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(a) In the 17th century (b) In the 18th century (c) In the 19th century (d) In the early 20th century Answer: (b) In the 18th century Explanation: (b) (15)
(a) Diffusion (b) Imbibition (c) Endosmosis (d) Exosmosis (e) All of the above Ans.(b) In gram and wheat the volume increase by adsorption of water, in plant systems, adsorption of water takes place by cell wall. (37)
(a) Both protoplasm and cell wall act as a single layer (b) Only protoplast acts as a single layer (c) Only cell membrane acts as a single layer (d) None of the above Ans. c (17)
(a) Diffusion (b) Osmosis (c) Imbibition (d) All the above Ans. (c) Imbibition takes place by outermost layer of seed. (16)
(a) Cell to cell movement of water (b) Movement of water through cortical cells (c) Active absorption of water through roots (d) All the above Ans. d (12)
(a) Solutes (b) Solutions (c) Semipermeable membrane (d) Solvent Ans. (c) It is essential for operation of osmosis. In plant–water relations, biomembranes largely function as semipermeable membranes. (55)
(a) Willstatter and Stoll (b) Mayor and Anderson (c) Benson and Calvin (d) Robert Mayer Answer: (d) Robert Mayer Explanation: (d) Robert Mayer (1845) proposed that light has radiant …
(a) Melvin Calvin (b) Jean Senebie (c) Julius Robert Mayer (d) Pelletier Caventou Answer: (d) Pelletier Caventou Explanation: (d) Pelletier and Caventou (1818) discovered chlorophyll. It could be separated from leaf by boiling in alcohol (12)
(a) Decreases (b) Increases (c) Unchanged (d) None of these Ans. (b) In the course of imbibition the volume of the system increases i.e., swelling occurs. The total volume of the water imbibed plus the imbibing material is less after imbibition …
(a) Chromatography (b) Electrophorosis (c) Spectrophotometery (d) Histochemistry Answers: (a) Chromatography Explanation: (a) (32)
(a) Air (b) Derive form sea water (c) Use CO2 which is produced during their respiration only (d) Do not require CO2 at all Answer: (b) Derive form sea water Explanation: (b) (42)
(a) Ruben (b) Calvin (c) Emerson (d) Arnon Answer: (c) Emerson Explanation: (c) (19)
(a) Tropeolum (b) Impatiense balsamia (c) Tradescantia (d) All the above Ans. (c) Peel of Tradescantia leaf is generaly used for the demonstration of plasmolysis in laboratory. (20)
(a) Endosmosis (b) Exosmosis (c) Imbibition (d) Isotonic solution ans. (a) Concentration of cytoplasm of fish’s cells is higher. (13)
(a) Benson and associates (b) Rouhani and associates (c) Hatch and associates (d) Arnon and associates Answer: (b) Rouhani and associates Explanation: (b) (16)
. एक व्यक्ति ने विमान, ट्रेन और बस द्वारा कुल 1800 किमी की यात्रा की। उन्होंने पूरी यात्रा का एक तिहाई भाग विमान से पूरा किया और ट्रेन से तय की दूरी बस द्वारा तय की गई दूरी का तीन-पाँचवाँ …
(a) Permeable membrane (b) Impermeable membrane (c) Semipermeable membrane (d) None of these Ans. (c) Which allow all solvents but no solute to pass through are called semipermeable membranes, e.g., parchment paper.A (17)
(a) Hypotonic solution (b) Hypertonic solution (c) Isotonic solution (d) None of these Ans. b (16)