(a) Aseptate and multinucleate (b) Septate and multinucleate (c) Aseptate and uninucleate (d) Septate and uninucleate Answer. (b) The mycelium of Aspergillus consist of branch septate hyphae. Cells of hyphae are multinucleate. (194)
(a) Parenchyma (b) Chlorenchyma (c) Plectenchyma (d) Collenchyma Answer. (c) Plectenchyma (Pseudoparenchyma) is nothing but the interwoven mass of fungal mycelium which in cross-section look like parenchyma. (115)
(a) Colletotrichum falcatum (b) Phytophthora infestans (c) Potato mosiac virus (d) Alternaria solani Answer. (b) Late blight of potato is a seed born disease which is caused by Phytophthora infestans. The disease is characterised by brownish to blackish dead areas …
(a) Root knot disease – Meloidogyne javanica (b) Smut of bajra – Tolysporium penicillariae (c) Covered smut of barley – Ustilage nuda (d) Late blight of potato – Phytophthora infestans Answer. (c) Covered smut of barley is caused by Ustilago …
(a) Moulds (b) Mushrooms (c) Lichens (d) All the above Answer. (d) (106)
(a) Mitosis only (b) Mitosis and Amitosis (c) Endomitosis and Amitosis (d) Mitosis and Endomitosis Answer. (b) (68)
(a) Hemileia vastratrix (b) Helminthosporium oryzae (c) Claviceps purpurea (d) Ustilago maydis Answer. (d) (182)
(a) Phycomycetes (b) Ascomycetes (c) Basidiomycetes (d) Deuteromycetes Answer. (d) Duteromycetes is also known as fungal waste basket because its lack perfect sexual stage. (161)
(a) Protein (b) Cellulose (c) Carbohydrates (d) Lipids Answer. (c) Cell wall of yeast is rich in carbohydrates like glucan, mannan and chitin. (149)
(a) Fusarium (b) Alternaria (c) Colletotricum (d) All the above Answer. (d) (142)
(a) Sphaelotheca cruenta (b) Sphaelotheca sorghi (c) Sphaelotheca reiliana (d) Tolyposporium ehrenbergii Answer. (b) (87)
(a) Fungi toxin (b) Growth homones released by fungal infection (c) Inadequate nutrients (d) Change in photoperiods Answer. (b) Bakane disease of rice is caused by Fusarium moniliforme. The perfect stage of this fungus is Gibberella fujikuroi (ascomycete). Gibberella produces …
(a) Gametangial copulation (b) Gametic union (c) Zygote (d) Oogamy Answer. (a) Gametangial copulation involves direct conjugation (fusion) of two gametangia of opposite strain to form zygospore e.g., Rhizopus, Yeasts etc. (276)
(a) Hyphae (b) Spores (c) Zoospores (d) Ascospores Answer. (d) In ascomycetes, diploid nucleus divided by meiosis and then by mitosis to form 8 (sometimes only 4) haploid ascospores. These sexually produced ascospores remain inside the sac like structure called …
(a) Fungi (b) Algae (c) Bryophyta (d) Pteridophyta Answer. (a) (282)
(a) Gaspard Bauhin (b) De Bary (c) E.J. Butler (d) Sadasivan Answer. (a) The term fungus was used by Gaspard Bauhin (1560-1624). (218)
(a) Two haploid cells including their nuclei (b) Two haploid cells without nuclear fusion (c) Sperm and egg (d) Sperm and two polar nuclei Answer. (b) It is the first stage of sexual reproduction in which the cytoplasm …
(a) Zygospores (b) Meiospores (c) Ascospores (d) Mitospores Answer. (d) Mitospores reproduce asexually by the formation of conidia or conidiospores. These are non-motile spores produced exogenously from the tips and sides of hyphae. (69)