a. Luminol b. Tofranil c. Mescaline d. Sulphadiazine Ans. b Explanation : Factual. (8)
a. Analgesics b. Tranquilizers c. Naroctic analgesics d. Antihistamines Ans. b (5)
a. Analgesic and antipyretic b. Antibiotic c. Insecticide d. Herbicide Ans. a (8)
a. Ranitidine b. Iproniazid c. Soda – lime d. Ursodeoxy cholic acid Ans. a Explanation : The drug showing potentail control over hyperacidity in human is Rantidine. (6)
Cyanophyceae a. Green colour Chlorophyceae b. Blue green colour Phaeophyceae c. Red colour Rhodophyceae d. Brown colour (a) Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd (b) Ab, Bc, Cd, Da (c) Ab, Ba, Cd, Bc (d) Ad, Bd, Ca, Db Answer: c …
a. Aspirin b. Paracetamol c. Codeine d. Zantac Ans. c Explanation : Factual (9)
a. Analgesic b. Antipyretic c. Antimalarials d. Antibiotic Ans. d Explanation: Penicillin is an antibiotic. It is a narrow spectrum antibiotic. (8)
a. Analgesic b. Antipyretic c. Both a and b d. None of the above Ans. c Explanation : Paracetamol is used as an antipyretic as well as analgesic. (14)
a. Penicillin b. Sulphaguanidine c. chloramphenical d. none of these Ans. b Explantation : Antibics are those drugs, which act against bacterial and vain infection e.g. Chloramphenicol Streptomycin, Penicillin, Tetracyclin etc. Sulphaguanidine is a Sulphadrug. (10)
Column I Column II (A) Peritrichous flagellation (J) Ginkgo (B) Living fossil (K) Macrocystes (C) Rhizophore (L) Escherichia coli (D) Smallest flowering plant (M) Selaginella (E) Largest perennial alga (N) Wolffia (a) A – L; B – J; C – …
(a) Red algae (b) Brown algae (c) Blue green algae (d) All of these Answer: a (9)
a. Ciprofloxacin b. Paracetamol c. Ibuprofen d. Tocopherol Ans.a Explanation : Ciprofloxacin is used as antibiotic while Paracetamol, Ibuprofen and tocopherol are respectively antipyretic, pain killer and Vitamin E respectively. (7)
(a) Spine (b) Calyptra (c) Lodicule (d) Calyptrogen Answer: b (2)
a. Antimalarial b. Antideressant c. Antiseptic d. Antipyretic Ans. d Explanation : It is aspirin. (8)
(a) 1,1, many (b) 1,2,1 (c) 1,1,1 (d) 1,2,many Answer: d (6)
a. Dysentery b. Urinary infections c. Antiseptic d. Antipyrestic Ans. a Explanation : Sulphaguadine tablet is used for enteric infecetions, sterilization of colon and other conditions. (5)
(a) AB true C false (b) BC true A false (c) ABC all true (d) ABC all false Answer: c (13)
a. Aspirin b. Paracetamol c. Barbituric acid d. Phenacetin Ans. c Explanation: Rest all are antipyretic, Barbituric acid is tranquilizer. (20)
(a) Trichocyst (b) Heterocyst (c) Rhizophore (d) Glossopodium Answer: d (18)
(a) Multispory (b) Polyspory (c) Apospory (d) Germination Answer: c (9)
(2 – 3 % l 2 in water / alcohol) and some dyes like methylene blue are a. Antiseptics b. Disinfectants c. Analgesics d. Antipyretics Ans. a (11)
(a) Riccia and Funaria (b) Pteris and Cycas (c) Riccia and Cycas (d) Marchantia and Riccia Answer: b (8)
a. Typhoid b. Cholera c. Malaria d. Tuberculosis Ans. d (7)
(a) Triploid (b) Haploid (c) Diploid (d) Polyploid Answer: b (16)
a. Quinine b. Aspirin c. Analgin d. Equanil Ans. a (16)
(a) Radial walls (b) Tangential walls (c) Transverse walls (d) None of the above Answer: a (8)
a. Antiseptic b. Antipyretic c. Analgesic d. None of these Ans. a (6)
a. Tuberculosis b. Malaria c. Typhoid d. Cholera Ans. c (4)
(a) Funaria, Spirogyra, Selaginella (b) Funaria, Selaginella, Cycas (c) Spirogyra, Rhizopus, Selaginella (d) Rhizopus, Funaria, Spirogyra Answer: b (10)
a. Disinfectant b. Antiseptic c. Analgesic d. antipyretic Ans.b (8)
(a) Only a few hours (b) Only a few days (c) Only a few weeks (d) About one year Answer: d (11)
(a) There are 4 neck canal cells (b) There are 3 neck canal cells (c) There is one neck canal with one nucleus (d) There is one neck canal with two nucleus Answer: d (19)
a. Equanil b. Naproxen c. Tetracylin d. Dettol Ans. a (30)
a. Anaesthetic b. Sedative c. Antiseptic d. None of these Ans. b (12)
(a) Radicle and plumule (b) 1+10 cotyledons (c) Radicle, plumule and many cotyledons (d) 3 cotyledons + endosperm Answer: c (17)
a. Only S -enantiomer b. Only R -enantiomer c. Racemic mixture of both R and S enantiomer d. Both R and S enantiomer are active pain killers Ans.a (16)
(a) Outer layer of the integument and basal part of the ovuliferous scale (b) Inner layer of the integument and basal part of the ovuliferous scale (c) Only from outer layer of the integument (d) From ovuliferous scale Answer: a …