asked or the topics that are tested depends entirely on the company conducting the test. Each company has its own pattern.
For example, in the written test of Infosys, there are two sections, each with specified time limit. In one of the sections, 40 questions are asked, with a time limit of 35 minutes. This section tests a student’s Verbal Ability. Usually, out of 40 questions, 10 questions are on Reading Comprehension (involving two passages). The remaining questions are based on English Usage. The second section has 30 questions to be attempted in 40 minutes. This section tests a student’s problem solving ability. The type of questions can vary slightly from one exam to another. But broadly, the questions come from different areas like Data Interpretation, Data Sufficiency, Non Verbal Reasoning, Analytical Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude. As yet another example, in the online test of TCS, a total of 35 questions are asked. The questions are taken from a large pool of questions. All these 35 questions are based on either quantitative aptitude or reasoning. In Wipro, a total of 50 questions are asked, spread across 3 sections, to be attempted in 50 minutes. In test area of Verbal Ability, a total of 15 questions are asked. Out of these 3 sections, there is one section in which there are 20 questions, which test your technical knowledge and you need to have sound understanding of different subjects like Computer Science and Engineering(programming languages like C, C++), Electronics and Communications(Microprocessors). In Cognizant Technology Solutions (CTS), however, there is no technical section. As per the new pattern, there are a total of 55 questions spread across two sections.
You need to be adequately prepared to handle the aptitude test of any of these companies. This stage is very important and if you donot clear this stage, then you cannot move to the next stage in the selection process, which is usually the Group Discussion.
The next stage in the selection process is the Group Discussion.
Group Discussion:
A group discussion or GD is conducted to test the interpersonal, including communication, skills of candidates. It also tests a candidate’s knowledge and his ability to link the facts.
In a GD, a group of students is asked to discuss a topic given to them. The topics that are given in GD are of two types – Knowledge based and Abstract. GD is conducted to test certain key attributes in you. You would be tested for your clarity of thought and clarity of language. The companies, also, test your ability to understand and structure a response to the topic. Your leadership skills are also put to test during Group Discussion. In order to do well in GD, you need to read newspapers, magazines regularly.
Interview is the last stage in the entire scheme of selection process. Some companies conduct HR and Technical Interviews separately, while some other companies combine both types in a single interview. The interviews are conducted to test a candidate’s knowledge of self, his career plans, hobbies, interests, achievements, knowledge about his specialization etc. Questions can be drawn from any area. It is expected that you have a clear career goal or objective when you face an interview panel. If you are from the department of Electronics Engineering and you are applying to TCS, then it is expected that you have good command over the subjects you have learnt in your engineering. At the same time, you need to show interest in the field of IT and come up with a convincing answer as to why you are shifting your field from “Electronics Engineering” to “IT”. Overall, your confidence and your knowledge are the key attributes which would be checked here.
Each of these stages is eliminatory.
Salaries:Pay packages offered by companies are usually in the range of Rs 3 lakh to Rs 3.75 lakh a year for fresh engineering graduates.
Need for preparation: Today, many organizations seem to offer a good salary package and a better work profile. This has only intensified the competition amongst candidates. It, then, becomes very important for a candidate to display excellent professional skills – be it in terms of interpersonal skills or in terms of mathematical skills, analytical skills or technical skills. So, even good students need to fine-tune their knowledge base and enhance their overall speed and accuracy.This can be done through regular practice and under expert guidance.