‘Chicken pox‘ is caused by [CBSE PMT 1992] (a) Adeno virus (b) Varicella virus (c) SV–40 virus (d) Bacteriophage T-2 Out of the following one disease is caused by virus [DPMT 1974; CPMT 1979] (a) Malaria …
n Addison’s disease is characterised by [CBSE PMT 1991] (a) Elongation of limb bones and jaw becomes broad (b) Hypertension and enlargement of thyroid (c) Loss of appetite, vomitting, muscular weakness, lowering of BMR, blood pressure and …
Diseases are classified into three main types : Communicable diseases, non-communicable and genetic disorders. Communicable Diseases Meaning : The diseases which are caused by pathogens (viruses and living organisms) and readily spread from the infected to the healthy persons …
The toxic substances produced by the foreign bodies are known as (a) Antibodies (b) Allergens (c) Antigens (d) Histamine Lymphocytes secrete a protein which causes the dilation of blood vessels. The protein is (a) Pyrogens (b) Histamine …
Generally the number of vaccinations are …….. to get complete immunity (a) 2 to 3 (b) 2 only (c) 3 only (d) 4 only The cells which produce the antibodies by stimulating the B–cells are known as …
“Disease” is a very wide term. Any change from the normal state that causes discomfort or disability or impairs the health may be called a disease. The oxford English Dictionary defines disease as “a condition of the body or …
General Introduction Pesticide is (a) Food grain preservative (b) Fungus killer (c) Insect killer (d) (b) and (c) both Mostly pesticides are (a) Useful (b) Harmful (c) Beneficial (d) All the …
Which of the following pesticide is of lipophilic nature (a) 2, 4 – D (b) DDT (c) BHC (d) All the above Most of the insecticides affect on [MP PMT 2000] (a) CNS (b) …
Since the dawn of human civilization, man has been trying to improve the agriculture. Modern agriculture employs a number of chemicals for enhancing crop yield and protecting the same. Synthetic fertilizers are added to replenish the various nutrients …
Huskies are (a) Dogs (b) Yak (c) Thick furred dogs used by Eskimos (d) Nothing A milch breed of cow is (a) Haryana (b) Malvi (c) Kankrej (d) Sahiwal Buffalo is better than cow …
Honey mainly consist of monosaccharides Both the chambers contain about 7 rectangular wooden frames called comb frames arranged vertically. The vertical frames are filled with comb foundation sheet. These sheets are made of wax and contain hexagonal imprints. They are …
The rearing of animals for specific purposes is called domestication, and such animals are called domestic animals. Domestication of animals started during the ‘hunting and gathering phase’ of human civilization. Man domesticates a variety of animals for food …
History of man is only about 50,000 years old. In the course of human history there have been three major explosions, each corresponding to a major changes in the environment. The first population explosion occurring about 20,000 years ago. It …
Indian Air Force AFCAT Recruitment 2021- Apply Online for 334 Vacancy Indian Air Force has given an employment notification for the recruitment of AFCAT (02/2021) for Flying Branch & Ground Duty (Technical and Non-Technical) Branches. NCC Special Entry/ Meteorology Entry for …