34. Assertion : A cell membrane shows fluid behaviour. Reason : A membrane is a mosaic or composite of diverse lipids and proteins.
(a) If both the assertion and the reason are true and the reason is a correct explanation of the assertion
(b) If both the assertion and reason are true but the reason is not a correct explanation of the assertion
(c) If the assertion is true but the reason is false
(d) If both the assertion and reason are false
(e) If the assertion is false but reason is true
Ans. (a) With the help of freeze-fracture techniques in electron microscopy, the fluid mosaic model was put forward in 1970 by S.J. Singer and G.L. Nicolson. According to this model plasma membrane is composed of phospholipids, extrinsic proteins (intergral proteins). Selective permeability of plasma membrane can be explained with this model.