PSTCL Various Vacancy Recruitment 2021 – Apply Online for 490 Vacancy Punjab State Transmission Corporation Limited (PSTCL) has given an employment notification for the recruitment of Assistant Engineer/ OT (Electrical, Civil), Account Officer, Assistant Manager, Junior Engineer, Lower Divisional Clerk/ …
SBI Clerk Recruitment 2021 – Apply Online for 5121 Vacancy State Bank of India (SBI) has announced notification for the recruitment of Junior Associate (Customer Support & Sales) in Clerical Cadre (Regular & Backlog) vacancies. Those Candidates who are Interested …
Diatoms are [BHU 2000] (a) Fungi (b) Plantae (c) Protista (d) Protozoans Red oceanic tides can be due to [BHU 1986] (a) Diatoms (b) Dinophyceae (c) Red algae (d) Blue-green algae Some protists possess structures for regulation of …
Which group of organisms are devoid of cell wall in their vegetative stage but develop a wall in reproductive phase (a) Fungi (b) Blue–green algae (c) Slime mould (d) Archaebacteria Cell wall are well preserved as fossils in one of …
Characteristics of protista Protista (Protistos = Primary) includes unicellular eukaryotes and show the following characters : (1) Protists include solitary unicellular or colonial unicellular eukaryotic organisms which not form tissues. (2) The unicells may be naked or covered by …
Which of the following represents obligate anaerobes [CPMT 1991] (a) Spirogyra (b) Pisum sativum (c) Onion (d) Methane bacteria Which of the following is a photo–autotrophic bacterium (a) Rhodospirillum (b) Azospirillum (c) Nitrosomonas (d) Nitrobacter Rhizosphere bacteria are present around …
(a) Anaerobic breakdown of proteins is known as putrefaction. (a) The nuclear material of bacteria, consisting of naked DNA molecule, it is identified as nucleoid. (c) Glycocalyx is a loose gelatinous thin sheath called loose slime layer which is secreted …
In bacteria [AFMC 1982] (a) DNA is enclosed in nucleus (b) DNA is scattered (c) DNA is double stranded and ringed (d) None The chief component of bacterial cell wall is [MP PMT 1989] (a) Cellulose and chitin (b) Cellulose …
Characteristics of monera Monera (Monos – single) includes prokaryotes and shows the following characters : (1) They are typically unicellular organisms (but one group is mycelial). (2) The genetic material is naked circular DNA, not enclose by nuclear envelope. …
When generic name is repeated in specific name of a plant it is called (a) Synonyms (b) Antonyms (c) Tautonyms (d) None of the above About how many species, scientific names have been provided (a) 10 million (b) 5 million …
Systematics The science of naming the plant is known as [CPMT 1989] (a) Classification (b) Identification (c) Nomenclature (d) Taxonomy The branch of Botany concerned with the classification, nomenclature and identification of plants is [CPMT 1985] (a) Systematic Botany (b) …
Taxonomy Biology is an important branch of science dealing with the study of life. It is difficult to define life. But it is easy to discriminate living things from non-living things. On this basis life is defined as a …
Geologically one of the following eras is known as “Golden age of Reptiles” or “Golden age of Dinosaurs” [BHU 1988; CMC Vellore 1993; CPMT 1994, 2003; CBSE PMT 2002; Kerala CET 2003; Pb. PMT 2000] (a) Mesozoic (b) …
1.3 Origin and Evolution of Life Origin of Universe and Earth Philosophers and scientists have been busy to solve the riddle as to how the universe and our earth were formed and how and when ‘life’ originated …
Science : The term science is derived from Latin word scientia which means knowledge. So, the term ‘science’ is used for knowledge gained by actual observation, found correct on verification and put in a systematic manner or …